
Can pangolin be raised? How to breed pangolin?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pangolin regards a country as protected animal, can you raise artificially? How are pangolins bred? Pangolin can be cultured in our country. The current price is about 500 yuan/kg. People like to eat it because Manis spp. It's a precious Chinese herbal medicine raw material, it's

As a national protected animal, can pangolin be raised artificially? How are pangolins raised? Pangolins can be raised in our country. The current price is about 500RMB / kg. People like to eat pangolins (Manis spp.) It is a valuable raw material of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is one of the 14 important medicinal endangered wild animals in China. Due to excessive hunting and habitat destruction, the number of wild resources has declined sharply to the brink of depletion. In this regard, our government and the international community have given extensive attention and attention. Pangolins produced in China have been listed as national second-class key protected wild animals and classified as vulnerable by the Red Book of Endangered Animals in China. IUCN has listed all species of pangolins in the Appendix II of CITES.

Can pangolins be raised? How to breed pangolin

In order to protect China's wild pangolin resources and achieve sustainable utilization, it is not only the need to protect species diversity and maintain ecological balance, but also the need to realize the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. Analyzing the present situation of pangolin resources in China and discussing the protection strategy can not only provide a basis for international conservation organizations to formulate the adjustment of international trade quota and prohibited trade grade, but also provide decision-making reference for the scientific formulation of China's wild pangolin resource conservation action plan.

Pangolin, also known as mud carp, unicorn, pangolin, is an ancient mammal, Lepidoptera pangolin family. The body length is generally 40-55 cm, the tail is flat and thick, and the body is short. The body and tail are covered with imbricate horny scales; the head is small, the tip of the snout, the mouth, ears and eyes are small, toothless, the tongue is slender, and can protrude from the mouth to fetch food. The limbs are short and the claws are strong and sharp, used to scratch the ground for food or to dig caves. The pangolin has a gentle temperament, likes to eat ants and other insects, is timid and afraid, and forages during the day and at night. Wild is mainly distributed in the south of the Yangtze River in China and Vietnam, Myanmar, Nepal and other places, living in hilly forests, thickets, grass and other places.

Can pangolins be raised? How to breed pangolin

Pangolin is a rare medicinal animal with high medicinal value. Li Shizhen recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica: "scale can cure acne, madness, dysmenorrhea and milk." Its meat and tablets can be used as medicine. Lin piece slightly cold taste salty, with swelling and pus discharge, blood circulation, channels and collaterals, lower milk and other effects, can treat sores, breast pain, rheumatoid arthritis, amenorrhea, breast milk and other diseases; its meat is delicate and delicious, is a banquet delicacy.

Pangolin is a second-class protected animal in the country, which is strictly forbidden to be hunted and killed. Its nail tablet is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine in China. In recent years, due to the sharp decrease in the number of wild pangolins and few artificial breeders, the market of traditional Chinese medicine is tight and the price soars. According to experts' prediction, the market trend of this medicine will continue to be strong in the next few years. Therefore, artificial breeding pangolin not only has considerable economic benefits, but also helps to protect natural resources.

At present, there is no artificial reproduction of pangolin provenances used in breeding in China, but all rely on capturing or purchasing wild pangolins from the market for seed use. The state lists pangolins as protected animals, forbids hunting and trading, and it is difficult to rely on market acquisition, so in order to solve the problem of breeding provenance, one must first obtain the approval of the local forestry department before going up the mountain to hunt. You can go up the mountain with hunters to find caves where pangolins live, or use hounds to help hunt, track, and find caves for digging. Pangolins can be dug all the year round, especially in summer and autumn.

Pangolins live in caves all the year round, so artificial breeding should simulate wild habits and build suitable feeding rooms. Choose the place with damp, leeward, needle and broad-leaved mixed forest to build the field. The wall foundation of the field should be more than 60cm, in order to the degree of the hard layer of the soil, the feeding room can be divided into two parts: the inner room and the activity field, the area should not be too large, the floor should be laid with cement, and the activity field should be surrounded by four walls, the wall is 2 meters high, and the area of the activity field should be 60 square meters. set up a dung tank, which contains dry soil, because pangolins have the habit of digging holes and burying dung when defecating. In the field, rockery is piled up, caves are built, trees are planted on the rockery, and a pool is built next to it to put mountain spring water or tap water. The inner room of the feeding room can be divided into several small chambers, and the middle of each chamber can make a hemispherical nest with a diameter of 60 cm and a depth of 40 cm. The nest is covered with cut-off hay, a wooden cover is covered on the nest, and an entry and exit tunnel is made. Only one pangolin is raised in each room.

I. feeding and management

Pangolin is a kind of special food animal, which is wild, withdrawn and has poor adaptability to the environment, which increases the difficulty of artificial breeding.

