
Key points of work of Jiaozhou Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau in 2017

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The overall requirements of animal husbandry and veterinary work in 2017 are to fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the third, fourth, Fifth and sixth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, firmly establish the five major development concepts, adhere to the orientation of modern animal husbandry development, and give overall consideration to animal husbandry development and ecology.

The overall requirements for animal husbandry and veterinary work in 2017 are to fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the third, fourth, Fifth and sixth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, firmly establish the five major development concepts, and adhere to the orientation of the development of modern animal husbandry. We will give overall consideration to the development of animal husbandry and ecological construction, further strengthen the supervision of the "four major safety", speed up the supply-side structural reform of animal husbandry, and make every effort to build a green development mechanism. In 2017, the city's total output of meat, eggs and milk remained stable at 135000 tons, and efforts were made to ensure that major regional animal epidemics and quality and safety incidents of livestock products did not occur.

I. accelerating the green development of animal husbandry

(1) to carry out solid activities to establish a demonstration city for the green development of animal husbandry. Take the development of animal husbandry green development demonstration city, town and farm (point) as the starting point, transform the development mode into the main line, focus on waste reduction, harmless treatment and resource utilization, and gradually establish a green development mechanism. During the year, we strived to create a demonstration city for the green development of animal husbandry in Qingdao, creating 3 demonstration towns and 30 demonstration farms (sites).

Leaders in charge: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: animal husbandry department, grass-roots stations.

(2) continue to promote standardized scale farming. Adhere to the development direction of "controlling pigs and stabilizing poultry, focusing on the development of cattle, sheep, herbivorous livestock and poultry", and constantly optimize the industrial structure. We will pay close attention to the construction of "two districts and one market". During the year, more than 10 standardized-scale breeding farms were rebuilt, including 1 national demonstration farm and 2 provincial demonstration farms. We will continue to promote the upgrading of the existing "two districts and one market" and raise the level of standardized scale farming in the city.

Leaders in charge: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: animal husbandry department, grass-roots stations.

(3) to raise the level of industrial operation. Take Xinsheng animal husbandry and Xinyu as the leader to steadily develop the pig industry, Yunxing and Jinhai as the leader, steadily develop the layer and broiler industry, and take Hao Derui, Xinguang and Jinglin Garden as the leader to speed up the development of dairy cow, beef cattle and mutton industry. efforts will be made to improve the standardization of facilities and equipment and the standardization of software. We will support key leading enterprises such as New Hope, Xinshenglian and Jiaoheyuan to further improve the integrated management mechanism of production, addition and marketing, strengthen the leadership of key leading enterprises, promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and realize the upgrading of animal husbandry and the value-added of the whole chain.

Leaders in charge: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: animal husbandry department, grass-roots stations.

(4) make every effort to promote the implementation of the layout plan of the "three districts". We will step up the implementation of the regulations on pollution Prevention and Control of Livestock and Poultry farming, the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Water pollution, and the layout Plan for adjusting and optimizing Livestock and Poultry farming in Jiaozhou City, and do a good job in the closure of farms in prohibited areas of major water sources. during the year, we will ensure the closure of 60 farms on both sides of the Moshui River and Yanghe River, and strive to close all large-scale livestock and poultry farms in the city's prohibited areas by the end of the year. At the same time, effective measures should be taken to do a good job in the control of fecal pollution in restricted and suitable breeding areas.

Leaders in charge: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: animal husbandry department, grass-roots stations.

(5) vigorously promote the model of ecological circular culture. According to the overall requirements of the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and circular development, we should cultivate and summarize the typical model of agricultural circular economy, and strive to popularize the circular model in line with the reality of our city. At the same time, we will continue to select 10-15 large-scale farms to carry out quantitative pollution reduction. We will vigorously promote the "two-point, three-prevention and two-matching" livestock and poultry manure treatment model, and build 3-5 demonstration sites for livestock and poultry manure recycling model during the year, to ensure that the proportion of farms supporting the construction of large-scale farms in the city to improve the diversion of livestock manure, sewage storage, treatment and resource utilization is more than 70%. Actively explore the establishment of a third-party mechanism for the treatment and utilization of livestock and poultry manure.

Leaders in charge: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: animal husbandry department, grass-roots stations.

