
Fujian Province Facilities Livestock Subsidy Project Application Conditions

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, Fujian Province attaches great importance to the development of modern animal husbandry and has issued a series of policies and measures to strengthen, benefit and enrich animal husbandry, laying a good foundation for the stable development of the industry. The following are the application conditions for livestock and poultry subsidy projects in Fujian Province: 1. Application items

Fujian Province attaches great importance to the development of modern animal husbandry and has issued a series of policies and measures of "strengthening animal husbandry, benefiting animal husbandry and enriching animal husbandry" to lay a good foundation for the stable development of the industry. The following are the application conditions for livestock and poultry subsidy projects in Fujian Province:

Application conditions for livestock and poultry subsidy projects

1. The applicant project unit must conform to the overall planning of township land use. In the non-forbidden breeding areas stipulated by laws and regulations, the ecological environment is good, the site selection is scientific, the layout is reasonable, the infrastructure is good, the breeding facilities and equipment are advanced, the management and epidemic prevention system are standardized, the financial management is standardized, and the pig and laying hen farms with no pollution environment and quality safety incidents in the past two years and the qualified farms of state-owned farms for agricultural reclamation can also be declared.

2. The applicant unit must have legal person qualification, financial personnel (if there is no financial personnel, it must hire part-time financial personnel with accounting certificate), industrial and commercial business license, animal epidemic prevention qualification certificate, land lease contract, breeding stock and poultry farm and production and operation of commodity pig seedlings must also have "breeding stock and poultry production and operation license."

3. Pig farms applying for subsidies for ecological and environmentally friendly pig breeding facilities must be equipped with or newly purchase more than one set of harmless treatment equipment for dead pigs (including harmless treatment machine and refrigeration equipment), and additional subsidies can be applied for newly purchased harmless treatment equipment.

4. The construction project of super-large pig standardization farm that has been enjoyed is not included in the application scope of this pig ecological and environmental protection breeding facility subsidy project.

5. Priority will be given to supporting the construction or expansion of laying hen farms with an investment scale of more than 10 million yuan.

Facility Livestock Subsidy Project Application Process

1. Declaration. Qualified farms voluntarily declare, submit project declaration to the county-level agricultural (animal husbandry) department where they are located, explain the project construction contents in detail (including equipment name, model, specification, quantity, cost, investment amount, etc.), and especially clarify the contents and amount of provincial financial subsidy fund construction.

2. Confirm. The county-level agricultural (animal husbandry) department shall organize professional technical personnel to guide and assist the project unit to declare, be responsible for reviewing and recommending, put forward the reasons for recommending each farm (necessity, feasibility of the project, whether it is in a non-forbidden area, etc.), prepare PPT materials (including panoramic view of the farm, facilities and equipment conditions and photos of facilities of excrement treatment mode), and report to the district and city together with the county finance bureau. The agricultural departments of districts and cities shall carefully examine the application materials, inspect them one by one together with the agricultural (animal husbandry) departments at the county level, put forward examination opinions, and summarize and report them to the Provincial Department of Agriculture.

Application Materials for Facilities Livestock Subsidy Project

Fujian Province Facility Livestock Subsidy Project Declaration

Contact information of competent unit and undertaking department

Competent Unit: Municipal Bureau of Agriculture

Department: Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department

Contact: Huang Xuchun

Tel: 0593-2798308

Fujian Province Modern Animal Husbandry Development Characteristic Industry

Focusing on the development of coastal blue industrial belt and green economic belt in mountainous areas, we should highlight the leading enterprises, base enterprises and science and technology, develop and expand the three leading industries of tea, aquatic products and edible fungi, as well as characteristic industries such as fruits and vegetables, livestock and poultry, forest and bamboo, flowers and traditional Chinese medicine, implement a number of agricultural industrialization projects, and enlarge and strengthen a number of leading enterprises in the industry.

1. Tea. Support leading tea enterprises and professional cooperatives to build centralized contiguous ecological tea gardens. The tea garden area of the whole city shall be controlled within 1 million mu, and 50,000 mu of ecological tea gardens shall be newly built. Implement advanced green technology for disease and insect prevention and control, strengthen pesticide residue detection, improve tea quality and safety traceability system, and ensure tea product quality and safety. On the basis of maintaining and improving the traditional superior product quality of "Tanyang Gongfu","Fuding White Tea" and "Tianshan Green Tea", we will support enterprises such as Daxiang Tea to expand standardized production scale and strive to expand domestic mass consumption market and foreign market; we will support leading enterprises such as Xianyang Food Science and Technology and Green Leaf Tea Industry to accelerate modern technological innovation and vigorously develop deep processing of tea. Accelerate the construction of specialized tea markets in Fu 'an and Fuding, support tea industry associations, production enterprises and chambers of commerce in eastern Fujian to form production and marketing alliances to increase market share.

