
Key points of animal husbandry and veterinary work in Shanxi Province in 2017

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Rural Work Conference, the National Agricultural Work Conference, the Provincial Rural Work Conference and the Agricultural Work Conference, do a solid job in animal husbandry and veterinary work in 2017, and promote the construction of modern animal husbandry in an orderly manner, these key points are formulated. I. Overall thinking

This key point is formulated in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Rural work Conference, the National Agricultural work Conference, the Provincial Rural work Conference and the Agricultural work Conference, to do a good job in the work of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine in 2017, and to promote the construction of modern animal husbandry in an orderly manner.

I. General thinking

In 2017, animal husbandry and veterinary work in the province should conscientiously implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the third, fourth, Fifth and sixth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and firmly establish the development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing". We will further promote the supply-side structural reform of animal husbandry, vigorously promote the quality and efficiency of animal husbandry, speed up the modernization of animal husbandry, improve the quality and safety level of animal products, and strengthen the prevention and control of major animal diseases. We will strengthen the systematic construction of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, strive to create a new situation in animal husbandry and veterinary work, and strive to achieve the goal of "ensuring supply, safety, ecology and income".

II. Key work

(1) focus on optimizing the structure of animal husbandry industry

1. Strengthen the leading industry. According to the industrial development idea of "increasing pigs, stabilizing chickens, developing herbivorous livestock such as cattle, sheep and donkeys", revise and improve the animal husbandry development plan of our province, formulate the industrial development plan of pig, chicken, cattle, sheep and donkey, and further clarify the development ideas of animal husbandry industry in our province. Seize the favorable opportunity of "raising pigs in the south and raising pigs in the north" and high prices, and rely on large enterprises to develop large-scale and efficient pig breeding industry. Continue to stabilize the production of the poultry industry. Develop herbivorous animal husbandry of cattle, sheep and donkey, popularize the model of "mountain reproduction and river breeding", expand the basic female animal population, and stabilize the development foundation of herbivorous livestock. Build a high-quality milk source base, develop moderate-scale family pastures, expand the planting area of high-quality forage grass, and promote the revitalization of the dairy industry.

2. Cultivate new industries. In accordance with the idea of "aiming at the shortcomings of the market and implementing misplaced development", we have actively introduced world-class enterprises to invest in the construction of feed additives, veterinary drug raw materials, enzyme preparations, biological products, forage processing, organic fertilizer and other production enterprises in our province, forming a number of new animal husbandry pillar industries. At the same time, strengthen the integration and transformation of our province's existing feed, veterinary medicine and other production enterprises, eliminate low-end products and backward production capacity, and form a number of flagship enterprises.

3. Strengthen the basic industries. Carry out the breeding project of high-quality livestock and poultry, formulate the breeding plan of pig, chicken, cow and sheep, define the breeding direction and select the breeding method, so as to lay a good foundation for the selection of new livestock and poultry breeds that meet the development needs of our province. Strengthen the protection and utilization of high-quality livestock and poultry breed resources, do a good job in the protection of Taihang goat, horse body pig, Shanxi black pig and Jinnan cattle, and popularize the efficient breeding technology based on "Jinfen White Pig" and "Jindlan Cashmere Goat". To build a domestic supply base for high-quality breeding livestock and poultry.

(2) focus on the construction of the agro-pastoral ecotone in Yanmenguan District.

1. Strengthen the work of changing grain to feed. We will expand the scope of subsidies for changing grain to feed, and on the basis of adjusting and optimizing 10 original national grain-to-feed pilot counties, including Shanyin County and Tianzhen County, further expand the scope of grain conversion to feeding, with an area of not less than 20,000 mu in each county. We will formulate the measures for the Management of funds for the conversion of Grain to Feed, issue the measures for performance Evaluation of the conversion of Grain to Feed in Shanxi Province, and complete the acceptance of the work of changing grain to feed in 2016 and 2017. Organize large-scale dairy farms, beef farms and mutton sheep farms in the pilot area to dock with forage production enterprises, farmers' professional cooperatives and forage growers to improve the utilization rate of forage production. Cultivate professional forage collection and storage service organizations and professional sales enterprises, explore the establishment of large-scale and commercial utilization model of high-quality forage, and support the construction of 2-3 specialized forage acquisition and processing enterprises.

