
Can budgerigar talk? What does a budgie sound like?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Can budgerigar talk? What does a budgie sound like? Budgerigar has a 4% to 5% chance of talking, depending on how to train. Macaws and red-breasted parrots are easier to train to speak, budgerigars and others because of their physical structure.

Can budgerigar talk? What does a budgie sound like? Budgerigar has a 4% to 5% chance of talking, depending on how to train. Macaws and red-breasted parrots are easier to train to speak because of their physical structure, while budgerigars and other parrots are relatively difficult, but parrots are trained to imitate human pronunciation and other sounds because their tongues are more special than ordinary birds.

People teach tiger skin it is best to let girls teach male tiger skin to talk much higher than female tiger skin, which is of course easier to teach when raised from an early age. A person is more likely to learn to speak, because when there is no other bird to communicate, he will want to communicate with humans and will naturally learn to speak.

Budgerigar cries: a whisper means to be in a good mood. Quack means to be frightened. Gollum means something like whispering. Ja Ja means to be anxious. Quack means to warn or get angry.

Can budgerigars talk?

Budgerigar can talk. Most parrots in small parrot subjects can talk, such as tiger skin, Xuan Feng, Xiao Yi and so on, because the bird vocal cords and organs of parrot subjects are the same as those suitable for making all kinds of sounds. In fact, budgerigars can imitate human speech in the early stages of domestication, and many records show that they have a strong ability to imitate. It is said that at the beginning of the 20th century, a man-raised budgerigar escaped and was caught and sent back because it read the home phone number all the way. Now this ability has declined obviously, and it is very difficult to see a talking budger. it may be due to the reduction of breeding pressure and the deterioration of bird imitation ability in captivity.

Second, budgerigar speech teaching preparation

1. Choose Yacheng's male budgerigar for the following reasons. ① sub-individuals (individuals after emerging from nesting to sexual maturity) are more likely to accept new things, so the success rate is higher. ② male budgerigars are much better at singing (mimicking the calls of other birds and some sounds, including talking) than female budgerigars.

2. The birds to be trained cannot be kept in the same room with other species of birds (except the teacher birds), and the birds that teach to speak should be kept in a separate cage.

3. It is generally believed that teaching parrots to speak requires twisting their tongues, which is a misunderstanding and does harm to parrots in vain. In fact, whether to twist the tongue or not has no scientific basis and significant effect on parrot learning human language. Because the vocal organs of most birds are "singing tubes" located at the lower end of the trachea and bronchial branches, which are pronounced by the contraction of attached muscles, while the human vocal cords are at the upper end of the trachea.

Third, the teaching method of budgerigar talking.

1. Time: early morning is the best, because the singing of birds is the most active in the morning, when the birds are not full, and the teaching effect is good.

2. Environment: be quiet, there can be no noise and conversation, otherwise it is easy to distract the attention of birds and learn sounds that should not be learned. Therefore, it is best to choose to teach in a quiet room.

3. Content: we should insist on teaching budgerigar to speak every day, and teach it sentence by sentence, first of all, from simple words, such as "Hello", "good-bye", etc., and not two sentences at the same time. When teaching them to say words, they should pronounce clearly and not vaguely, so as to make the words learned by birds more clear. (the method often used is to use the myna, wrens or purple-winged starlings that can already speak as teacher birds and let the tiger skin parrot learn, which can save a lot of manpower and is faster, if you don't have a teacher bird. You can choose a repeater or teach in person, the effect is just as good).

Conclusion: whether budgerigar can talk or not depends on the individual differences of birds. Not every budgie can successfully learn to speak. The success rate of budgerigar learning to speak is about 22% (calculated according to budgerigar learning to talk for a year or so), so you should be prepared for failure.

Through the above introduction, we now know whether budgerigar can talk and how to teach budgerigar to speak. Parrot imitation means that some birds can imitate human language, budgerigar may not necessarily speak, and individual primitive bird species can train it to speak, but there are very few who can talk, but as long as it is raised from an early age, preferably male, it is possible to speak.