
Key points of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary work in Nanjing in 2017

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In 2017, the city's animal husbandry and veterinary work revolved around the construction of national modern agricultural demonstration areas, adhering to the transformation of the mode of development as the main line, green development as the guidance, highlighting scientific and technological innovation, overall protection of ecology and stable supply, and strengthening the comprehensive utilization of aquaculture wastes to promote animal epidemic.

In 2017, the city's animal husbandry and veterinary work revolved around the construction of the national modern agricultural demonstration zone, persisted in changing the mode of development as the main line, guided by green development, highlighted scientific and technological innovation, comprehensively protected ecology and stable supply, and strengthened the comprehensive utilization of breeding wastes. we will enhance the ability of animal disease prevention and control, strengthen the supervision of the quality and safety of animal products, and promote the sustained, stable and green development of animal husbandry.

This year, eight new provincial animal husbandry ecological health breeding demonstration farms have been added in the city, the proportion of large and medium-sized pig breeding has increased by 2 percentage points, and the management rate of large-scale livestock and poultry farms (residential areas) has reached more than 60%. The immune density of major animal epidemics should reach 100%, and the average qualified rate of immune antibodies should reach more than 80%, so as to ensure that there are no major regional animal epidemics, major animal product quality and safety incidents and slaughtering quality and safety accidents.

First, adjust the production structure of animal husbandry.

Optimize the layout of animal husbandry, focus on the cultivation of family farms and the construction of intensive large-scale breeding farms, constantly optimize the scale breeding structure through renovation, transformation and upgrading, and guide the transfer of livestock and poultry breeding to non-prohibited areas and areas with low breeding density. we will constantly optimize the structure of large-scale farming. Market-oriented, centering on the supply-side structural reform, further adjust and optimize the breed structure of animal husbandry, stabilize the level of pig production, expand high-quality poultry breeding, encourage poultry breeding enterprises to develop clean egg production, build their own brands, and improve brand awareness. Actively promote the development and utilization of local livestock and poultry varieties, develop the production of meat pigeons, Rex rabbits, bees and other special livestock and poultry according to local conditions, give full play to the role of associations, speed up brand cultivation and technology promotion, and strengthen the characteristic livestock and poultry industry. Encourage the development of deep processing of livestock and poultry products, develop brand chain operation, and extend and expand the industrial chain of livestock and poultry products.

Second, develop ecologically healthy breeding.

Efforts will be made to promote moderate-scale operation, guide small-scale farmers to withdraw in an orderly manner, and reduce the proportion of small-scale farming. We will encourage small-scale breeding farms with a good economic foundation and high technical level to expand their scale, upgrade and upgrade their level, expand the cooperative operation of "companies and family farms", and develop a number of modern scale aquaculture enterprises with a high degree of intensification and close whole-industry chain operation of agriculture and animal husbandry. According to local conditions, we should promote healthy breeding models such as the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and fermentation bed culture, and build a new planting and breeding structure with consideration of grain and feed, combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and circular development. By the end of 2017, the proportion of large and medium-sized pig farming in the city will increase by 2 percentage points. We will support large-scale livestock and poultry farms to carry out standardized production transformation and upgrade intelligent facilities, so as to improve the level of automation and intelligence in livestock and poultry production. In-depth development of animal husbandry ecological health breeding demonstration, in 2017, eight new animal husbandry ecological health breeding demonstration bases, play a leading role in demonstration radiation, and strive to improve the level of standardized production. Strengthen the supervision of the created farms and delist the created farms in the restricted area in a timely manner.

Third, we will solidly promote the prevention and control of major animal diseases.

Conscientiously organize three centralized epidemic prevention actions, further promote the elimination of small ruminant epidemic in sheep, purification of pseudorabies in breeding pig farms and H7N9 elimination of poultry, implement the territorial management of rabies in the main urban areas, strengthen the regular management of canine prevention work in the city, and strengthen the prevention and control of common and frequently-occurring diseases. To do a good job in the comprehensive management of agricultural schistosomiasis control, the prevention and control of animal schistosomiasis in Liuhe District and Qixia District should pass the provincial transmission blocking standard acceptance, while Lishui District, Yuhuatai District, Gulou District and Qinhuai District should pass the provincial elimination standard acceptance. To carry out skills competitions in the animal epidemic prevention industry and emergency drills for sudden animal epidemics. We will strictly carry out the extended performance management of major animal diseases and the assessment of the municipal public welfare service system, complete etiological surveillance equipment, and promote the normalization of etiological surveillance and immune effect flight surveillance. We will encourage qualified towns and streets to carry out the pilot project of compulsory immunization, withdraw from the pilot project of compulsory immunization of highly pathogenic porcine blue-ear disease, and guide and support various forms of socialized service organizations for animal epidemic prevention to provide pilot social services, including compulsory immunization. Speed up the completion of Zhenjie Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station to add animal health supervision branch brand work.

Fourth, strengthen the management of livestock and poultry slaughtering industry.