2. Accelerate the development of grass and animal husbandry. Continue to do a good job in the construction of grass and animal husbandry pilot cities in Shuozhou, sum up cases, refine models, and popularize pilot experience. Datong and Shuozhou have completed 100000 mu of forage grass planting in each city, and each county has begun to cultivate two superior characteristic industrial bases of more than 100000 mu. Shuozhou, Datong, Xinzhou and Luliang have each built a demonstration site for the integration of grass and livestock.

3. Promote the construction of industrial agglomeration areas. Datong, Shuozhou, Xinzhou and Luliang have started to build two industrial agglomeration areas in each city, introducing a number of agricultural and livestock products processing, packaging, logistics, R & D and other enterprises to live in the park.

4. Lead in the completion of the pilot plan. The four cities of Shuozhou, Datong, Xinzhou, Luliang and Loufan County of Taiyuan have all completed the planning and submitted it to the Ministry of Agriculture for the record after being approved by the provincial government. Actively docking with the Ministry of Agriculture, summing up and improving the pilot work, and hosting the on-the-spot meeting on the construction of the northern agro-pastoral ecotone held in our province.

(3) focus on changing the development mode of animal husbandry

1. Strengthen the construction of standardization. We will continue to implement the project to upgrade the animal husbandry industry and increase the construction of standardized-scale breeding farms and family farms. Organize the compilation of standardized breeding manuals for pigs, laying hens, broilers, beef cattle, dairy cows, cashmere goats, mutton sheep and donkeys to form standardized guidance for the whole process from fencing to exiting, from feeding management to the use of inputs, and from production to epidemic prevention. Organize and carry out the establishment of national livestock and poultry breeding standardization demonstration, animal husbandry green development demonstration county, grass-roots animal husbandry technology promotion demonstration county, select and send more than 10 breeding enterprises to participate in livestock and poultry breeding standardization demonstration activities, strive to create more than 5 grass-roots animal husbandry technology promotion demonstration counties.

2. Strengthen the construction of grassland protection. We will implement a new round of subsidies and incentives for grassland ecological protection and improve the implementation plan for ecological compensation awards in the 13th five-year Plan. We should do a good job in the formulation of a new round of implementation plan for the work of returning farmland to forests and grasslands, and complete the task of returning 68000 mu of farmland to grassland in Luliang City. We will do a good job in grassland fire prevention, prevention and control of grassland rodent and insect pests, and grassland monitoring, and issue the grassland Fire Emergency Plan. The regional introduction experiments of 52 grass varieties were carried out in 5 grassland regional experimental stations in our province, and the forage varieties suitable for animal husbandry development and ecological construction in different types of regions of our province were screened.

3. Strengthen the treatment of livestock and poultry manure. Summarize and popularize the development model suitable for manure treatment and comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry farms in our province, focusing on livestock and poultry manure treatment and resource utilization in major livestock and poultry breeding counties, support the construction of facilities for the storage, treatment and utilization of livestock and poultry manure sewage in large-scale farms, and strive to complete the construction of 700 livestock and poultry farms.

(4) make great efforts to consolidate the foundation for the safe development of animal husbandry

1. Give prominence to the prevention and control of animal diseases. We will implement the national policy on adjusting and improving the prevention and control of animal diseases, do a good job in compulsory immunization against foot-and-mouth disease, brucellosis, avian influenza and small ruminant animal disease, and strengthen immunity against classical swine fever, highly pathogenic porcine blue ear disease and chicken Newcastle disease. Each city selected three large-scale farms for immunization "fight first and then supplement" pilot work. We will implement the responsibility system of "piecewise work" for basic immunization against animal diseases, and establish a system of three key townships for animal husbandry directors in each county and two townships for other directors. We will carry out activities to purify and create animal diseases, enhance the ability to deal with sudden and major animal epidemics, improve the cold chain system of immunization vaccines for major animal diseases, and strengthen the monitoring capacity and biosafety management of veterinary laboratories. We will comprehensively improve the ability of disease prevention and control. We will implement the responsibility management and performance appraisal system for the prevention and control of major animal diseases, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the responsibility system, and ensure that the responsibility system for the prevention and control of major animal diseases is in place.