(6) continue to improve and strengthen the popularization and training of animal husbandry and veterinary science and technology. Highlight the problem-oriented and demand-oriented, strictly implement the training funds, and increase the promotion and application of the leading varieties and technologies selected and released by the Qingdao Municipal Bureau. Focus on the implementation of "field school", "send science and technology to the countryside" and other approachable on-site teaching models, the implementation of accurate training to ensure that all kinds of personnel are trained more than 4000 times this year. Fully implement the insurance policy for breeding sows and fattening pigs in all qualified farms in the city, and strive to expand insurance coverage. Establish and improve the policy coordination and linkage mechanism between insurance and harmless centralized treatment of sick and dead animals. Do a good job in pig price index insurance business, through insurance operation to resolve market risks in the breeding industry.

Leader in charge: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: animal husbandry department, each department station.

(7) to earnestly do a good job in poverty alleviation in animal husbandry. Combined with the theme practice of "three in four get five free" to invigorate animal husbandry and benefit the people, we should carry out paired assistance, set up files and cards for the poverty alleviation targets of animal husbandry, establish a long-term mechanism for industrial poverty alleviation, rely on leading animal husbandry enterprises, and increase the collective income of poor villages and the income of poor households by means of shareholding and dividends of poverty alleviation funds. Through financial support and technical services, we will support poor households with conditions and intentions to develop livestock and poultry farming to engage in animal husbandry and increase household income. We will strictly implement the use and supervision of poverty alleviation funds and ensure that special funds are earmarked.

Leader in charge: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: animal husbandry department, each department station.

II. Continue to promote the improvement and promotion of livestock and poultry breeds

(8) to speed up the breeding and industrial development of Licha black pigs. Further consolidate and improve the breeding work of the core group of Licha black pigs. With the support of the expert advisory group, fully excavate the excellent characteristics of Licha black pig, select the best hybrid combination, pay close attention to cultivate new varieties of Licha black pig that meet the market demand, and establish an industrial management system for the competitive development of middle and high-end products of Licha black pig. Continue to strengthen the publicity of the certification trademark and famous trademark of "Licha Black Pig" so as to further improve the social popularity of Licha Black Pig. Strive for "Li Cha Black Pig Standard" to be successfully approved as a national standard. Strictly enforce the market access conditions and procedures of Licha black pig, and earnestly strengthen the brand protection of Licha black pig. Start the construction of China Licha Black Pig Ecological Culture Museum in an all-round way.

Leader in charge: Liu Yanhua, responsible unit: improved seed station.

(9) to carry out the popularization and utilization of livestock and poultry improvement techniques in a down-to-earth manner. Speed up the pace of cow improvement and constantly improve the production performance of dairy cows. Establish and improve the city's dairy cow pedigree management files and improved dairy cow improvement information electronic files. We will continue to implement the subsidy program for improved pig breeds, promote the technology of artificial insemination of live pigs, and improve the construction and management level of breeding boar stations and breeding sites. throughout the year, we will promote 160000 semen of improved pigs and 40, 000 sows. Through the implementation of high-end beef cattle (black cattle, Luxi yellow cattle) introduction and breeding subsidy program to speed up the development of high-end beef cattle industry.

Leader in charge: Liu Yanhua, responsible unit: improved seed station, each grass-roots station.

(10) standardize the market order for the production and operation of breeding livestock and poultry. During the year, we carried out two special rectification activities for the file management of breeding livestock and poultry, further improved the construction of relevant archives and systems of breeding livestock and poultry farms, and the qualified rate reached 100%; strictly established the examination and approval system for the construction of farms, and implemented the license system for the production and operation of breeding livestock and poultry to ensure that the holding rate of "production and operation license for breeding livestock and poultry" in breeding farms, breeding stations and sites reached 100%. We will continue to sign a promise of integrity for the quality of breeding livestock and poultry with breeding farms, breeding stations and sites, with a signing rate of 100 percent. We will step up the detection of epidemic diseases in breeding livestock and poultry farms to ensure that animal infectious diseases prescribed by the state do not occur in breeding livestock and poultry farms, and the disease surveillance coverage will reach 100 percent. We will carry out supervision and law enforcement activities in breeding livestock and poultry farms and strengthen the production, operation and management of breeding livestock and poultry.

Leader in charge: Liu Yanhua, responsible unit: improved seed station, each grass-roots station.

