
Key points of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary work in Minle County in 2017

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 2017 is not only an important year for the full implementation of the 13th five-year Plan for national economic and social development, but also a key year for further promoting supply-side structural reform. To do a good job in the work for the whole year is necessary to speed up the transformation of the development mode of animal husbandry and promote the adjustment, optimization and promotion of agricultural industrial structure.

2017 is an important year for the full implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan for national economic and social development, and it is also a crucial year for deepening the supply-side structural reform. Doing a good job throughout the year is of great significance to accelerating the transformation of animal husbandry development mode, promoting the adjustment and optimization of agricultural industrial structure, promoting the sustained and healthy development of rural economy and ensuring the smooth completion of various objectives and tasks. Combined with the actual development of animal husbandry, the key points of animal husbandry and veterinary work in the whole county in 2017 are formulated.

I. Basic thinking

Guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, we will fully implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, firmly establish the development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing", adhere to the focus on the transformation of the "three major", continue to deepen the construction of the "three counties", take the structural reform of agriculture on the supply side as a breakthrough, take innovation drive and deepening reform as the driving force, and closely focus on the overall situation of precise poverty alleviation. Focus on increasing farmers 'income, closely adhere to the main line of animal husbandry transformation and upgrading, implement the "three-way" circular mode, vigorously promote the adjustment of animal husbandry structure, continuously extend the industrial chain, upgrade the value chain, actively build a modern animal husbandry industry chain with complementary industrial advantages and reasonable income distribution, and take the modern animal husbandry development road with high output efficiency, product safety, resource conservation and environmental friendliness.

II. Main objectives

The total animal husbandry output value of the whole county reached 610 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 6.3%; the added value reached 370 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 6.3%; the number of livestock and poultry raised and released reached 2.54 million (only) and 1.21 million (only) respectively, with a year-on-year growth of 6.4% and 7.6% respectively, among which: the number of sheep raised and released reached 840,000 and 370,000 respectively, with a year-on-year growth of 12.1% and 7.8% respectively; The number of pigs raised and slaughtered reached 340,000 and 180,000 respectively, up 1.1% and 1.2% year-on-year; the number of cattle raised and slaughtered reached 67,000 and 11,000 respectively, up 1.9% and 2.8% year-on-year; the number of chickens raised and slaughtered reached 1.28 million and 660,000 respectively, up 1.8% and 1.5% year-on-year; the total output of meat, eggs and milk reached 34,000 tons, up 5.4% year-on-year; The per capita net income of farmers from animal husbandry reached 3071 yuan, up 9.5% year-on-year.

III. Focus of work

In order to ensure the successful completion of various objectives and tasks, we should focus on the following nine aspects:

(1) Accelerate the construction of standardized breeding bases and comprehensively promote the transformation of animal husbandry production methods. Supported by the whole industrial chain of modern animal husbandry and the construction project of large counties of cattle and sheep industry, encourage the development of large-scale joint operation, breeding trusteeship, joint breeding, stock cooperation and other operation modes, and build 1 standardized breeding demonstration township and 7 demonstration villages; Establish 1 provincial-level standardized breeding demonstration farm, 5 municipal and 10 county-level standardized breeding farms; 20 new (expanded) standardized livestock and poultry breeding communities (farms) have been built, with large-scale livestock and poultry breeding accounting for more than 80% of the total breeding volume; Closely centering on the transformation and upgrading of Laocheng District and the construction of plateau ecological civilization county, one livestock and poultry breeding demonstration base, one livestock and poultry comprehensive trading market and one halal cattle and sheep slaughterhouse will be built in the suburbs to comprehensively solve the hidden dangers of human settlements and environmental pollution and improve the image of the city.