2. Do a good job of animal health supervision and law enforcement. Consolidate the quarantine foundation of the place of origin, strictly control the slaughtering and quarantine gate, organize and carry out technical competitions for animal health supervision in the province, and improve the professional skills and comprehensive quality of official veterinarians. We will promote Shanxi Wisdom Animal Surveillance Information platform to cover all cities and counties in the province and improve the information level of animal health supervision. We will strengthen the supervision of the inter-provincial movement of live livestock and poultry, and carry out in-depth special rectification actions on the introduction of dairy, breeding animals and animal diagnosis and treatment activities across provinces. Strengthen the construction of animal identification and traceability system of animal products, strengthen the harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry, speed up the construction of professional harmless treatment plants, and guide social capital investment in the construction of harmless treatment plants (plants). Standardize the application and use procedures of harmless treatment subsidy funds, and improve the linkage mechanism between aquaculture insurance and harmless treatment. Standardize law enforcement activities, establish and improve the record system of the whole process of administrative law enforcement, standardize the procedure of case transfer, organize and carry out evaluation activities of animal health supervision and law enforcement case files in the province, and improve the ability and level of law enforcement. The regulations on Animal epidemic Prevention of Shanxi Province shall be revised and promulgated and implemented after deliberation by the Provincial people's Congress.

(5) focus on strengthening the safety supervision of the industry

1. Strengthen the supervision of inputs. Comprehensively find out the situation of feed and veterinary drug production and management enterprises in our province, severely crack down on illegal production and operation of feed and veterinary drugs, and bring all feed and veterinary drug enterprises into the scope of supervision. We will continue to carry out special crackdowns on feed and veterinary drugs, strengthen the linkage of inspection and crackdown, and severely punish the production and use of illegal drugs. Do a good job in the batch and issuance of veterinary biological products to ensure the quality and safety of vaccines against major animal diseases. Begin to formulate standards for the production of feed and veterinary drugs, and investigate and deal with production enterprises that do not meet the requirements. Establish 20 provincial-level feed production demonstration enterprises. Establish and improve the feed monitoring mechanism at the departmental, provincial and municipal levels.

2. Strengthen the supervision of animal products. Carry out routine monitoring (risk monitoring) of livestock and poultry products in a down-to-earth manner, strengthen routine monitoring of livestock and poultry products, and submit test results on time and accurately in accordance with the regulations. Implement the fresh milk quality and safety monitoring plan, take flight monitoring, remote sampling inspection and other ways to achieve full coverage of monitoring. We will continue to carry out special crackdown on fresh milk, strictly implement the system of "two random machines and one open", strengthen the examination of the qualification conditions of milk stations and transport vehicles, and severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations. Carry out cow production performance testing (DHI), submit the test samples strictly and on time to ensure the completion of the production performance test task of 30, 000 dairy cows.

3. Strengthen the supervision of livestock and poultry slaughtering. We will promote the legislative management of the livestock and poultry slaughtering industry, formulate and promulgate the regulations on the Administration of Livestock and Poultry slaughtering in Shanxi Province, the measures for the Supervision and Administration of small slaughtering sites in villages and towns, the measures for the Operation and Management of Livestock and Poultry slaughtering and the Development Plan of Livestock and Poultry slaughtering Industry in Shanxi Province. Carry out "minesweeping operation" for pig slaughtering in a down-to-earth manner. Carry out in-depth clean-up of the qualifications of livestock and poultry slaughtering enterprises and conduct a comprehensive inspection and acceptance of slaughtering enterprises in the province. Hold the provincial livestock and poultry slaughtering site meeting to organize slaughtering enterprises to learn scientific and advanced slaughtering and processing methods and management experience.

