
Key points of Veterinary work in Jiamusi City in 2017

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In 2016, the main task of the city's veterinary system is to implement the guiding opinions of the Heilongjiang Provincial CPC Committee and the Heilongjiang Provincial people's Government on cultivating the Animal Husbandry Industry into a Revitalization and Development Strategic Industry (Heifa [2017] No. 25) and Heilongjiang Provincial people's Government Guan

2017, The main task of the veterinary system of the city is to implement the guiding opinions of the Heilongjiang Provincial CPC Committee and the Heilongjiang Provincial people's Government on cultivating Animal Husbandry Industry into a Revitalization and Development Strategic Industry (Heifa [2016] No. 25), Heilongjiang Provincial people's Government on speeding up the Development of Modern Animal Husbandry Industry (Heizheng Fa [2015] No. 25), "medium-and long-term Animal Disease Prevention and Control Plan of Heilongjiang Province (2013-2020)" (black politics office [2013] No. 53) The medium-and long-term Animal Disease Prevention and Control Plan of Jiamusi City (2015-2020) (Jiazheng Office [2015] No. 21) closely revolves around the goal and task of "preventing risk, ensuring safety and promoting development", and takes the construction of an unregulated animal epidemic city as the main line. strengthen animal epidemic prevention management, and strive to improve the level of veterinary health risk management in the whole chain from breeding to slaughtering.

I. promoting the construction of cities with unregulated animal diseases

Speed up the construction of unregulated animal epidemic areas, fully implement the implementation Plan for the Construction of Animal foot-and-mouth Disease and highly pathogenic Avian Influenza Immunization-free areas in Heilongjiang Province (Black political Affairs Office [2016] No. 124), formulate work guidelines for the construction of epidemic-free areas, refine annual construction goals and tasks, clarify the division of responsibilities, work requirements and work progress, establish a performance evaluation mechanism for the construction of epidemic-free areas, and set assessment indicators scientifically and rationally. We will implement the system of tracking, supervision and notification of key tasks, strengthen the use of assessment results, and promote the detailed implementation of various construction tasks. We will actively strive for the support of financial and other departments to speed up the construction of animal epidemic prevention infrastructure in unregulated animal epidemic areas. Fully implement work trace management, according to the requirements of full and accurate records, accurate data and mutual verification, do a good job of work records, data collation, data collection and recording, timely collection and filing, and special counter preservation.

Second, strengthen the capacity building of veterinary system

(1) to strengthen the core capacity-building of veterinary institutions. It is necessary to strengthen the building of animal health supervision institutions, improve subject qualifications, enrich law enforcement personnel, equip law enforcement equipment, strengthen conditions, increase the training of official veterinarians, and enhance their ability to perform core tasks such as animal quarantine and law enforcement. Improve the capacity of veterinary laboratories, county-level veterinary laboratories to strengthen serological testing capacity, regional veterinary laboratories to enhance the ability of etiological surveillance. At the end of 2017, all county (city, district) veterinary laboratories and Jiamusi regional veterinary laboratories passed the assessment and reviewed the veterinary laboratories that had expired. Carry out the comparison test of the testing ability of all county (city, district) veterinary laboratories, and compare the test results as an important basis for veterinary laboratory assessment.

(2) to strengthen the construction of socialized service system for veterinarians. We will continue to carry out pilot projects for socialized veterinary services, explore the model of "Internet + + veterinary services", increase the intensity of "government purchase services", and encourage all kinds of legitimate market entities to set up various forms of service institutions such as animal epidemic prevention teams and cooperatives, standardize and integrate the resources of village-level animal epidemic prevention personnel, and provide high-quality professional veterinary health services such as immunization, diagnosis and treatment, and medication to farmers. All localities should carry out the pilot project of "fighting before replenishing" compulsory immunization in large-scale farms, and establish and improve the evaluation mechanism of "fighting before replenishing" compulsory immunization against major animal diseases in large-scale farms.

(3) to strengthen the construction of veterinary informatization. We will continue to do a good job in the electronic issuance of animal quarantine certificates, establish a basic database that includes relevant information such as institutional team management, veterinary health supervision, animal epidemic prevention and control, harmless treatment, animal identification and traceability of animal products, develop mobile law enforcement software for veterinary health supervision, and actively explore the application of modern information technology to improve the level of veterinary work. Cooperate with the platform construction of "Information Integration of Animal epidemic Prevention in Heilongjiang Province" launched by our province.

