
Key points of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary work in Yidu City in 2017

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, 1. General thinking of the city's animal husbandry and veterinary work in 2017: take the supply-side reform of animal husbandry as the main line, and fully implement the decision and plan of the first Party Congress of the eighth Municipal CPC Committee on the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry, in accordance with the development of green livestock with the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and the integration of cultivation and breeding.

I. General thinking

The general thinking of the city's animal husbandry and veterinary work in 2017: take the supply-side reform of animal husbandry as the main line, fully implement the decision-making plan of the first Party Congress of the eighth Municipal CPC Committee on the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry, in accordance with the requirements of developing green animal husbandry with the integration of agriculture and animal husbandry, and striving to create a provincial demonstration city for the green development of animal husbandry, with "highlighting green transformation, ecological development, and strong supervision based on safety" as the main line. Take "three consolidation and three promotion" (vigorously control pollution of livestock and poultry breeding, random disposal of sick and dead animals, harmful residues of feed and veterinary drugs, and effectively promote water, soil and gas control) as a starting point to ensure the sustainable development of animal husbandry.

II. Work objectives

We will stabilize pig and poultry farming, vigorously develop cattle, sheep and beekeeping industries, close farms in prohibited areas, and control pollution in farms in restricted areas. In 2017, 750000 pigs, 26000 beef cattle, 330000 goats, 4.9 million poultry, 5500 tons of eggs and 530 tons of honey were produced. The output value of animal husbandry accounted for more than 40 percent of the total agricultural output value, and the output value of animal husbandry increased by 5 percent. We have completed 90 million yuan in fixed assets investment in animal husbandry and signed a new investment contract of more than 20 million yuan. To ensure that major incidents of quality and safety of livestock products, major pollution incidents of livestock and poultry breeding and major animal epidemics do not occur.

III. Major measures

(1) complete the livestock and poultry breeding project in an all-round way

1. Adjust the division of the "three zones". Adhere to the five major development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, and actively, lawfully and scientifically adjust the scope of prohibited areas, restricted areas and suitable areas for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding in the city according to the spirit of superior documents and the environmental capacity of the whole city.

2. Resolutely close the large-scale breeding farms in the prohibited areas. In accordance with the idea of "territorial responsibility, administration according to law, maintenance of stability, and completion within a time limit", the municipal people's government takes the lead, the relevant functional departments cooperate, and the township people's government is the main body of implementation. ensure that the closure or relocation of farms in the prohibited breeding area will be completed by June 30, 2017.

3. Strengthen the control of aquaculture pollution. In accordance with the requirements of the implementation Plan for pollution reduction of large-scale Pig Farms in Yidu City, we will do a good job in pollution control of 50 pig farms in 2017. Vigorously promote the farming model of combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and cultivation cycle, reward and supplement the farms that take the initiative to control pollution in the suitable culture area, and carry out joint law enforcement on those farms that refuse to control pollution, and rectify and reform until they are closed within a time limit.

(2) comprehensively implement the green animal husbandry development project

1. Establish green animal husbandry demonstration counties and cities. Around the establishment plan of the city, refine the detailed rules for the establishment of the bureau, decompose the creation tasks, and all units and departments work together to promote the green development of animal husbandry. We will do a good job in grasping the two fundamental tasks of resource utilization of manure and harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry to ensure smooth acceptance in 2017.

2. Build green animal husbandry demonstration area and demonstration farm. Starting with the "four-stage joint creation" of livestock and poultry breeding, three demonstration sites for rain and pollution separation and ectopic fermentation beds and three demonstration sites for the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry have been established in the city. Give full play to the location advantages of Yiling yellow cattle gene core area, Yichang white goat conservation area and pig breeding area, and strive to create 10 new green animal husbandry demonstration farms in the whole year.

(3) comprehensively promote the quality and safety assurance project

1. Standardize the harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry. There are many ways to solve the problems and difficulties in harmless treatment, in accordance with the requirements of "account matching, account and material matching, order with goods, daily settlement and monthly settlement, link supervision". Use "five bills and two accounts" to standardize the trace management of collection, transshipment, treatment and other links in the whole city. The use of "Internet + +" remote video supervision system, the implementation of "double random" inversely check the operation of the harmless processing center to ensure that the handling behavior is legal and law enforcement supervision is in place.