Third, comprehensively promote "Internet + + Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine"

(11) to speed up the construction of Qingdao animal husbandry safety supervision information platform. We will speed up the pace of on-line supervision of animal husbandry, effectively solve the problems of untimely data upload, non-standard reporting, and inadequate daily management and application, and ensure that 85% of the integrated online and offline supervision is available. Strengthen the supervision and inspection of the data update of each module of the information platform, check the data update of each module once a month, and form a written notification. Speed up the promotion and application of Xingmu Huimin mobile phone APP.

In charge of leaders: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: information Section, departments and stations.

(12) to promote the information management within the bureau. Enable mobile office software to achieve seamless connection and smooth flow of official document management, information release, bus management, attendance management and other links. Extend the application of office automation to mobile terminals to improve work efficiency. Strengthen the construction and management of our bureau's official website, establish and improve the official micro-editing management and information release system of "Jiaozhou Animal Husbandry". The information of each section of the bureau's official website is updated once a week, and the Wechat public platform is updated twice a month. At the same time, the establishment of network information collection, screening, analysis and feedback mechanism to actively and effectively deal with network public opinion.

In charge of leaders: Zhou Zhaokun, responsible unit: information technology department, departments and stations.

(13) actively cultivate the industrial development of new business type. We will promote the "Internet +" action plan for animal husbandry, build more than 40 farms (parks) with the application model of the Internet of things in 2017, promote the development of e-commerce in animal husbandry, develop 20 micro-store online merchants, and vigorously develop on-site experience and sightseeing and leisure animal husbandry. More than one provincial animal husbandry tourism demonstration zone will be established. Speed up the construction of intelligent animal husbandry.

Leader in charge: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: information department, animal husbandry department, each department station.

IV. Do a good job in the prevention and control of major animal diseases in an all-round way

(14) to carry out the prevention and control of major animal epidemics in a solid manner. We will strictly implement the policy of giving priority to prevention, and do a solid job in the work of highly pathogenic avian influenza, compulsory immunization against foot-and-mouth disease in spring and autumn, supplementary immunity in summer, and disinfection. We should pay close attention to the quality of immunization, continue to do a good job in the supervision of programmed immunization in large-scale farms, comprehensively popularize and popularize programmed immunization in bulk farmers, and ensure that the coverage rate of programmed immunization in bulk farmers is more than 90%, and the qualified rate of immune antibodies is more than 80%. Efforts should be made to ensure that major animal epidemics in the region do not occur. Strengthen emergency management and cooperate with Qingdao Municipal Bureau to do a good job in the actual combat exercise of emergency handling of animal outbreaks in cross-district cities.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: animal epidemic Prevention and Control Center, grass-roots stations.

(15) do a good job of "fighting first and then replenishing" compulsory immunization. We will publicize and implement the main responsibility of farmers for epidemic prevention, and promote the pilot project of purchasing vaccines against major animal epidemics in large-scale farms. We will strengthen the supervision and management of the pilot project of "first hit and then supplement" of self-purchased vaccines, strengthen the monitoring of immune antibodies in the test site, and the detection area reaches 100%, so as to ensure the quality of immunity. We will strengthen the verification of immunization in the test sites and the supervision of subsidy funds, improve the work system and procedures, and strictly prevent the occurrence of illegal acts such as misappropriation and false claims.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: animal epidemic Prevention and Control Center, grass-roots stations.

(16) strengthen the surveillance and early warning of epidemic diseases. Surveillance of 13 animal diseases, including foot-and-mouth disease, bird flu, classical swine fever and swine blue-ear disease, was carried out, and surveillance coverage was expanded. 34000 tests were completed in the whole year, achieving full coverage of the regulatory grid. Among them, the sampling coverage rate of breeding livestock and poultry farms, modern animal husbandry demonstration parks and standardized scale farms reached 100%. Strengthen the early warning and forecast of animal epidemic situation and carry out an expert consultation and risk assessment of animal epidemic situation, so as to provide a scientific basis for effective prevention and control of animal epidemic situation.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: animal epidemic Prevention and Control Center, grass-roots stations.