(II) Intensify environmental improvement efforts and fully complete the task of environmental protection of Qilian Mountain grassland. In strict accordance with the requirements of the county party committee and county government's ecological environment problem of "great discovery and great rectification", we should deeply understand the severe reality of industrial development and environmental bearing, earnestly strengthen the urgency and sense of responsibility of cleaning up and rectification, and fully complete the target task of reducing livestock by 23,940 sheep units in Minle section of Qilian Mountain Nature Reserve. In implementing the new round of grassland bonus policy, the implementation of grazing ban and livestock reduction tasks will be closely combined with the payment of grassland bonus funds, and the verification of overloaded livestock in protected areas will be urged by means of rewards and deductions to ensure the full completion of livestock reduction tasks. Grassland management shall be strengthened according to law, the examination and approval system for grassland requisition and occupation shall be implemented, and illegal acts of destroying grasslands such as indiscriminate mining, unauthorized occupation, overloading and overgrazing shall be severely investigated and dealt with. Continue to control the "three modernizations" of grassland, strengthen the prevention and control of rats and pests, complete 68,000 mu of herding chickens and locust control, 500,000 mu of drug pest control and rodent control, and the comprehensive coverage of grassland vegetation in the whole county reaches more than 60.13%. We will earnestly complete a new round of projects such as returning farmland to grassland construction, support the development and growth of forage processing enterprises such as Greenland Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Xinuo Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Qirui Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., build 2 processing enterprises with an annual production of 10,000 tons of straw feed, radiate and drive the whole county to plant 110,000 mu of high-quality forage, and build a base of "harvesting ten thousand catties of grass per mu and planting thousands of mu of grass". The utilization rate of straw feed has reached more than 67%.

(3) Strengthen environmental pollution control of breeding enterprises and comprehensively promote sustainable development of animal husbandry. Focusing on the feedback from the Central Environmental Supervision Group and the newly added livestock and poultry breeding facilities, we will seriously rectify the breeding projects that have been built in the core areas and buffer areas, strictly implement the rigid restriction that no new farms are allowed in the core areas and buffer areas of drinking water source protection areas, scenic spots, nature reserves, urban residential areas, cultural areas and other population concentration areas as well as other prohibited breeding areas stipulated by laws and regulations. After the county government delimits prohibited breeding areas, Complete the relocation and renovation tasks of the farm areas that really need to be relocated in the prohibited breeding areas. Strictly implement the regulations on all farms (communities) to fulfill the environmental impact assessment procedures in 2017 and construct supporting sewage treatment facilities. Projects that have an impact on environmental safety will not be approved for construction. At the same time, the completed farms (communities) will be urged to set up facilities and equipment for sewage treatment within a time limit. One demonstration site for sewage conversion and utilization will be built within the year, and the utilization rate of large-scale livestock and poultry breeding will reach 86% within the year.

(d) implement a modern livestock recycling development model to enhance the efficiency of waste recycling. Guided by the grain-to-feed pilot project, according to the idea of "stabilizing grain, optimizing economy and expanding feed", moderately expand forage planting area, speed up the construction of the ternary structure of coordinated development of "grain, economy and feed", and establish a circular development mode of planting and breeding in line with the actual situation of our county. Vigorously develop crop straw feed cattle and sheep through abdominal conversion-manure processing edible fungi base and organic fertilizer-edible fungi waste base reprocessing feed and organic fertilizer-organic fertilizer returned to the field to improve soil fertility to develop organic agriculture agricultural cycle mode, realize the high integration of green breeding production and organic fruit and vegetable production. Continuously strengthen the communication with the financial department, actively strive for project support funds, take measures such as loan discount interest, reward instead of compensation, etc. to strengthen the support for edible fungi base material production cooperatives and enterprises, and strive to consume 30,000 tons of excrement within the year.

(5) Improve the safety supervision system and comprehensively improve the ability of animal husbandry to ensure safe production. In the face of the new environment and new tasks of animal husbandry safety supervision, we should adhere to the combination of production and management and source control. With the strictest supervision, the most severe punishment and the most serious accountability, we should pay close attention to key links such as epidemic prevention and control and slaughtering supervision to effectively ensure the safety of industrial development. First, strengthen animal quarantine efforts. Strengthen the construction of five teams of official veterinarians, licensed veterinarians, village veterinarians and village-level epidemic prevention officers, and strive to fill the vacancies in the establishment of township veterinary stations. Increase investment in animal prevention and quarantine, ensure that animal prevention and quarantine work fully achieves standardized operation, and realize that no major animal epidemic and animal product quality safety incidents will occur within the year. We will continue to intensify efforts to detect and purify zoonotic diseases such as brucellosis, hydatid disease and tuberculosis, do a good job in the safety protection of animal quarantine personnel, and ensure public health and people's health. Actively coordinate the construction of "Animal Epidemic Prevention Supervision and Inspection Station of Minle Passage on Line G227" to build an effective barrier for the import of animal diseases, diseased animals and animal products. We will do a solid job in the prevention and control of major animal diseases in spring and autumn, ensure that the immune density is maintained at more than 90% all the year round, the qualified rate of immune antibodies is maintained at more than 70% throughout the year, and the qualified rate of comprehensive monitoring of animal product quality and safety reaches more than 99%. The second is to establish a big data platform for livestock products. Actively integrate animal husbandry information resources, and fully promote the construction of agricultural product quality and safety traceability platform, veterinary drug basic data platform, key animal product market information platform and new business entity information direct reporting platform. Promote the pilot work of "two-dimensional code" in veterinary drug operation link, establish and improve the whole-process traceability network monitoring platform based on electronic certification, encourage breeding enterprises to establish and improve the whole-process traceability network monitoring platform based on electronic certification, and build 2 traceability pilots within the year. Third, strengthen supervision over production safety. Strictly implement the work requirements of "Party and government have the same responsibility, one post has double responsibility, and dereliction of duty is pursued", carry out in-depth investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards, highlight the supervision and inspection of key links such as liquid nitrogen in improved seed improvement links, the use of agricultural machinery and equipment in production links and fire prevention in forage farms, improve grassland supervision and grassland fire prevention system, and resolutely prevent serious safety accidents and grassland fires. Fourth, strengthen the supervision of slaughtering market and inputs. Organize and carry out special rectification work on feed management and use links, carry out in-depth pig slaughtering "mine clearance action", and do a good job in daily supervision of animal breeding, slaughtering, transportation, diagnosis and treatment and live livestock trading market. We will implement the "five commitments and five notifications" system for veterinary work, implement the main responsibilities of farms (households), strengthen supervision over illegal additives such as clenbuterol, implement the Feed Quality Safety Code, severely crack down on illegal acts of selling, trafficking, slaughtering and processing sick and dead animals, and investigate and investigate no less than 15 cases throughout the year.

