
Achieving sustainable and effective supply of major agricultural products emphasizes both quantity and benefit.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In such a populous country as our country, the problem of food is a top priority. At present, the economic and social development has entered a new historical period, especially at a time when the world economic growth is obviously slowing down and the negative impact on China's economy is deepening day by day.

In such a populous country as our country, the problem of food is a top priority. At present, the economic and social development has entered a new historical period, especially at a time when the world economic growth is obviously slowing down and the negative impact on China's economy is deepening day by day, the agricultural and rural economic development is facing the impact and going against the trend. It has not only achieved a "full grain warehouse", but also achieved a "full basket of vegetables", effectively ensuring the effective supply of major agricultural products. Become a "fixed star" and "ballast stone" to stabilize the overall situation of economic and social development.

Realize "full grain warehouse" and ensure "full basket of food"

In terms of grain output and per capita share, the current situation of food security in China is generally good. The quantity is sufficient, the supply is guaranteed, and people's needs can be met. From the balance of supply and demand and the degree of satisfaction of residents, the current situation of food security in China is generally good. " Song Hongyuan, director of the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, said.

Ensuring the effective supply of grain and other major agricultural products has always been the primary task of agricultural development and the primary responsibility of the agricultural sector. In recent years, agricultural departments at all levels have fully mobilized farmers' enthusiasm for production, stabilized grain area, popularized improved varieties and methods, raised the level of per unit yield, tried every possible means to strive for a good grain harvest, comprehensively strengthened the comprehensive agricultural production capacity, and continuously promoted grain production, enriching the "rice bags" of urban and rural residents. In 2014, grain output reached 1.2 trillion jin, double that of 1978, with an average annual growth rate of 1.94%. The per capita share of grain has exceeded 400 kg for four consecutive years.

In recent years, the Ministry of Agriculture has continued to further promote the construction of a new round of "vegetable basket" projects, focusing on the construction of production capacity, strengthening information monitoring and early warning, strengthening monitoring and spot checks, actively promoting the convergence of production and marketing, and booming supply and demand of "vegetable baskets" products. In 2014, the supply of major agricultural products such as cotton oil sugar, fruit, vegetable and tea, meat, eggs and milk, and aquatic products was abundant, and the overall market operation was stable. There were no major agricultural product quality and safety incidents and major regional animal epidemics throughout the year.

According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Agriculture, by the end of August this year, the vegetable area in the fields of the 580 key vegetable counties was 1.42 million mu, an increase of 9.4 percent over the previous month; and the output was 1.11 million tons, an increase of 10.6 percent over the previous month. 7.214 million heads were kept in 4000 pig farming villages, with a total of 8.522 million heads. There are 15.265 million laying hens in 100 laying hens breeding counties, with a total egg output of 173000 tons. 8300 milk stations involved 5.619 million dairy cows, with a year-on-year increase of 78.0% per household and a cumulative output of 12.882 million tons of fresh milk, an increase of 4.0% over the same period last year. 137000 beef cattle and 4.379 million mutton sheep were kept in 250 cattle villages and 500 sheep villages respectively. According to statistics from 20 major fishery producing provinces of the Ministry of Agriculture, the national output of aquatic products from January to August was 34.314 million tons, an increase of 3.5 percent over the same period last year.

Keep an eye on the price of food and keep it safe

The price trend of agricultural products is a "barometer" that affects the consumption index of residents, and the early warning and monitoring of the price of agricultural products is an important "staff" to ensure the supply of agricultural products.

On September 14, the Ministry of Agriculture launched a pilot project for agricultural information analysis and early warning of the whole industry chain of eight varieties, including rice, wheat, corn, soybeans, cotton, live pigs, beef and mutton and vegetables. Facing 14 major producing and selling areas, including Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Liaoning, 1061 analysts were selected in all aspects of production, processing and circulation, and a whole industry chain analysis and early warning team was set up. Paying close attention to the production situation and market price trend of major "vegetable baskets" products has become an important information support for market-oriented agricultural "transformation and restructuring", and constantly promotes the improvement of the price formation mechanism of agricultural products.

While paying attention to the price trend, strict control of the quality and safety of fresh agricultural products is a major focus for the agricultural sector to ensure supply. Over the past year, the Ministry of Agriculture has carried out risk investigation work in key areas, important varieties, and key links, focusing on the illegal addition of toxic and harmful substances, the slaughtering of sick and dead pigs, and the production and sale of fake and shoddy agricultural materials, and organized special rectification to strictly guard against systemic risks. According to the recent monitoring results of 94 indicators of 96 varieties of 5 categories of products, including vegetables, fruit and tea, livestock and poultry, and aquatic products in 152 large and medium-sized cities across the country, the overall qualified rate is 96.2%. Among them, the qualified rates of vegetables, livestock and poultry products and aquatic products were 95.2%, 99.4% and 94.8% respectively, and the quality and safety level of "vegetable basket" products was generally stable.

At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture has made great efforts to promote the convergence of production and marketing of fresh agricultural products and actively deal with the problem of unsalable and difficult to sell. It further expands the sales channels and ensures the market supply of "vegetable basket" products.

Pay attention to both quantity and benefit

While ensuring the supply of agricultural products, various localities actively adjust and optimize the agricultural structure, paying equal attention to quantity and quality benefits, and the agricultural products of high quality, diversification and specialization are becoming more and more abundant.

Since the beginning of this year, agricultural departments at all levels have paid more attention to innovating the mode of agricultural management, speeding up the cultivation of new types of agricultural operators, building a modern agricultural management system, and paying more attention to optimizing and adjusting the agricultural industrial structure. we will promote the overall planning of grain economy and feeding, the combination of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing, the integration of planting and breeding, and the integration of one, two and three industries, and construct a modern agricultural industrial system. Pay more attention to the quality and safety of agricultural products, promote standardized green production, build a modern agricultural production system, and pay more attention to the overall use of two kinds of resources in the two markets, not only to support domestic supply and ecology, but also to protect the development of domestic industries and the interests of farmers.

With the release of documents such as the "guiding opinions of the Ministry of Agriculture on further adjusting and optimizing the Agricultural structure," the pilot projects such as grain-bean rotation, grain conversion to feed, and the integration of the first, second and third industries have been carried out in an orderly manner, and the current adjustment of the agricultural structure has entered a new stage. the diversified functions of agriculture are constantly being released, which has also contributed to the sustained and steady growth of farmers' income.