(17) to do a solid job in the prevention and control of brucellosis and other zoonotic diseases. We will organize activities to establish demonstration fields and demonstration towns for brucellosis purification, strictly implement the regional brucellosis prevention and control plan formulated by Qingdao, strengthen transportation supervision and testing supervision, standardize the distribution process of subsidies for epidemic culling, and resolutely curb the rising momentum of brucellosis. In the whole year, 10,000 heads (only) were monitored, the positive rate of individual brucellosis in animals was controlled below 2%, and tuberculosis in dairy cows reached the purification standard.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: animal epidemic Prevention and Control Center, Animal Health Supervision Institute, grass-roots stations.

(18) to strengthen the building of epidemic prevention and safety teams at the grass-roots level. Strictly implement the "Management measures" and "performance Evaluation measures" of the co-managers, and establish a strict supervision and assessment mechanism. Strengthen the daily management and training of the team, organize a centralized training and a skills contest. We will strengthen the building of testing capacity in grass-roots laboratories and carry out a big competition in sampling and testing skills. Strengthen the construction of the quality management system of the central laboratory to ensure that it passes the laboratory assessment of the provincial veterinary system and the qualification of the provincial quality supervision bureau.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: animal epidemic Prevention and Control Center, grass-roots stations.

V. make every effort to strengthen animal health supervision

(19) to strengthen quarantine supervision. Strictly implement the traceability of the whole process of quarantine work and strengthen the management of quarantine certificates. We will further standardize the new quarantine mode of "official veterinarian + assistant" and "fixed point + temporary column" to ensure that the quarantine report rate of the place of origin reaches 100%, and the quarantine rate of the place of origin is more than 10 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. Strictly implement the main responsibility of the enterprise at the slaughterhouse, conscientiously implement the new slaughtering supervision mode of "official veterinarian + co-inspector (quality inspector)"pig slaughtering inspection and quarantine", and strictly implement the synchronization of quarantine inspection. Strictly control the entry, ante-mortem inspection, synchronous quarantine, product ex-factory license and "clenbuterol" self-inspection to ensure that all ex-factory animal products pass the quarantine.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: animal Health Supervision Institute, grass-roots stations.

(20) strengthen the supervision and control of transportation. We will conscientiously implement the Technical Standards for the Management of unregulated Animal epidemic areas, strictly implement the system of declaration, examination and approval, isolation and quarantine for the transportation of livestock and poultry, and implement this system to official veterinarians and assistant supervisors. Give full play to the role of animal quarantine farms, all susceptible animals introduced by air from outside the epidemic-free areas shall be quarantined in strict accordance with relevant regulations, strengthen quarantine supervision measures, and can be transferred and raised only after passing the quarantine inspection at the end of the quarantine period of the animal quarantine farm. At the same time, we will solidly carry out special rectification actions on transportation and supervision, severely crack down on illegal transportation, evading quarantine and other illegal acts, and consolidate the achievements in the construction of unregulated animal epidemic areas.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: animal Health Supervision Institute, grass-roots stations.

(21) improve the long-term mechanism of harmless treatment of animals. Strictly implement the four-joint single recovery and transfer system of sick and dead animals and the product supervision system after harmless treatment and treatment. Comprehensive implementation of harmless treatment of sick and dead animals to supervise the use of handheld terminals APP, and simultaneous online and offline supervision of collection, factory entry, disposal and product destination. We will further improve the "three" management mechanisms for harmless treatment, resource utilization and on-line supervision of sick and dead animals, so as to achieve immediate, data-based and transparent supervision. We will strictly implement the policy of harmless subsidies and ensure that the distribution of subsidy funds is standardized and timely.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: animal Health Supervision Institute, grass-roots stations.

VI. Do a good job in the supervision and management of feed and veterinary drugs

(22) strengthen the supervision of veterinary drug feed. Strictly implement the requirements of GMP and GSP of veterinary drugs, actively promote the quality management standards of feed production, and standardize the production and management of veterinary drugs and feed. We will strengthen the supervision of the use of veterinary drugs and feed, sign a commitment to standardize the use of pharmaceutical materials with farmers, and carry out more than 4 inspections of drug use in livestock and poultry breeding throughout the year to ensure the safety of drug use in breeding. We will promote the construction of veterinary drug product traceability information system, and bring all veterinary drug manufacturing enterprises into the national veterinary drug product traceability system this year to realize QR code traceability. Increase the intensity of sampling inspection, expand the frequency and batches of flight sampling inspection, and conscientiously complete the task of sampling inspection of inputs assigned by superior business departments. We will actively do a good job in changing grain into feed, and develop 4000 mu of whole-plant silage corn and high-quality forage grass and 55000 tons of silage straw.