2. Marine fisheries. Develop and utilize the sea area outside the bay, carry out research on breeding varieties and models, promote the construction of offshore deep-water wind-resistant cage breeding bases such as Xiapu Fuying Island and Fudingyu Island, and encourage leading enterprises to develop "marine pastures" outside the bay. Focusing on facility fisheries, we will strengthen the construction of seven types of modern fishery industrial parks, including standardized pond culture, shallow sea facility culture, factory culture, fishery seed industry, leisure fishery, aquatic product processing and marine biological products, and do a good job in regional demonstration projects for innovative development of marine economy in Xiapu Wanfeng Circulating Water Culture Demonstration Base. Cultivate a number of large-scale leading enterprises in aquaculture, seed industry and processing, strengthen brand building efforts and improve the level of intensive processing. Support the development of Xiapu Shunlaifa, Zhengguan and other ocean-going fishing enterprises, complete the construction and put into production of 14 ocean-going fishing vessels, and realize a new breakthrough in ocean-going fishing.

3. Edible mushrooms. Actively promote the development of rare varieties, factory cultivation, substitute material cultivation, standardized transformation of mushroom sheds, vigorously support leading enterprises in modern factory edible fungi production, and strive to build and transform more than 100 mu of mushroom sheds. Efforts will be made to expand the intensive processing of edible fungi and support the development and growth of leading enterprises and professional cooperatives such as Gutian Zhengrong, Zherong Zhiyuan and Gutian Licheng Cooperative.

4. Fruits and vegetables. Vigorously support agricultural leading enterprises, professional cooperatives, family farms and other new business entities to build centralized contiguous and high-standard facilities for fruits and vegetables, supporting the construction of greenhouse greenhouses and intelligent temperature-controlled greenhouses, water and fertilizer integration and storage and preservation facilities, and promoting modern technologies such as soilless substrate cultivation and intelligent control. Vigorously develop intensive processing of fruits and vegetables and improve the added value of products.

5. Livestock. Vigorously develop characteristic and green breeding industry and promote scale breeding. Support the transformation and upgrading of large-scale pig breeding enterprises with an annual output of more than 50,000 pigs and the construction of advantageous characteristic livestock and poultry breeding bases, and improve the standardized scale breeding level. Strengthen pollution control of livestock and poultry breeding in key river basins, promote ecological and environmental protection breeding mode, and reduce non-point source pollution of livestock and poultry breeding. Support Nanyang Industry, Gutian Ruiyun, Zhou Ning Yiran, Pingnan Qiutian and other leading enterprises to upgrade their levels.

6. Bamboo industry and undergrowth economy. Organize the implementation of the bamboo industry development and enrichment (Phase II) project, strengthen typical demonstration and leading drive, and strive to achieve the city's bamboo industry output value of 1.5 billion yuan. Vigorously develop forest medicine planting industry dominated by Dendrobium officinale and Anoectochilus chinensis, and under-forest product processing industry dominated by bamboo shoot processing, biopharmaceuticals, bio-energy oil, etc., striving to achieve an under-forest economic output value of 4 billion yuan in the whole city.

7. Flowers. Conscientiously implement the construction of key counties of modern agriculture (flowers), vigorously develop local characteristic flowers, speed up the construction of Jiaocheng Green Friends Garden, Green Treasure Red Jade Pearl, Fu 'an Dingsen Camellia, Gutian Yangta Horticultural Anthurium and other facilities flowers and characteristic ornamental greening seedling demonstration bases, and strive to reach 150 flower and seedling planting enterprises in the city, with a planting area of 70,000 mu of flowers and seedlings.

8. Traditional Chinese medicine. Pay attention to risk prevention and application of science and technology, rationally plan layout, vigorously promote scientific planting technology, and strengthen the construction of improved seed breeding base and standardized production base. Pay attention to brand building and market guidance, crack down on fake agricultural materials, and ensure the quality and safety of traditional Chinese medicine products from the source. Scientific and orderly development of radix pseudostellariae, honeysuckle, yellow gardenia and rare traditional Chinese medicine, cultivate a number of regional traditional Chinese medicine brands. Support Guangshengtang, Tianren, Lijiexun, West Bank Biotechnology and other leading enterprises to become bigger and stronger.