
Key points of Animal Husbandry work in Meishan City in 2017

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 2017 is an important year for the implementation of the 13th five-year Plan and a critical year for the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry. The animal husbandry work of the whole city should thoroughly implement the Municipal Government's opinions on accelerating the Transformation and upgrading of Animal Husbandry, grasp the general tone of seeking progress in the midst of stability, and plan as a whole.

2017 is an important year for implementing the 13th five-year Plan and a key year for the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry. The city's animal husbandry work should thoroughly implement the Municipal Government's opinions on accelerating the Transformation and upgrading of Animal Husbandry, grasp the general tone of seeking progress in the midst of stability, and make overall plans to ensure supply, safety, and ecology. promote the coordinated development of modern animal husbandry production and ecology.

First, work ideas

Thoroughly implement the new development concept, focus on building a strong city of modern animal husbandry, with the goal of "optimizing supply, improving quality and efficiency, and increasing farmers' income", highlight the theme of breeding cycle and green development, and focus on structural adjustment and transformation. Stable pigs, strong dairy cows, strong birds and rabbits, support cattle and sheep; take reform and innovation as the driving force, strengthen policy, science and technology, facilities and equipment, personnel and mechanism support Efforts should be made to build a modern animal husbandry production system with regional layout, large-scale aquaculture, production standardization, management industrialization and socialized service, so as to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry.

II. Main objectives

In 2017, the city's animal husbandry achieved the "2345-year" work target: the output of milk increased by 2000 tons, livestock and poultry increased by more than 3 percent (including cattle and sheep, poultry and meat rabbits), and the output value of animal husbandry in the city increased by 4 percent. The proportion of large-scale breeding of major livestock and poultry increased by 5 percentage points compared with the same period last year. Strive to avoid major regional animal epidemics and incidents of public health and safety of animal origin, major livestock product safety and production safety.

III. Key points of work

(1) highlight regional characteristics and promote supply-side reform. Centering on "Internet + 's modern animal husbandry", we will promote mechanized, intelligent and automated breeding, develop a new type of frame farming that does not destroy the land farming layer, and implement scientific and technological innovation, breed improvement, equipment renewal, and so on. The contribution rate of science and technology has increased by 0.5%, and the cost of pig breeding has decreased by an average of 2%. Change the mode of production in pursuit of output, break through the processing deficiency, increase the added value and enhance the comparative efficiency. In combination with regional characteristics, we should steadily develop the pig industry, strengthen the advantageous industries of dairy cows and poultry, vigorously develop herbivorous livestock such as cattle, sheep and rabbits, actively develop characteristic industries such as quails and bees, and increase the proportion of non-pig output value by 1 percentage point.

(2) to control livestock and poultry pollution and develop ecological animal husbandry. To conscientiously implement Secretary Li Jing's important directive spirit of "curing both the symptoms and root causes, scientific layout and recycling, with the most powerful measures and actions to control non-point source pollution in rural areas" and "strive to achieve zero pollution and zero emission" and the spirit of Zhongliang Vice Mayor's instruction that "must be put in place and do a good job in livestock and poultry manure control", we will completely close or relocate the breeding farms (residential areas) in the prohibited areas before the end of the year. To complete the construction of facilities for the storage, treatment and utilization of manure from large-scale aquaculture enterprises in the suitable culture area. Livestock and poultry manure treatment implements "sequential time, inverted construction period, wallchart operations, Kanban management, process supervision and inspection, year-end payment". We will strengthen the guidance and services for the comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry breeding wastes, and establish an agricultural and animal husbandry cycle mechanism of "the combination of planting and breeding". The comprehensive utilization rate of manure in the city's large-scale livestock and poultry farms has reached 65%. Support the establishment of planting and breeding cycle ecological demonstration parks and ecological demonstration pastures, and build six planting and breeding cycle ecological demonstration parks (farms).

(3) to recruit large universities and attract strong ones, and cultivate industrial leaders. Based on the advantages of location and resources, industrial and commercial capital and social capital are encouraged to invest in modern animal husbandry; in view of the weak processing of pork and blank processing of poultry products in our city, leading enterprises with strong economic strength and high brand awareness are introduced to cultivate and strengthen local enterprises with a good foundation for green development and strong driving role. Introduce more than one well-known brand animal husbandry enterprises to settle in Meishan, start construction of more than one major investment project, complete and put into production one major investment project, follow up and promote 10 key investment projects, and cultivate and grow six leading enterprises.