Leaders in charge: Liu Yanhua, responsible unit: feed and Veterinary Drug Supervision and Management Section, grass-roots stations.

(23) solidly carry out special rectification actions on inputs. Adhere to the problem-oriented, use the reverse force mechanism, by strengthening the supervision of the use of veterinary drugs in the breeding process, it can be traced back to the veterinary drug production and management enterprises. Increase the testing frequency, pay attention to the use of test results, and find problems to be investigated and dealt with strictly in accordance with the law. We will carry out special rectification actions, focusing on cracking down on unlicensed production and business operations, and changing illegal acts such as organizing prescriptions, peddling and feeding fake and shoddy veterinary drugs and illegal drugs without authorization. We will conscientiously implement the "blacklist" management system. We should earnestly strengthen coordination and cooperation with public security and comprehensive administrative law enforcement departments, increase the intensity of case referrals for investigation and handling, and form a joint force. Adopt various forms to carry out publicity, education and industry training on the knowledge of input policies and regulations throughout the system.

Leaders in charge: Liu Yanhua, responsible unit: feed and Veterinary Drug Supervision and Management Section, grass-roots stations.

VII. earnestly strengthen the supervision of the quality and safety of animal products

(24) comprehensively push forward the work of the mass entrepreneurship and innovation Initiative. In accordance with the national food safety city acceptance rules and the national agricultural product quality and safety county assessment measures, in accordance with the requirements at all levels, around the main forms of business, strengthen the supervision measures for the quality of animal products, further check and fill gaps, improve and upgrade, firmly guard against major livestock product safety accidents or adverse safety incidents, and two bottom line indicators have been detected by "clenbuterol" to complete the task of "Shuangan mass entrepreneurship and innovation" in an all-round way. Ensure that the high quality passes the acceptance verification of the State Food Safety Office and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Leader in charge: Liu Yanhua, responsible unit: animal products quality and safety supervision and management department, departments and stations.

(25) improve the long-term mechanism for supervising the quality and safety of animal products. Strengthen the main responsibility for the quality and safety of livestock products in farms (households). Strengthen the daily testing and out-of-column testing of "clenbuterol" in pigs, cattle and sheep to achieve zero detection of the city's livestock products "clenbuterol". Increase the intensity of sampling inspection, on the basis of completing the quality and safety sampling tasks of animal products assigned by the Ministry of Agriculture, the province, Qingdao, and other higher business departments, the city completed more than 10,000 batches of rapid sampling testing of "clenbuterol" and 320 batches of flight sampling testing. entrust a third party to quantitatively test 400 batches. We will strengthen the supervision of the quality and safety of fresh milk, focus on the links of fresh milk breeding, acquisition and transportation, and severely crack down on illegal addition, unlicensed purchase and transportation. We will conscientiously implement the "blacklist" management system. We will solidly carry out hidden danger investigation and special rectification activities, improve the linkage mechanism with comprehensive law enforcement, food and drug, and public security departments, and carry out four special rectification operations during the year.

Leader in charge: Liu Yanhua, responsible unit: animal products quality and safety supervision and management department, grass-roots stations.

(26) to establish a traceability system for the quality and safety of animal products. We will improve the three traceability modules of meat, poultry eggs and fresh milk, grasp the traceability pilot of one pig slaughterhouse, five egg and poultry farms and four fresh milk purchasing stations, and trace the quality and safety of animal products of all pig slaughtering enterprises, fresh milk purchasing stations and egg and poultry farms certified by "three products and one standard" during the year.

Leader in charge: Liu Yanhua, responsible unit: animal products quality and Safety Supervision and Management Section, Information Section, grass-roots stations.

(27) accelerate the development of animal husbandry (animal products) brand. Vigorously carry out brand cultivation and creation, introduce modern elements to consolidate and enhance the brand awareness of existing animal products such as New Hope Qin Brand, Bazi Food and Jiaoheyuan, and support the creation of characteristic brands such as Ritcha Black Pig. To create a number of ultra-high-precision brand products with local characteristics and development potential. During the year, we cultivated 5 "double certification" breeding enterprises for products from pollution-free producing areas, and strengthened the supervision after certification.

Leader in charge: Liu Yanhua, responsible unit: animal products quality and safety supervision and management department, grass-roots stations.