Conscientiously implement the Development Plan of Livestock and Poultry slaughtering Industry in Jiangsu Province (2016-2020), improve slaughtering access management, overall planning, optimize layout, standardize setting, file upgrading. We will comprehensively complete the clean-up and rectification of the pig slaughtering industry, and complete the closure and provincial acceptance of unqualified pig slaughtering enterprises in Jiangning and Liuhe districts by the end of October. We will actively promote the construction of Jiangning Poultry slaughtering Center and gradually standardize the cattle and sheep slaughtering industry. Strengthen the daily supervision of pig slaughtering enterprises, strictly implement the "Standard for Supervision and Inspection of Pig slaughtering", carry out flight inspection of pig slaughtering enterprises, strengthen the supervision of harmless treatment of diseased pigs in slaughtering, strengthen the operation and management of slaughtering, and implement the main responsibility for meat quality and safety. We will carry out in-depth "mine clearance" operations for pig slaughtering, strengthen joint law enforcement, step up efforts to crack down on illegal acts such as illegal slaughtering, and strictly prevent diseased meat from entering the market.

Fifth, deepen the supervision of the quality and safety of animal products.

To implement the responsibility for territorial management of the quality of animal products. In strict accordance with the requirements of the notice on the Special rectification Action for excessive antibiotics, prohibited compounds and Veterinary Drug residues in Livestock and Poultry Aquatic products in Nanjing, we will carry out veterinary drug control and veterinary drug residue rectification, and further promote the classified management of veterinary drugs. we will improve the sampling and inspection plan for veterinary drug residues in municipal animal products, and promote the construction of QR codes for veterinary drug management. Strengthen the supervision of the production, acquisition and transportation of fresh milk, strictly manage the license of purchasing stations and transport vehicles, and cancel the license numbers of customs, parking, zombie purchasing stations and transport vehicles to ensure the quality and safety of fresh milk. We will strengthen the standardized management of quarantine supervision, and actively carry out the quarantine and certification system of places of origin based on animal disease surveillance, supervision and management, combined with large-scale animal disease risk assessment and veterinary drug residue risk assessment. We will improve the long-term mechanism for harmless treatment of sick and dead animals, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts of purchasing and processing sick and dead livestock and poultry. We will strengthen the monitoring and risk early warning of animal products, strictly implement the testing regulations on "clenbuterol" in breeding and slaughtering, and severely crack down on the illegal use of "clenbuterol".

Sixth, strict management of feed and feed additives.

In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, strict license management of feed and feed additive production enterprises. Strengthen daily supervision and inspection on the production, management and use of feed and feed additives. Supervise and urge enterprises to organize production in strict accordance with the requirements of licensing conditions, and strictly check the purchasing and use records and product legality of feed and feed additive users. Focus on investigating and dealing with illegal activities such as unlicensed production, product labels and instructions that are not marked in accordance with the regulations, over-dose and out-of-range addition of feed drug additives, the use of substances other than the Feed Raw material Catalog, the Feed Additive Variety Catalog and the Drug Feed Additive Variety Catalog to produce feed, and to operate illegal and substandard feed and feed additive products. Strengthen publicity, carry out training and guidance, improve the subject awareness and legal awareness of producers, operators and users of feed and feed additives, and raise the level of standardization of the feed industry. Conscientiously organize and carry out the information statistics of the feed industry in the whole city.

Seventh, strengthen the prevention and control of breeding pollution and the comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry manure.

Strictly implement the management system of prohibited areas, strengthen the standardized management of livestock and poultry farms in non-prohibited areas, supervise and urge livestock and poultry farmers to fulfill the main responsibility of breeding pollution control in accordance with the law, speed up the transformation and upgrading of existing scale farms, supporting the construction of pollution control facilities and normal operation. We will support the construction of ecological recycling livestock and poultry farms in modern agricultural parks and large-scale planting bases, and promote the deep integration of agriculture and animal husbandry. According to local conditions, we will promote pollution control models such as "three changes and two points reuse", advanced sewage treatment, centralized waste treatment, and so on. Support the comprehensive utilization of manure in large-scale livestock and poultry farms, explore the establishment of a system of collection, storage, treatment and utilization of dispersed manure, enhance the scale of engineering composting treatment, and popularize the production technology of liquid organic fertilizer. We will continue to carry out the construction of supporting facilities for healthy livestock and poultry breeding, and encourage large-scale livestock and poultry farms to build facilities for the collection, treatment and utilization of manure. In 2017, the governance rate of large-scale livestock and poultry farms (residential areas) reached more than 60%.

Eighth, improve the level of services for agriculture.

Strengthen information services, improve the city's fresh milk quality monitoring system, relevant areas should be equipped with special computers, clear personnel responsible for the city's fresh milk procurement stations, key dairy farms, transport vehicles to implement information management. Popularize the use of Nanjing large-scale livestock and poultry farms household epidemic risk assessment and early warning decision-making system and canine rabies immune information system, the construction and application of designated pig slaughterhouses, harmless centralized processing farms, highway animal health supervision and inspection stations network video system and veterinary drug operation and promotion of QR code traceability management system. Guide all kinds of business entities to develop the online marketing model of "Internet + customized animal husbandry", organize online marketing of various characteristic animal products, and encourage regional distribution of fresh animal products. We will promote networking such as registration of livestock and poultry breeding, monitoring and early warning of animal husbandry production, and expand the application of Internet technology in the field of livestock and poultry breeding. We will strengthen technical popularization and services, establish demonstration stations for the promotion of animal husbandry technology at the grass-roots level, and improve the service capacity and level. Focusing on improving quality and efficiency in leading industries, we will vigorously promote technologies such as moderate scale standardized breeding of live pigs, efficient breeding of yellow-feathered broilers and standardized breeding of laying hens, so as to improve the production level of animal husbandry.