III. Laying stress on the prevention and control of animal diseases

(1) continue to do a good job in the prevention and control of major animal diseases. In accordance with the unified arrangements of the province, we should carry out compulsory immunization against highly pathogenic avian influenza and foot-and-mouth disease, strictly guard against highly pathogenic avian influenza, ensure the density of immunity, strengthen daily monitoring, and quickly extinguish the epidemic when it is discovered. To guide, support and encourage scattered farmers and large-scale farmers to carry out comprehensive immunization against classical swine fever. We will strengthen the management of bidding procurement, storage and distribution, quality control and contract implementation of compulsory immunization vaccines. Formulate and implement the city-wide animal epidemic surveillance and epidemiological investigation plan, scientifically carry out epidemic surveillance and immune surveillance, comprehensively grasp the epidemic situation of major animal diseases and the evaluation of immune effect, and report the monitoring data online in a timely manner, provide data support for the construction of epidemic-free areas. Strengthen the management of border animal epidemic situation monitoring stations and national animal epidemic situation monitoring stations in Fujin City and Tongjiang City, strengthen epidemic situation monitoring and surveillance, and carry out investigation on livestock and poultry breeding, distribution, and epidemic disease prevention and control in border areas. Strengthen cooperation with entry and exit quarantine inspection, customs, aviation, forestry, frontier defense and other departments, improve the inter-departmental cooperation mechanism, effectively prevent the introduction of exotic animal diseases such as African classical swine fever, and eliminate the dead corner of prevention work.

(2) to organize compulsory immunization against brucellosis. According to the implementation Plan of Livestock brucellosis Immunization in Heilongjiang Province, compulsory immunization was carried out for non-dairy and breeding cattle and sheep, full immunization records were filled in, and ear labels were worn head by head. Before immunization, carry out baseline investigation of brucellosis and evaluation of infection status of livestock, conduct vaccine immunization plot test, and strictly do a good job in immunization technology and personnel protection training.

(3) to carry out the purification of key animal diseases in an orderly manner. We will continue to implement the H7N9 influenza elimination program and the small ruminant epidemic eradication plan. We should do a good job in the control of major vertically transmitted diseases in breeding livestock and poultry farms, carry out surveillance of major diseases in modern demonstration dairy farms, guide the implementation of epidemic prevention measures, improve the level of biosafety in the breeding environment, and control the risk of animal diseases from the source.

(4) to make overall plans for the prevention and control of common epidemic diseases. We will do a good job in basic immunization against other animal epidemics such as highly pathogenic porcine blue ear disease, Newcastle disease, sheep pox and porcine diarrhoeal diseases, and carry out immunization against susceptible livestock in new and old anthrax epidemic areas, along rivers and lakes and low-lying areas as planned. Strengthen anthrax surveillance and epidemiological investigation in the season with high incidence of anthrax. Guide the grass-roots level to strengthen the surveillance and prevention of porcine diarrhoeal diseases, sheep pox, porcine erysipelas, pseudorabies, circovirus disease and other diseases, and grasp the current epidemic situation.

IV. Do a good job in administrative law enforcement of veterinary health

(1) to further promote law enforcement and handling cases. We will strengthen guidance and training in handling cases in law enforcement, improve the efficiency and quality of handling cases in law enforcement, eliminate the phenomenon of "zero cases" in animal health supervision agencies, and the number of cases handled by animal health supervision agencies at the county level is not less than that prescribed by the state. Adopt the way of itinerant inspection and exchange and interaction, organize the backbone of animal health supervision institutions at all levels to carry out case file evaluation and exchange and discussion, so as to improve the ability of law enforcement and handling cases. Strengthen the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and standardize the procedure of case transfer. We will fully implement the system of disclosure of information on veterinary administrative penalties, and take the initiative to disclose relevant information in a timely manner in accordance with the measures for the Disclosure of Information on Agricultural Administrative punishment cases.

(2) strengthen quarantine supervision. We will promote the construction of animal quarantine declaration points, carry out animal quarantine in accordance with the law, strictly implement quarantine measures for inter-provincial transportation of livestock and poultry, and standardize quarantine and certification behavior. Strengthen daily supervision, county-level effective supervision over the "four types of places" such as animal breeding, slaughtering, isolation and harmless disposal in the area under their jurisdiction; and adopt special inspection and random spot checks to carry out supervision and inspection on the four types of places. To explore the hierarchical management model of animal health supervision and risk assessment in large-scale farms, and gradually implement hierarchical management according to different risk categories. We will conscientiously implement the examination and approval system for the introduction of dairy and breeding animals across provinces, and investigate and deal with illegal introduction in accordance with the law.

(3) to promote the construction of a mechanism for harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry. In accordance with the overall requirements of promoting the construction of ecological civilization, we should strengthen the construction of a harmless treatment system for sick and dead livestock and poultry, strengthen supervision over the harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry, and standardize the declaration and use of subsidy funds for harmless treatment. Support and encourage the construction of a harmless treatment system that combines harmless treatment with resource utilization, and improve the level of resource utilization of sick and dead livestock and poultry.

V. effectively strengthen the management of the slaughtering industry

(1) to speed up the legalization of livestock and poultry slaughtering. Implement the opinions of the Ministry of Agriculture on strengthening the management of the slaughtering industry to ensure the quality and safety of meat products (Agricultural Medical hair [2016] No. 29), and strengthen the management of the slaughtering industry and the publicity and implementation of slaughtering laws and regulations.