VIII. Do a good job in the management of livestock and poultry slaughtering

(28) strengthen the management of the livestock and poultry slaughtering industry. Strictly implement the main responsibility of food safety in slaughtering enterprises, conscientiously do a good job in the supervision and inspection of the "eight gates" and "nine accounts" of slaughtering enterprises, strictly implement the system of rest and recuperation waiting to be slaughtered, and strictly implement various measures such as harmless recovery and treatment of diseased animals and products, and harmless treatment of sewage. Substandard slaughtering sites shall be banned in accordance with the law. We will continue to implement the "reassuring meat project", comprehensively promote the operation model of "centralized slaughtering, distribution and distribution", and expand distribution sites to ensure that people eat assured meat. We will formulate the planning and layout of designated slaughtering plants (sites) for cattle, sheep and poultry in the city, do a good job in the pilot work of designated slaughtering of cattle, sheep and poultry, and strive to build at least one designated slaughtering plant for cattle and sheep and put into production this year. At the same time, for the new slaughterhouse (site), fire control, special equipment and refrigeration equipment should be taken as the focus of acceptance, and business production is not allowed if the conditions for safe production are not reached.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: livestock and Poultry slaughtering Management Section, grass-roots stations.

(29) severely crack down on the illegal slaughtering of livestock and poultry. We should give full play to the role of comprehensive law enforcement teams at the "city and town" levels, adhere to regular joint law enforcement inspections, and jointly crack down on illegal slaughtering of livestock and poultry, illegal water injection and other material injection, so as to ensure that private slaughtering and abusive slaughtering do not return to the tide and do not rebound. At the same time, we should establish a market inspection and inspection mechanism, and while confiscating and punishing meat without "two certificates" according to law, we should trace back to the source and severely crack down on private slaughtering and abuse from the source, and find that together, transfer it to investigate and deal with it together to form a strong deterrent.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: livestock and Poultry slaughtering Management Section, grass-roots stations.

(30) earnestly strengthen the management of livestock and poultry trafficking brokers. We will conscientiously implement the system of real-name registration and dynamic supervision of livestock and poultry trafficking brokers. We will standardize the purchase and trafficking of livestock and poultry, sign the promise of quality and safety of livestock and poultry acquisition and trafficking brokers, and severely crack down on illegal acts such as peddling "clenbuterol", injecting water before slaughter or injecting other substances to gain weight, and selling sick and dead livestock and poultry and their products. Establish and improve the "blacklist" management system. The training of livestock and poultry acquisition and trafficking brokers was carried out twice during the year.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: livestock and Poultry slaughtering Management Section, grass-roots stations.

IX. Comprehensively raise the level of administration according to law

(31) strengthen publicity and education on administration according to law. First, to carry out publicity and education on the knowledge of animal husbandry and veterinary policies and regulations in the whole industry, conduct 1-2 general rotational training for all animal husbandry and veterinary staff, and carry out at least one legal and regulatory examination among all supervisors. The second is to further standardize the administrative examination and approval procedures and strictly implement the time limit for completion. Comprehensively disclose administrative examination and approval information in accordance with the law, and carry out "sunshine examination and approval". The third is to actively promote the combination of streamlining administration and delegating powers, with emphasis on strengthening the work guidance on the delegation of examination and approval authority and the ex post supervision and inspection of "license before certification" enterprises. The fourth is to strengthen the construction of the online government affairs system, comprehensively sort out the government affairs convenience service items, and further promote the sinking of the government affairs convenience services. Fifth, we will further implement the "blacklist" supervision system and the award-winning reporting system, and focus on monitoring the "blacklist" supervision objects. At the same time, encourage and support the public to complain and report illegal activities in the animal husbandry and veterinary industry.

Leader in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: comprehensive department, animal health supervision institute, each department station.

(32) strengthen the building of official veterinarians and law enforcement supervision teams. We will strengthen the rectification of the discipline and work style of the team, strictly implement the requirements of "six prohibitions,"five prohibitions," and "ten strict and ten strict prohibitions," comprehensively carry out "two follow-up and one open," and standardize the behavior of supervision and inspection. We will organize and carry out special rectification actions on the management of animal quarantine badges, and seriously investigate and deal with illegal and illegal acts such as internal and external collusion, reselling quarantine badges, and issuing certificates across mountains. Check the quarantine certificate issued by each official veterinarian every month through on-site inspection and network management, and establish a supervision and assessment mechanism for each official veterinarian. Strengthen the daily supervision of licensed veterinarians.

