
How to raise native chickens to make money in 2017?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the face of the gradual development of the aquaculture industry, native chicken with zero pollution is becoming more and more popular among urban people, but for farmers, how to use low cost to earn high efficiency is the most concerned issue for farmers, so how to raise native chicken in 2017 can make money? Native chicken

In the face of the gradual development of the aquaculture industry, native chicken with 0 added pollution is becoming more and more popular among urban people, but for farmers, how to use low cost to earn high benefit is the most concerned problem for farmers, so how to raise native chicken in 2017 can make money?

Native chicken, also known as stocking chicken, firewood chicken, is the use of woodland, orchards, pastures, barren hills and barren slopes and other natural ecological resources to graze broiler production. Because the meat flavor of native chicken is good, chicken flavor is rich and chewy, so the market price is much higher than caged chicken. However, raising native chickens is a technical job, and many farmers who develop the local chicken industry do not get a higher income, or even lose money when the market is bad.

Variety selection

Native chicken breeds generally choose local chicken breeds, one is the slow growth rate of local chicken breeds, and the other is strong adaptability and good disease resistance of local chicken breeds. You can also choose high-quality slow varieties cultivated by breeding institutions.

Site selection of chicken farm

Choose places with high dry terrain, leeward to the sun, quiet environment, adequate and sanitary water sources, convenient drainage and power supply, and forest belts, orchards, grasslands, barren hills and barren slopes or other economic woodlands suitable for stocking to meet the requirements of health and epidemic prevention.

Chicken farm layout

The layout should be scientific, reasonable and practical, and the relative position of houses and facilities should be determined according to the topography, topography and wind direction; an epidemic prevention isolation zone should be set up, the principle of isolation between production and living areas should be strictly implemented, and at the same time, the nestling house should be distinguished from stocking, and there should be no intersection between the dirty road and the clean road.

Chicken coop preparation

Native chicken breeding needs to build a nestling house and a stocking henhouse, if you buy a detempered chicken, you only need to build a stocking chicken coop, which requires heat prevention and heat preservation, leeward to the sun, sufficient light, uniform arrangement, and convenient for health and epidemic prevention.

Preparation of supporting facilities, equipment and materials

Before entering the chicken, prepare the drinking fountain, material plate, veterinary medicine, vaccine and feed, and at the same time clean and disinfect the chicken house and articles, as well as the feeding and management of the 6 brooding period: the brooding period is 1-30 days old, and the brooding link is very important. pay special attention to the temperature, humidity, density and ventilation during the breeding period. With a good grasp of these four factors, the quality of chicks is good and it is not easy to get sick in the later stage. It is recommended to use full-price formula feed during the breeding period.

Feeding and management during stocking period

The stocking time of native chicken should be after 4 weeks, and the daytime temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃. In the season of low temperature, the stocking should begin from 40 days old to 50 days old. Feed is supplied with mixed grains such as full-price feed and corn. At this stage, attention should be paid to attracting insects, killing rats, drinking water, and strict prevention of poisoning.

Pay attention to the column at the right time.

The longer the native chicken is raised, the more delicious it is, and of course, the longer it is raised, the more cost-effective it is. It is usually 120-150 days old. If

Local chicken breeding market

Native chickens can not be raised on a large scale because the price is too high and the market capacity is small. Native chicken is only suitable for broilers, as the feed-egg ratio of laying hens is too high, it is not cost-effective, and there is no difference in nutritional value between native eggs and caged chickens. The stocking density should not be too high. According to our calculation, each batch stocking of one mu of land should not exceed 80, otherwise it will cause great damage to the ecology and be easy to get sick.

The feed problem of native chicken

In the face of the gradual development of the breeding industry, native chicken with 0 added pollution is becoming more and more popular among urban people, but for farmers, how to make use of low cost to earn high benefit is the problem that farmers are most concerned about. With the continuous rise of feed prices, it is necessary and feasible to add a certain amount of green roughage to the diet of grass chicken, but we need to pay attention to the following problems in the process of adding:

1. Different feeding methods were adopted according to different growth stages of grass pheasant. Chicks start eating with concentrate, and about 20% chopped vegetables can be added to the concentrate from the age of 4 days. Because of its small esophageal capacity, it should be fed less frequently to make the chicks form a good conditioned reflex to the food, and lay the foundation for them to find grass food in the pasture after being deheated. When the grass chicken is 36 ~ 80 days old, grazing can be adopted if possible, and attention should be paid to replenishing the full price ingredients to the grass chicken early and late during grazing. If there are no conditions for stocking chickens, green roughage can be added to their diets at the ratio of 1 ∶ 1. The feeding method is to feed the chickens with a single full price feed, and then put the same amount of green roughage in the bucket 1 hour later, so that the chickens can eat freely. The feeding amount of green roughage can be appropriately reduced 15 days before the grass chicken goes out, so as to shorten the fattening period and increase the daily gain.

2. The use of green coarse fodder should be matched in various ways to ensure the quality. Any kind of green roughage does not have comprehensive nutritional value, if mixed in a variety of ways, it can play a complementary role, improve the utilization rate of various amino acids in feed, and reduce feed cost at the same time. Such as legume feed with Gramineae feed, aquatic feed with sweet potato rattan powder or flour, but avoid straw powder with blighted husk, rice husk and bran.

3. Pay attention to the processing and preparation of green roughage. Green roughage had better be chopped, beaten and mixed with fine fodder. If it is stacked for too long or braised, it can cause nitrite poisoning or even death of grass chicken. Roughages such as sweet potato vines, bitter vines, peanut vines, alfalfa and champagne should be dried immediately after harvest and try to maintain their integrity. They can be silaged or processed into dry powder and mixed with concentrate when needed.

4. To ensure a uniform supply of green roughage throughout the year. Affected by the season, the supply of green roughage in many areas of our province is uneven in the four seasons, but as long as the planning of forage planting is strengthened, the problem can be solved. Such as planting chicory, Rumex and alfalfa in spring, planting champagne and grain amaranth in early summer, planting purple yunying, winter cabbage and yellow cabbage in winter, and drying or silaging some coarse fodder in autumn for use in the off-season.