(2) to strengthen the supervision of the livestock and poultry slaughtering industry. Strengthen the supervision of slaughtering enterprises, implement the standards of slaughtering supervision and inspection, further promote the examination and clearance of pig slaughtering qualifications, strengthen the supervision and sampling inspection and risk monitoring of "clenbuterol" in slaughtering links, and improve the slaughtering quality and safety guarantee system. Organize and carry out a "mine clearance operation" for the supervision of pig slaughtering to severely crack down on illegal pig slaughtering. Strengthen the statistical monitoring of livestock and poultry slaughtering, submit scientific and accurate slaughtering monitoring information, and timely warn and predict the development trend of the slaughtering industry.

(3) innovate the way of daily supervision. Speed up the implementation of trace management of livestock and poultry slaughtering supervision and management, strictly implement the provisions of the operational Code for Supervision and Inspection of Livestock and Poultry slaughtering Enterprises, establish credit files and daily supervision and inspection files of livestock and poultry slaughtering enterprises, and establish a "blacklist" system and punishment and withdrawal mechanism. improve the integrity management ability and quality management level of livestock and poultry slaughtering enterprises.

(4) to guide the transformation and upgrading of the slaughtering industry. Organize the standardized establishment of pig slaughterhouses, introduce advanced technology, promote the construction of pork traceability system and meat quality inspection system, guide large-scale slaughtering enterprises to extend the industrial chain, promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and gradually enhance the development level of the slaughtering industry.

VI. Earnestly strengthen the management of medical administration and drug administration

(1) to promote the healthy development of the veterinary drug industry. Implement the guiding opinions of the Ministry of Agriculture on promoting the healthy Development of Veterinary Drug Industry (Agricultural Medical hair [2016] No. 15), strictly supervise the operation and use of veterinary drugs, implement daily supervision and inspection, special rectification and other management measures, strengthen the supervision and spot check of veterinary drugs, and severely crack down on illegal addition, sale of counterfeits, illegal use of veterinary drugs and other illegal activities. Carry out in-depth monitoring of veterinary drug residues in animals and animal products, fully complete the task of veterinary drug sampling inspection, increase the coverage of antimicrobial drug residues sampling inspection, increase sampling frequency, and trace positive samples. Implement the linkage of inspection and beating to further improve the efficiency of sampling inspection. Speed up the construction of veterinary drug traceability system and constantly improve the traceability ratio of product quality. Each county (city, district) should select 3mur5 veterinary drug management enterprises as pilot sites for the information management of veterinary drug purchase, sale and storage, so as to make good preparations and lay a good foundation for the comprehensive completion of veterinary drug purchase, sale and storage information management in 2020.

(2) standardize the supervision and management of animal diagnosis and treatment places. We will continue to improve the management system of animal diagnosis and treatment institutions and veterinary practice, strengthen the construction of the system of animal diagnosis and treatment institutions, raise the standards of animal diagnosis and treatment services, strengthen the supervision of animal diagnosis and treatment institutions in the later stage, and carry out special rectification actions for animal diagnosis and treatment institutions. further standardize the animal diagnosis and treatment market.

(3) strengthen the supervision of biosafety in veterinary laboratories. To carry out a survey on the basic situation of veterinary laboratories and biosafety management. We will earnestly strengthen the biosafety supervision of veterinary laboratories within their jurisdiction and the biosafety supervision and inspection of veterinary laboratories of Heilongjiang Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, standardize the preservation and use of animal pathogenic microorganisms (toxins), and supervise and urge the filing of veterinary laboratories and the annual online reporting of the "National Veterinary Laboratory Information Management system".

VII. Effectively strengthen the publicity of veterinary information

To organize and carry out the publicity and implementation of the regulations on Animal epidemic Prevention in Heilongjiang Province. Make full use of the mass media and national, provincial and municipal industry media to vigorously publicize typical experience, advanced practices and role models, and sing the main theme of veterinary work. Strengthen the guidance of public opinion on emergencies, take the initiative to respond to social concerns, disclose relevant information timely and objectively, scientifically explain all kinds of risks and preventive measures concerned by the public, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to, understand and support veterinary work.

Eighth, earnestly strengthen the building of the trade style.

Adhere to "managing the industry must manage the work style", implement "two responsibilities", "one post, two responsibilities" and "double random and one open", continue to do a good job in the work style and the building of a clean and honest party style, and strive to build a veterinary team with excellent politics, excellent work style, loyalty and clean responsibility. We will strengthen the construction and management of epidemic prevention projects, and strengthen the supervision of the procurement and distribution of compulsory immunization vaccines. We will increase training, exercise strict administration in accordance with the law, strengthen the management of the supervision team of law enforcement, and focus on tackling the problems of inaction, slow action and chaos. We will conscientiously implement the "six prohibitions on Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Administrative Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Agriculture" and strictly standardize animal quarantine certification and law enforcement supervision. We will conscientiously implement the eight regulations of the Central Committee and the nine regulations of the provincial party committee and provincial government, promote the institutionalization and normalization of the building of work style, constantly improve the awareness and level of service, and earnestly solve the outstanding problems reflected by the masses and the reasonable demands put forward.