1. Feed: pangolins have specific food habits and specialize in ants, so it is very difficult to catch termites artificially under artificial feeding conditions, because each pangolin needs to eat 80,120g termites a day, generally, a nest of termites is no more than 1000 grams at most. moreover, the ant nest is difficult to find, even if there is an ant nest, it takes a lot of effort to dig the nest, so the following measures must be taken. The main results are as follows: (1) artificial cultivation of termites: the culture method is to dig holes in the ground, rot the branches and leaves of pine trees, and introduce termite species for mass reproduction. (2) artificial feed preparation: the artificial feed formula should be reasonable, the proportion of various ingredients should be appropriate, and the prepared feed should be palatable and like to eat. Pangolins, which have just been caught for seed use, begin to refuse artificial feed and must be fed with termites or black ants, and then gradually change the feed ratio until they become accustomed to artificial feed. Individual pangolins that have been rejected for a long time can also be fed artificially. Pangolins live in caves during the day and come out to look for food at night. Some birds or other bait can often be placed on the rockery to attract termites, ants and other insects, and black lights can also be installed in the field to attract insects such as moths for pangolin consumption.

two。 Feeding: the feeding room should be disinfected regularly, the soil of drinking water and dung tank should be changed frequently, and the eating basin should be washed once a day without moldy feed, and the pangolin should be fed regularly and quantitatively once a day, 150 ~ 200 grams of artificial feed each time. After feeding, the pangolin was put into the activity ground for 2 hours. Because pangolin is used to living in caves in the wild, it has poor ability to adapt to the change of ground temperature. Once the temperature and humidity in the feeding room is not properly controlled, it is easy to catch cold and cause pneumonia and die. The room temperature should be controlled at 18: 25 ℃, and the relative humidity should be controlled at 60% to 70%, so that the feeding room can basically be warm in winter and cool in summer, which is beneficial to the growth and development of pangolins.

Pangolins change from wild to domesticated, with great changes in food and environmental conditions, which sometimes cause temporary physiological maladaptation and are prone to three kinds of diseases: (1) lice disease, which occurs on the body surface, and bathe its body surface with 10ml of lice-removing essence mixed with 3kg of water; (2) gastrointestinal diseases, if pangolins have diarrhea and eat less, they should be fed with dysentery, oxytetracycline and chloramphenicol for 4 days. (3) coccidiosis, the pangolin with this disease is generally emaciated and anorexic. At this time, sulfur powder can be added to the diet (0.5kg of bait is added to 2g) and fed continuously for 3 days for 4 days. Accumulate some sterilized river sand in the field, that is, mix 1000 times of 90% crystal trichlorfon solution in the river sand, mix evenly, let the pangolin sand bath, prevent the disease and make the pangolin phosphorus tablets smooth and plump.

Second, reproductive technology

Pangolins generally enter the breeding stage when their body weight is more than 2 kilograms. They usually mate in estrus from May to July every year, give birth from November to December, and have a gestation period of 5-6 months. Pangolin has a long duration of estrus, male estrus has been estrus, not cyclical; females have 2-5 estrus cycles, estrus cycle 12-25 days. The female is no longer in estrus after conception. Males look for females everywhere during estrus, cohabit during estrus and separate after mating. Pangolin can give birth to 3 babies in 2 years under the condition of artificial feeding. The newborn pangolin weighs 90,130g, closes its eyes, is scaleless, pale white, and opens its eyes at the age of half a month. After one month, it gains 20000g and 500g, and the scales gradually become keratinized, mostly dark brown. After 2 months, the newborn pangolin can go out with the mother to look for food. At 6 months, the baby animal can weigh 1500g to 2000g and can live independently without the mother. Young animals born in the first year can mature sexually in the second year and mate and breed.

III. Medicinal processing

Pangolin is used in medicine with scales, which is called pangolin. Can be processed throughout the year, pangolin killed, to clean flesh, sun-dried is a carapace (carapace). Put the carapace in boiling water, peel off the carapace and dry it, or put the carapace in lime water, rinse and dry the flesh with clean water. The exfoliated nail cutin is tough and elastic, slightly transparent, difficult to break, smelly and salty. When making, separate according to the size of the mountain nail piece, first stir-fry the sand in the pan, pour into the nail piece and then stir with the sand until it is golden brown, take out, sift the sand, stir evenly in the vinegar basin while hot (200ml vinegar for every 500g nail piece), take out and dry, and then call it "nail bead" after processing.

In fact, raising pangolins is not very difficult. Yunnan Wildlife reception and Rescue Center has successfully raised pangolins and has bred the second generation of offspring. Food is an artificial paste compound with a temperature between 10 and 29 degrees Celsius. It is fed at night and sleeps during the day.