
Key points of work of Jinan Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau in 2017

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, 2017 is an important year for implementing the 13th five-year Plan and deepening supply-side structural reform. The animal husbandry and veterinary system of the city should firmly establish and implement the concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, and closely focus on ensuring supply and safety.

2017 is an important year for implementing the 13th five-year Plan and deepening supply-side structural reform. The animal husbandry and veterinary system of the city should firmly establish and implement the concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, and closely revolve around the overall goal of "ensuring supply, safety, ecology and increasing income". Take the promotion of supply-side structural reform as the main line, comprehensively optimize the product industrial structure, actively promote the green mode of production, strengthen the drive of scientific and technological innovation, and constantly expand the new industry new business type Speed up the cultivation of new momentum for the development of animal husbandry, constantly create a new situation for the development of modern animal husbandry in the provincial capital, and greet the successful convening of the 19th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements. Focus on seven tasks:

First, do a good job in the establishment of standardized demonstration of livestock and poultry breeding and the construction of modern animal husbandry parks.

Around the overall requirements of "high yield, high quality, high efficiency, ecology and safety", we will actively carry out standardized demonstration activities for livestock and poultry breeding. Give full play to the typical demonstration and radiation-driven role of standardized livestock and poultry breeding demonstration farms, comprehensively enhance the infrastructure level of the city's animal husbandry, and enhance the city's comprehensive production capacity, market competitiveness and sustainable development ability of animal husbandry. Starting with the construction of modern animal husbandry parks and key projects of animal husbandry, we will vigorously promote large-scale, intensive and standardized breeding, promote the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, matching planting and breeding, up-to-standard discharge and ecological cycle, give full play to the leading role of policy projects in the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry, and promote the city's modern animal husbandry to develop to a green, safe and sustainable level.

Second, do a good job in the comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry breeding wastes.

Conscientiously implement the spirit of documents such as the regulations of the State Council on the Prevention and Control of pollution from large-scale breeding of Livestock and Poultry, and the Circular of the General Office of Jinan Municipal people's Government transmitting the opinions of the Municipal Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau and Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau on strengthening the comprehensive control of pollution from livestock and poultry breeding, strengthen work measures, strengthen control efforts, and strive to achieve breakthrough results. At the same time, supervise and guide all counties and districts to complete the delineation of the "three areas" (livestock and poultry prohibited areas, restricted areas and suitable breeding areas), comprehensively promote clean production and ecological breeding, adjust and optimize the structure, layout and scale of livestock and poultry breeding, and strive to improve the level of comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry manure so as to further improve the ecological environment of the whole city.

Third, do a good job in the prevention and control of major animal diseases.

First, we should focus on the prevention and control of major animal diseases such as highly pathogenic avian influenza, comprehensively complete the work of compulsory animal immunization, and further strengthen prevention and quarantine to ensure that major animal epidemics do not occur. The second is to speed up the construction of harmless treatment plants for sick and dead livestock and poultry and collection points at the township level to ensure the completion and use of harmless treatment plants for sick and dead livestock and poultry in all counties and districts, and to establish and improve the insurance linkage mechanism. to achieve timely treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry, clean, environmental protection, and rational utilization. Third, strengthen the detection of major animal diseases, give full play to the technical advantages of the testing room of the municipal epidemic control center, while doing a good job in centralized testing, further strengthen etiological testing and brucellosis and tuberculosis testing, and effectively purify the biological environment. The fourth is to complete the opening of the new experimental building of the municipal epidemic control center.

Fourth, do a good job in the supervision of the quality and safety of animal products.

As required by General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent instructions: "strictly prevent, strictly control, and strictly control food safety risks, so as to ensure that the broad masses of people can eat with peace of mind." First, speed up the construction of the monitoring system and improve the detection capability at the grass-roots level. Focus on strengthening the monitoring capacity building of circulation and slaughtering links, and establish a livestock product quality and safety monitoring system based on the initial inspection of township and township fast inspection rooms, the key inspection of county and district inspection rooms, and the comprehensive inspection of the municipal quality supervision center. The second is to strengthen the construction of traceability system of animal products. Learn from the advanced experience of Qingdao and other places, speed up the construction of the city-wide animal husbandry safety supervision information system with "Internet + + livestock product traceability" as the main content, and strive to achieve the city's information-based and intelligent management of animal product quality and safety in 2017. to achieve the goal of network intelligent supervision with traceable source, traceable flow direction, information inquiry and controllable current situation. Third, we should always maintain a high-handed regulatory situation, actively carry out the "100-day operation" to crack down on food safety crimes, severely crack down on the production, operation, use of fake and shoddy veterinary drugs, feed, additives and other illegal activities such as the abuse of antibiotics, illegal addition of "clenbuterol" and "melamine", and ensure the quality and safety of animal products.

Fifth, do a good job in pig slaughtering management.

Conscientiously implement the spirit of the notice of the General Office of Jinan Municipal people's Government on further strengthening the management of pig slaughtering, and promote the reform of the city's designated pig slaughtering management system in an orderly manner to ensure the quality and safety of pig products in the provincial capital. First, carry out the planning and layout of designated pig slaughtering plants (farms) and implement an one-county plan. We will implement standardized management, encourage and support the transformation and upgrading of designated pig slaughtering plants (farms) in accordance with the requirements of standardization, reduce the number of designated pig slaughtering sites, rationally distribute the designated pig slaughtering sites that really need to be retained, and complete the upgrading by the end of June 2017. Second, clean up and rectify the existing designated pig slaughtering plants (farms), re-recognize the qualifications of designated pig slaughtering plants (farms) through examination and acceptance, and issue signs and slaughtering certificates; if they fail to meet the construction standards of designated pig slaughtering plants (farms), they will be resolutely closed before the end of June 2017, and the qualification for designated pig slaughtering shall be revoked. The third is to establish the distribution system of live pig products. Fourth, crack down on illegal slaughtering.

6. Do a good job in poverty alleviation.

We will adhere to the poverty alleviation strategy of adapting measures to local conditions, implementing policies according to households, and taking advantage of the situation, and adopt the poverty alleviation strategy of combining poverty alleviation with characteristic industries, assistance from leading enterprises, promotion of farmers' cooperative organizations, and promotion of science and technology in the industry. we will earnestly accomplish all the tasks assigned by the municipal party committee and municipal government to help the poor.

7. Do a good job in building the ideological style of the contingent of cadres and workers.

First, it is necessary to strengthen the "four consciousness" and set a good example in safeguarding the authority of the central authorities. Second, we should strengthen our awareness of learning and set a good example in strengthening our ideals and beliefs. Third, we should strengthen our sense of discipline and set a good example in strictly abiding by political discipline and political rules. Fourth, we should strengthen the sense of responsibility and set a good example in paying close attention to implementation.