Leaders in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: animal Health Supervision Institute, grass-roots stations.

(33) step up inspection and supervision and transfer and handling of illegal cases. We will fully implement the records of the whole process of administrative law enforcement and the system of case transfer, and standardize and optimize the process of case preliminary investigation, case examination and case transfer. At the same time, adhere to the problem orientation, extensively carry out special rectification actions such as cracking down on private slaughtering, illegal transportation, evading quarantine, selling and processing sick and dead livestock and poultry, not establishing breeding files in accordance with the law, production and sale of fake and shoddy veterinary drugs and feed, illegal addition of prohibited drugs and prohibited substances, and transfer to investigate and deal with a number of typical cases, and maintain a high-pressure situation. Strengthen the effective connection between supervision and law enforcement, increase the intensity of joint law enforcement with comprehensive administrative law enforcement departments, strengthen the interface between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of cases not being investigated or moved. In the whole year, more than 150 cases were transferred for investigation and handling.

Leader in charge: Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: comprehensive department, each department station.

X. vigorously tamping the foundation for the green development of animal husbandry

(34) improve the grid management system. Strengthen the dynamic management of the regulatory grid, keep the grid regulators relatively stable, update the regulatory content in real time, and all the regulatory objects are brought into the grid management. Regularly organize supervision and spot checks to verify the integration of regulatory objects into grid management, promote task decomposition, pressure transmission, statistical analysis, supervision and inspection, and accountability to the implementation of "five to the grid", and give full play to the advantages of grid management.

In charge of leaders: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: information Section, departments and stations.

(35) strengthen the work trace management. Implement the system of recording the overall situation and the work of the whole staff, pay close attention to the implementation of the work trace measures, make sure that the work leaves a mark throughout the work, and carry out at least two centralized inspections of work files during the year. Implement the accounting management of key work and important matters, formulate the allocation table of key work, improve rolling supervision and follow-up supervision and inspection, and promote the implementation of the work.

Leader in charge: Zhou Zhaokun, responsible unit: comprehensive department, each department station.

(36) improve the working mechanism of innovation. Centering on the overall central work, combining with their own business functions, broaden their work ideas, actively carry out work innovation actions, and submit innovative work topics before the end of April. For the innovative work of reporting, it is necessary to achieve practical results, which can be copied and popularized. Innovative work should grasp the innovative concept of information sharing and business coordination, and many innovative ways can be adopted, such as independence and combination, so as to really stimulate the endogenous power of departments and stations, and promote the green and healthy development of animal husbandry in the whole city with innovative work.

Leader in charge: Zhou Zhaokun, responsible unit: comprehensive department, each department station.

(37) strengthen the management of project funds. Further improve the measures for the management of project funds, strictly implement the prescribed procedures, do a good job in project demonstration, declaration and implementation, and coordinate and supervise the implementation of approved projects. Adhere to the principles of openness, fairness and transparency, and implement the monthly scheduling and quarterly summary system to ensure that all tasks of the project construction are completed on time. At the same time, we should give prominence to the special rectification of outstanding problems in the use of funds related to animal husbandry and agriculture, and ensure real-time control of risk points and key links such as project fund management, subsidies for farmers, and government bidding and procurement.

Leaders in charge: Zhang Qihe, Liu Yanhua, Yan Wenfan, responsible unit: each department.

(38) ensure the safety and stability of the industry. We will conscientiously implement the requirements of the "three necessities" and "the same responsibility of the party and government and double responsibilities for one post", and establish a production safety responsibility system of "joint management and dereliction of duty". The Party Committee of the Bureau shall study the work of production safety not less than 4 times. Strictly implement the territorial and graded supervision responsibilities of production safety and the main responsibility of enterprises; promote the third-party assessment of production safety risks and carry out "three-level interviews" for enterprise responsible persons; strengthen publicity and training on production safety, and carry out in-depth activities of "production Safety month". We will strengthen problem-oriented and "gridding, real-name" supervision, improve the dual prevention mechanism of risk control and hidden trouble investigation and treatment, and maintain a sustained and stable production safety situation in the industry.

Leaders in charge: Zhang Qihe, responsible unit: stations of various departments.