(4) intensify exploration and innovate the development mechanism. We will develop new business entities such as leading enterprises, family farms and professional cooperatives, and improve the degree of organization and the ability to resist risks. Industrial talents are encouraged to drive the standardized development of special societies. The city standardizes the development of 10 animal husbandry cooperatives (United societies), 30 new family farms and 800 new modern farming owners. Strengthen risk prevention, improve market price early warning mechanism, strengthen guidance, explore industrial chain risk sharing mechanism and market price insurance mechanism, guard against market risks; do a good job of policy insurance for pigs and dairy cows, and constantly explore the insurance mechanism of small poultry rabbits to resist natural risks.

(5) carry out standard farming and expand regional brands. We will adhere to the matching of improved varieties and methods, the combination of facilities and technology, the improvement of quality and efficiency, and the coordination of production ecology, establish and improve a standardized production system, and create a standardized breeding base for high-quality livestock products with unique regional characteristics. Vigorously carry out "three products and one standard" certification, through "Internet +", actively participate in various promotion activities, enhance the influence of the brand, strengthen the enterprise brand, and expand the regional brand. The city added 10 new geographical indications for pollution-free agricultural products, green food, organic agricultural products and agricultural products, 2 new well-known brands, and e-commerce accounted for 25% of sales.

(6) strengthen monitoring and supervision to ensure the safety of the industry. We should do a good job in the prevention and control of animal diseases, strengthen the construction and operation management of the cold chain system, do a good job in monitoring and early warning of animal epidemics, and do a good job in immunization against major animal epidemics and rabies. The annual immune density of compulsory immune diseases is more than 95%, and the qualified rate of immune antibodies is more than 70%. We should do a good job in the quality and safety of animal products, further strengthen the supervision and sampling of feed, veterinary drugs and other inputs, and do a good job in routine monitoring and sampling of the quality and safety of national animal products in 2017 in Dongpo District, Pengshan District, Renshou County and Hongya County. We will promote the upgrading of pressure points for designated slaughtering of pigs, the examination and issuance of certificates, and the harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry, strengthen quarantine, strengthen the convergence of law enforcement and judicature, and severely crack down on all kinds of illegal activities. we will build a livestock product safety supervision pattern of "administrative supervision, industry self-discipline, social supervision, and public participation". The quarantine rate of animals and animal products has reached 100%, 30000 samples of "clenbuterol" have been tested, and 1200 pieces of raw milk have been monitored. We should do a good job in production safety and social stability, and conscientiously do a good job in production safety in accordance with the provisions of "the same responsibility of the party and government, one post and two responsibilities, joint management, dereliction of duty" and "one post, two responsibilities" for the stability of letters and visits.

(7) to provide assistance to real industries and help to lift people out of poverty. Further integrate project funds to implement the "six one" accurate poverty alleviation, promote the "1235" model, through the development of animal husbandry industry to achieve "20, 000 a year, one year out of poverty, three years loan repayment, never return to poverty." We will promote the models of "foster care" and "substitute cultivation", promote poor farmers to develop aquaculture, solve the problems of lack of funds, technology and market, reduce the risk of epidemic diseases, and avoid market risks. We will guide poor households to participate in industrial development and share industrial benefits by means of land and project subsidies. Through assistance, the city has lifted 727 people out of poverty in the animal husbandry industry and comprehensively completed the task of lifting 10,000 people out of poverty in three years.

(8) Administration in strict accordance with the law and strengthening the law enforcement of animal husbandry. We will implement "promoting animal husbandry according to law and managing animal husbandry according to law", and strengthen the study and publicity of animal husbandry and veterinary laws and regulations. Strengthen the building of law enforcement personnel, improve the quality of law enforcement personnel, strictly examine the legality and law enforcement procedures, and improve the ability and level of animal husbandry and veterinary administrative law enforcement. We will step up efforts to crack down on law enforcement and investigate cases, severely crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal acts of animal husbandry, and protect the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry for green development.

(9) strengthen the building of the team and improve the level of service. We will comprehensively strengthen party building and the building of a clean and honest party style, maintain strong political determination, strictly enforce political discipline and rules, promote the correct style of work in the industry, and further change the style of work. Strengthen the capacity building of the team, through professional training, provide training platform, take the form of "pass, help, lead" and other forms to improve the professional ability and level of cadres and workers. Solid development of grass-roots convenience services, based on standardization, convenience and efficiency, to achieve results in the grass-roots convenience and professional service of the animal husbandry system to the masses.