2. Strengthen the supervision of inputs. Strengthen the safety supervision of drug use in breeding farms, supervise and urge the establishment of breeding files in accordance with the law, and improve the drug use records, drug withdrawal period and prescription drug management system. Establish a publicity system for the blacklist of input production and operators, a supervision system such as interviews with enterprises producing substandard products, and a database system of "blacklist" for illegal breeding enterprises, so as to promote the construction of honesty and credit system and promote industry self-discipline. We will carry out in-depth control of excessive residues of veterinary drugs, especially the abuse of antibiotics, and severely crack down on the illegal use of agricultural and animal drugs, illegal addition and the use of additives beyond the scope and limit. We will increase the frequency of spot checks and supervision, strengthen the law enforcement of fake and shoddy inputs and illegal operations, and investigate and deal with one highly influential case in each of the production and management links. The acceptance rate, investigation rate and closure rate of the case reached 100%.

3. Promote the transformation and upgrading of the slaughtering industry. According to the "centralized slaughtering, cold chain distribution, fresh listing" model, guide the township small pig slaughterhouse into the purchase and sale, distribution network, into the unified supply chain management system. Implement centralized slaughtering of live pig products, unified distribution, and strict control over the quality and safety of animal products.

(4) comprehensively consolidate the project of epidemic disease supervision and control

1. Implement the epidemic prevention policy. We will conscientiously do a good job in compulsory immunization, control, culling and purification of four major animal diseases, namely, foot-and-mouth disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, small ruminant disease and brucellosis. The identification rate of livestock and poultry reached 100%, the mortality rates of pigs, cattle, sheep and chickens were controlled within 3%, 1%, 4% and 8% respectively, and the qualified rate of immune antibodies against classical swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, avian influenza and chicken Newcastle disease reached more than 70%. We will comprehensively carry out the purification of brucellosis and the plan to eliminate the epidemic of small ruminants, so as to keep it clean and epidemic-free. Strengthen the prevention and control of schistosomiasis. We will strengthen the building of prevention and control equipment and capacity at the grass-roots level, and constantly optimize the operation mechanism. We will improve the long-term mechanism for the prevention and control of animal diseases and promote the implementation of the Yidu medium-and long-term Animal Disease Prevention and Control Plan (2014-2020).

2. Strengthen the management of epidemic prevention. Persist in putting the prevention and control of animal diseases as a major livelihood project in a prominent position, introduce an incentive mechanism to stabilize the ranks of epidemic prevention workers, and do a good job in the procurement and supply of compulsory immunization vaccines, the organization and implementation of epidemic prevention, and the recovery of empty bottles of vaccines. we will vigorously promote the information management of animal vaccines. We will actively explore a new model of "fighting first and then making up" for the prevention and control of animal diseases, and gradually realize self-help procurement and direct financial subsidy for farmers.

3. Expand the surveillance area and frequency of epidemic prevention. Carry out the evaluation of epidemic prevention quality and effectiveness based on monitoring data, strengthen the training and management of laboratory personnel, and improve monitoring quality and monitoring ability. No less than 2000 blood samples were monitored by concentrated immune antibody in spring and autumn. Complete the detection tasks of small ruminant, brucellosis, tuberculosis and schistosomiasis assigned by the superior.

(5) to carry out strong responsibility projects in an all-round way.

1. Implement responsibilities at various levels. The leading party group of the bureau took the lead in demonstrating, effectively implementing the principal responsibility, passing on the pressure layer by layer, and forming an endogenous driving force for promoting the work continuously. We will promote the building of a clean and honest party style, study and education, ideology, comprehensive management of social management, legal system construction, the establishment of civilization, family planning, archives, trade unions, mass groups and other work to move forward, and all the work of party building in government organs will be standardized, institutionalized and normalized.

2. Pay close attention to mechanism innovation. Strongly promote the overall performance appraisal work, so that the overall cadres and workers' work responsibilities are hardened, the work tasks are refined, and the assessment results are quantified; on the basis of the use of performance assessment, we adhere to the combination of special supervision and daily supervision and inspection, supervision and accountability and performance assessment, so as to provide an effective guarantee for the overall situation of clean, clean and efficient.