
What are the flowers suitable for planting in autumn and winter?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, It is already autumn and winter. Many plants have withered and very few flowers are blooming. We generally choose to grow flowers in spring, but in fact, there are also suitable for autumn and winter planting, so which flowers are suitable for autumn and winter planting? Let's get to know it. 1. Grapes

It is already autumn and winter. Many plants have withered and very few flowers are blooming. We generally choose to grow flowers in spring, but in fact, there are also suitable for autumn and winter planting, so which flowers are suitable for autumn and winter planting? Let's get to know it.

1. Grape hyacinth

It is a fine flowering plant introduced from Europe, the plant is low and neat, the flowers are peculiar, and the pedicels are covered with small flowers, either purple or pink, like a bunch of grapes, petite and lovely. The grape hyacinth group is not only very spectacular when it blooms, but also has a strong flower fragrance. In addition, grape hyacinth will only grow and sprout in a low temperature environment, so it is suitable for planting in autumn and winter.

2. Xiang Xuelan

Fragrant cymbidium, also known as freesia, is a famous ornamental plant in the world. There are many heads of fragrant cymbidium, which are rich in color, such as red, pink, golden yellow, white, purple and so on. In addition, Xiangxue orchid is evergreen at room temperature, strong leather, can be planted all the year round, because the florescence is in spring, so people generally choose to plant in autumn and winter, so it will not take long to enjoy the flowers.

3. Tulips

Tulip is a world-famous flower, its plant is highly neat, flowering time is uniform, easy to grow into one, to the flowering stage, collective bloom, easy to open a sea of flowers, very romantic mood. Tulips bloom in spring, so they are usually planted in autumn and winter.

4. Clematis

Clematis, also known as clematis, gold and silver, is a very popular ornamental flower. When it blossoms, it is elegant and generous, with luxuriant branches and leaves, colorful flowers and colors, and high ornamental value. It is known as the "queen of rattan flowers". Clematis can be planted in autumn and winter because of its strong cold tolerance, and most varieties can withstand a low temperature of minus 25 degrees Celsius.

5. Cyclamen

Cyclamen, also known as rabbit ear flower, a crown, flowers born on the long scape, as exquisite and lovely as a rabbit. Cyclamen is a very hardy flower, which can withstand a low temperature of 0 ℃ without freezing, so planting in autumn and winter can also survive.

6. Lilies

Lily is a famous flower in the world for a long time, which can be used in a wide range of uses, such as potted plants, fresh cut flowers, bride's bouquet and so on. The lilies are planted with bulbs and will blossom in about a month, and there is no problem in autumn and winter.

7. Zhu Dinghong

Zhu Dinghong is as beautiful as camellia, peony, rose and so on. It is a domestic ornamental potted flower with high status and high popularity abroad. Most of Zhu Dinghong blossoms in spring, and some flowers bloom twice, so if you plant in autumn and winter, you can watch the flowers bloom in spring.

The above is an introduction to the flowers planted in autumn and winter. In fact, in addition to these flowers, there are many flowers that can also be planted in autumn and winter, but in order to effectively ensure the survival rate, we must pay attention to conservation when planting to ensure their survival and growth.

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