(6) Improve the circulation system of livestock products, and do a good job in intensive processing and brand cultivation of livestock products. Seize the strategic opportunity of "One Belt and One Road", accelerate the construction of specialized markets such as cold chain preservation and electronic logistics of livestock products, encourage enterprises and professional cooperation organizations such as Golden Sunshine and Hue Fuxiang to build 3 direct sales points for livestock products in second-and third-tier cities, and gradually build a cold chain logistics system for livestock products that meets the needs of consumers, suppliers and retailers. Relying on the existing e-commerce system and livestock product purchase and sales system, give full play to the advantages of "Internet +", create "crowdfunding animal husbandry", and gradually increase the online sales share through "crowdfunding beef and sheep" and "crowdfunding chicken". We will continue to strengthen the development of healthy and green livestock products, support the certification and use of the "three products and one standard" logo by leading enterprises and cooperatives, strive to cultivate high-quality livestock products brands with distinctive characteristics, stable quality, good reputation and high market share, such as "People's Federation Lamb Meat" and "Local Four Families", and actively carry out publicity and promotion through various festivals such as Gansu Agricultural Fair, Lanzhou Fair and Zhangjiahui, so as to continuously promote the county's livestock products and their processed products to enter the high-end market. During the year, we will strive to establish 2 demonstration sites of "three products and one standard", 1 newly certified pollution-free product and 1 certified green organic livestock product.

(7) Promoting the strategy of developing animal husbandry through science and technology and constantly improving the scientific and technological content of modern animal husbandry. According to the idea of "high and new technology should be imported, key technology should be broken through, conventional technology should be popularized, practical technology should be popularized, and comprehensive application should yield benefits." Make full use of the established mutton sheep breeding farms and breeding pig breeding farms, carry out the integration, assembly and experimental demonstration of "five good" technologies (improved varieties, good materials, good methods, good houses and good doctors), and accelerate the transformation and application of animal husbandry scientific and technological achievements. Consolidate and improve the existing 30 artificial insemination stations (points) of dairy cattle, introduce 12,000 frozen semen of high-quality dairy cattle mainly Simmental and Holstein, and complete the improvement of frozen breeding more than 8,000. On the basis of protecting the existing excellent basic dams, we will continue to strengthen the introduction of new varieties of mutton sheep, mainly introducing Australian white, Dubo, Han sheep, Hu sheep and other excellent varieties. It is planned to introduce more than 400 breeding rams and realize the crossbreeding improvement of 110,000 mutton sheep. For breeding stock and frozen semen transferred from other places, strict examination shall be conducted according to relevant regulations, unified transfer shall be conducted, and pedigree files shall be established for all of them. Low-quality varieties are strictly prohibited from entering our county.

