
Key points of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary work in Fujian Province in 2017

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Each district and city agriculture bureau and Pingtan comprehensive experimental area rural development bureau: in order to fully implement the opinions of the General Office of the Provincial Government on further strengthening the Management of Livestock and Poultry slaughtering Industry (Minzheng Office (2016) No. 119, hereinafter referred to as "opinions"), strengthen slaughtering banks

Each district and city agriculture bureau, Pingtan comprehensive experimental area rural development bureau:

In order to fully implement the opinions of the General Office of the Provincial Government on further strengthening the Management of Livestock and Poultry slaughtering Industry (Fujian political Affairs Office (2016) No. 119, hereinafter referred to as "opinions"), strengthen the management of the slaughtering industry, and promote the healthy development of the slaughtering industry in our province, the notice on how to do a good job in the management of the slaughtering industry in 2017 is as follows:

First, strict access to the industry, make good plans and settings.

It is necessary to strengthen policy guidance, with the goal of rational layout, reducing quantity control, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and according to the "opinions" of the provincial government, "by the end of 2020, the total number of designated pig slaughtering enterprises in the province will be controlled within 100." basically achieve the goal of standardized scale slaughtering "and our hall" principle, set up a designated pig slaughtering plant in urban areas, and no more than one designated pig slaughtering plant in each county (city). Meat sales outlets can radiate and distribute to the surrounding urban areas and villages and towns, no longer retain or build new designated slaughtering enterprises, and pay close attention to the formulation of the plan for the establishment of designated pig slaughtering enterprises during the 13th five-year Plan period, it shall be announced by the people's governments of districts and cities and reported to the Provincial Agricultural Department for the record. It is necessary to further improve the access management system for slaughtering enterprises, strictly control access conditions, standardize access examination and approval, and no longer approve designated slaughtering plants for slaughtering less than 500 pigs per day or containing substitute slaughterings. examination and approval of newly-built slaughtering enterprises that have not been explicitly included in the planning of the cities and counties (districts) where they are located is prohibited.

Second, strict examination and clean-up, rectification and closure within a time limit.

It is necessary to actively promote the examination and clean-up work of designated pig slaughtering enterprises in accordance with the closure period stipulated in the provincial government's "opinions". For unqualified designated pig slaughtering enterprises (Annex 1), if they are qualified or closed after rectification, the competent agricultural department shall promptly request the district and municipal government to issue a public notice, reissue or withdraw the designated slaughtering certificate and designated slaughtering sign, and report it to the provincial agricultural department for the record. In order to formulate a feasible work plan for auditing and cleaning up, the establishment of designated slaughtering sites for live pigs is strictly limited to remote and inaccessible rural areas where meat sales network points are indeed inaccessible, and a quarterly report system shall be implemented for the rectification and closure of unqualified mini pig slaughtering sites on the last five working days of each quarter. Report the rectification or closure progress of the unqualified pig slaughtering enterprises in the area to the Provincial Agriculture Department (Annex 2).

Third, crack down on private slaughter and indiscriminate slaughter and carry out special rectification.

It is necessary to strengthen cooperation with the departments of public security, food and drug supervision, environmental protection, industry and commerce, continue to organize and carry out special rectification actions on pig slaughtering around important seasons, key areas and weak links, strengthen law enforcement, and maintain a high-handed situation continuously. we should severely crack down on illegal acts such as illegal slaughtering, slaughtering sick and dead pigs and injecting live pigs by water injection in accordance with the law, and do a good job in the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice. Transfer relevant illegal cases to the public security organs in a timely manner. It is necessary to establish and improve the reporting and verification system, publish the telephone number for reporting and complaints, promptly check and deal with the outstanding problems reflected by the masses, maintain the order of the slaughtering market, and ensure the quality and safety of meat products.

Fourth, strengthen daily supervision and implement the main responsibility.

In accordance with the requirements of the "two regulations and one standard," it is necessary to strengthen daily supervision and annual inspection, formulate corresponding supervision and inspection plans for slaughtering enterprises with different risk levels, and further promote risk assessment and trace management of slaughtering supervision. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of slaughtering and quarantine inspection, standardize the issuance of quarantine inspection certificates, and strictly abide by the "six prohibitions" for animal husbandry and veterinary law enforcement and the "five prohibitions" for slaughtering and quarantine. It is necessary to urge slaughtering enterprises to fulfill the responsibility of the first person responsible for meat quality and safety in the slaughtering process and the main responsibility for production safety, establish and improve the system of registration of livestock and poultry slaughtering, meat quality inspection, self-examination of "clenbuterol", harmless treatment of diseased livestock and poultry, and production safety management, standardize entrusted slaughtering behavior, and constantly improve the quality, safety and supervision level of meat in slaughtering links.

Fifth, strengthen organizational leadership to ensure the implementation of measures.

The examination and clean-up work involves a wide range of areas, short of time, and heavy tasks. under the unified leadership of the local government, all localities should personally grasp the main leaders, specifically grasp the leaders in charge, conscientiously do a good job in leading and coordinating the work, and cooperate closely with relevant departments to ensure that a joint force of work is formed. It is necessary to formulate specific work objectives, measures and tasks for rectification, reform and closure, and implement the task of rectification and closure of unqualified slaughtering enterprises in accordance with the countdown work method. Our office will carry out supervision and inspection according to the progress of rectification, reform and closure work in various localities to ensure that the measures stipulated in the provincial government's "opinions" are implemented, and that the supervision work such as examination and clean-up has achieved practical results.