
Ministry of Agriculture: strive to stabilize the area of winter wheat at 338 million mu in 2015

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, According to Xinhua News Agency, Yu Xinrong, vice minister of agriculture, said on September 22nd that he would strive to stabilize the area of winter wheat and winter rape at 338 million mu and 100 million mu this year. Yu Xinrong said at the national autumn and winter work video conference held here that autumn and winter planting is the agriculture of the following year.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Yu Xinrong, vice minister of agriculture, said on September 22nd that he would strive to stabilize the area of winter wheat and winter rape at 338 million mu and 100 million mu this year.

Yu Xinrong said at the national autumn and winter planting work video conference held here that planting autumn and winter is the beginning of agricultural production in the following year, which has a bearing on the absolute safety of food rations, the sustained increase of farmers' income, and the sustainable development of agriculture. It is necessary to unswervingly stabilize the goal of increasing grain income, adhere to the main line of changing the mode and adjusting the structure, accomplish various tasks of planting in autumn and winter with high standards and high quality, strive to achieve a good agricultural harvest this year, and lay a solid foundation for agriculture, especially grain harvest next year.

"the task of planting autumn and winter crops this year is very arduous. We should not only maintain a stable area and lay the foundation for a bumper harvest, but also optimize the structure of varieties and improve quality and efficiency." Yu Xinrong said: it is necessary to adhere to the word "stable" and stabilize the sown area, and the key point is to promote large-scale operation, taking into account both "stabilizing the area" and "adjusting the structure", "protecting grain" and "stabilizing oil", and "grasping autumn sowing" and "promoting winter planting".

At the same time, we should adhere to the word "mention" first and improve the quality of sowing. The key point is to speed up the rush to harvest and sow, to ensure that fine land preparation is in place, that an appropriate amount of sowing is in place, and that suppression is in place after sowing. Adhere to the word "change", achieve innovation and development, and focus on saving water, fertilizer and medicine. To adhere to the word "resistance" and ensure production safety is to fight drought and protect the whole seedling, control prosperity and prevent frost damage, and move the pass forward to prevent diseases and insect pests.

Yu Xinrong said: autumn grain is about to enter the stage of large-scale harvest, but it still needs to go through many hurdles such as cold dew wind, diseases and insect pests, and continuous rain, and all localities should make overall arrangements and make concerted efforts to do a good job in the closing battle of agriculture this year.