
What are the most expensive medicinal materials in rural areas?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chinese herbal medicine is a kind of medicinal material which is widely used now. generally speaking, it has a very good therapeutic effect on various diseases, especially in ancient times, if you want to treat diseases, you can't do without Chinese herbal medicine, which has a far-reaching influence on medicine. So what are the most expensive medicinal materials in rural areas?

Chinese herbal medicine is a kind of medicinal materials which are widely used now. generally speaking, it has a very good therapeutic effect on various diseases, especially in ancient times, if you want to treat diseases, you can't do without Chinese herbal medicine, which has a far-reaching influence in medicine. so what are the most expensive medicinal materials in rural areas? Let's get to know it next.

1. Coptis chinensis

The rhizome of Coptis chinensis is yellow, often branched into clusters, shaped like chicken feet, many nodes and dense, mostly fibrous roots, its seeds are long oval, and its rhizomes are used as medicine, which has the effect of purging fire and detoxification, and has a good therapeutic effect on aphtha, carbuncle, heat and other diseases. And it has positive significance in lowering blood pressure and dilating blood vessels. Coptis chinensis contains a large number of medicinal ingredients such as Phellodendron, Phellodendron and so on.

2. Dodder

Dodder is relatively rare in the general market, it can help nourish the liver and kidney, calm the fetus, clear eyes, taste sweet, sexual temperature, for poor eyesight, liver and kidney qi deficiency symptoms, have auxiliary treatment effect.

3. Cistanche deserticola

Cistanche deserticola, known as desert gold, is distributed in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjiang. It has the reputation of desert ginseng, and now it has become a relatively valuable medicine. It has a very good effect of tonifying kidney yang, tonifying essence and blood, moistening intestines and relieving defecation. It has a good adjuvant treatment effect for low back and knee cold pain, weak muscles and bones, intestinal dryness and constipation.

4. Licorice

Licorice is more common in life and is often used to make tea, to help people clear heat and detoxification, to relieve pain, and to reconcile various medicines. It is used for weakness of spleen and stomach, fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, cough and sputum, epigastric, limb contracture, carbuncle and sore.

5. Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is used to clear heat and detoxification naturally, for wind-fever cold has a good therapeutic effect, and can inhibit the production of the virus, after taking, can significantly improve human immunity, and can inhibit the occurrence of inflammation.

6. Codonopsis pilosula

The main effect is to replenish qi, such as lung qi deficiency is very suitable for taking, in addition, Codonopsis pilosula can also nourish blood, dizziness, poor appetite, soft stool, taking Codonopsis can significantly improve, but also help patients with chronic glomerulonephritis to reduce urinary protein.

To sum up, this is the end of the introduction of the most expensive medicinal materials in rural areas. now there are many kinds of Chinese medicinal materials, and we should make reasonable choices according to their pharmacological effects. the above are all good market demand, and we can plant them reasonably.

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