(8) Grasp project construction and investment and investment, and strive to consolidate the foundation for the development of animal husbandry industry. Take the competition for animal husbandry development investment projects as the top priority of all work, continue to strengthen communication and connection with superior business departments, and ensure the approval and implementation of the reported mutton sheep industry construction projects, animal husbandry development mode transformation construction projects, high-yield and high-quality alfalfa demonstration construction projects and pig standardization demonstration county construction projects. We will step up efforts to attract foreign investment, introduce livestock breeding and livestock products intensive processing enterprises with large scale of operation, strong ability to integrate resources and high market share, and ensure that the total amount of foreign investment will reach more than 100 million yuan within the year, with more than 30 million yuan in available funds. Encourage the promotion of the mode of paid rolling use of financial funds, integrate part of the supporting funds of the project into agricultural investment companies, use them for loan discount interest, guaranteed mortgage and low-interest loans of the main business entities of grass and livestock industry, and encourage more financial and social capital to invest in animal husbandry. Actively support the development of animal husbandry professional cooperative organizations and trade associations, and give full play to their role in technology promotion, industry self-discipline, rights protection and market development.

(IX) Solidly promote the cultivation of precision poverty alleviation industries and boost the increase in production and income of poor households. Closely centering on the "1236" poverty alleviation action, the county party committee's "1+15" poverty alleviation policy, further consolidate and expand the achievements of precise poverty alleviation, give full play to the radiation driving role of established farms (communities), and take advantage of the abundant forage resources to encourage and support the people who have been lifted out of poverty to develop herbivorous livestock breeding based on mutton sheep and beef cattle. Mobilize large breeding households with good economic conditions to jointly establish breeding professional cooperatives, absorb scattered breeding households by means of shares, expand breeding scale, enhance their ability to resist market risks and improve breeding benefits. Organize the technical backbone of animal husbandry, beef cattle and mutton sheep breeding, pasture planting, forage processing and other practical technologies in poor villages, and carry out more than 20 classified trainings (times).

IV. Safeguards

1. Implementation of supportive policies. Firmly seize the favorable opportunity for the state to increase investment in animal husbandry year by year, and earnestly implement relevant policies to support the development of animal husbandry. Strictly implement the supporting policies for new (reformed) farms (communities), demonstration farms, construction of pits for harmless treatment of manure, circulation of agricultural products and brand building in Document No.1 of Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Cold Economic Industrial Belt and Building Modern Agricultural Industrial Integration Zone issued by the county party committee and county government, so as to ensure the implementation of various policies and safe use of funds.

2. Strengthen livestock industry services. We will continue to strengthen the construction of professional and technical teams, regularly train cadres in policy and professional knowledge, strengthen the study and promotion of high and new technologies, key technologies, conventional technologies and practical technologies, and support professional and technical personnel to carry out technical cooperation with breeding enterprises and leading enterprises. We will carry out solid monitoring actions for the construction of the whole animal husbandry industry chain, timely grasp the production and market operation situation, and do a good job in information collection, release, analysis and judgment. On the basis of the third national agricultural census and the verification of animal husbandry data last year, the method of "bottom-up, updating and filling gaps" shall be adopted to establish comprehensive, true and accurate basic accounts for farms (households), grass and livestock products processing, forage land, animal quarantine and slaughtering circulation, etc., and verify basic data and regularly update dynamic data in accordance with the principle of respecting laws and seeking truth from facts to ensure accurate and reliable animal husbandry information and better serve the development of the industry.

3. Improve the working mechanism. Break down the objectives and tasks at different levels, list the tasks and responsibilities, improve and perfect the post responsibility system, responsibility investigation system and other systems, and ensure that each work has arrangements, deployment, inspection and effectiveness. All leading cadres of the animal husbandry system should innovate their working methods, go deep into villages and towns, take the initiative to carry out work in breeding communities, breeding farmers and key project sites to solve practical problems, especially keep safety production and comprehensive environmental protection in mind and in hand to ensure the completion of various objectives and tasks.

4. Strengthen self-construction. Consolidate the achievements of "two studies and one doing" study and education, fully implement the new requirements of strict party management, pay close attention to the ideological and political construction of the team and the construction of the team's style of work, strictly implement the requirements of the construction of a clean and honest government, further improve the supervision, assessment and evaluation system, and form a long-term mechanism for style construction. The majority of animal husbandry cadres should take "true work" as their responsibility,"strong animal husbandry" as their pursuit, put their minds on entrepreneurship, put their work on seeking truth and pragmatism, insist on putting the interests of service objects first, solve difficult problems, do practical things and do good deeds, carry out all-round services for production, operation and processing units in terms of policies, technology, information, production and marketing, rights protection, etc., strive to compete for first place, strive for first-class performance, and ensure that the objectives and tasks are fully completed.