(6) make great efforts to increase income and increase efficiency of animal husbandry industry

1. Do a good job in poverty alleviation in animal husbandry industry. We will implement the opinions on industrial poverty alleviation of "one village, one product, one main body", organize and implement major industrial poverty alleviation projects of the "8311-year Plan", and implement the tasks of changing 300000 mu of grain to feed and developing grass and animal husbandry, 400000 live pigs and 30, 000 donkeys. Combined with the regionalization layout of animal husbandry in the whole province, we should vigorously promote the accurate poverty alleviation models such as "5222" breeding model of cashmere goat, "3122" breeding model of mutton sheep, "1511model" of borrowing sheep to sheep, and "211" breeding model of live pigs. We will continue to attract investment from animal husbandry, strengthen the cultivation of new business entities, strengthen the incentive mechanism for connecting farmers with farmers, promote farmers and processing enterprises to establish a reasonable interest linkage mechanism, and support farmers to share the benefits of the development of secondary and tertiary industries. Vigorously expand the multi-functional development path of animal husbandry and encourage the construction of leisure and sightseeing pastures.

2. do a good job in statistical monitoring and early warning. Adjust and optimize the monitoring scheme of livestock, poultry and feed production, and explore the establishment of peer-to-peer data exchange for farmers and feed enterprises. We will build a direct reporting information system for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding record management and pollution supervision. Do a good job in the training of monitoring information staff in cities and counties, strengthen data verification and communication, and ensure the quality of data. Follow up and analyze the industrial development situation regularly, strengthen the submission of research and judgment information at key time points, promote the regular and dynamic release of monitoring data, issue early warning information in a timely manner, and improve service capacity.

III. System construction

(1) to strengthen the construction of animal husbandry and veterinary system. Carry out the institutional investigation of the animal husbandry system, sort out the composition of the animal husbandry and veterinary team system, further improve the work responsibilities, and strive for the support of the government to the system construction. We will actively explore ways to build the ranks of official veterinarians and licensed veterinarians and improve the management system of licensed veterinarians. Adhere to the principle of "managing the industry must manage the trade style", implement the "13710" and "three-fold and one-big" work system, and administer in strict accordance with the law. We will speed up the construction of a socialized service system, carry out a pilot project of "government-purchased services", and encourage all kinds of legitimate market entities to set up various forms of service institutions to provide high-quality and professional animal husbandry and veterinary services.

(2) organize and carry out research activities. To organize and carry out special investigations on the construction of modern animal husbandry, the construction of demonstration areas in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry, the conversion of grain to feed and grass husbandry, the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, the harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry, and standardized and healthy breeding of livestock and poultry, to form a high-quality research report. Organize personnel of animal husbandry departments, farms and leading enterprises at all levels to conduct research in other provinces to learn from advanced practices and typical experiences to improve the development level of animal husbandry industry.

(3) to enhance the ability of technical services. We will carry out special training on animal husbandry policies, laws and regulations, and project management, and give key training to relevant personnel of provinces, cities, counties and provinces, so as to improve the ability of policy implementation. We will actively build seven major industrial service systems, such as live pigs, broilers, laying hens, dairy cows, beef cattle, meat sheep and cashmere goats, and join forces with the Department of Agriculture, Shanxi Agricultural University and the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in industrial development. The Academician Forum of "Green and healthy breeding" was organized and held in Jinzhong City, focusing on four topics: functional animal products and animal husbandry economic development strategy, healthy breeding and efficient feed, resource utilization of breeding waste, promoting grain conversion to feed and speeding up the development of herbivorous animal husbandry in agricultural areas, to solve the bottleneck problems encountered in restricting the development of animal husbandry.

(4) strengthen propaganda and guidance. Implement the spirit of the "opinions of the Ministry of Agriculture on strengthening the work of Agricultural News and Public opinion", give full play to the role of provincial newspapers and periodicals such as Shanxi Daily, Shanxi Economic Daily and Animal Husbandry News, focus on the key work such as the construction of the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry, the conversion of grain to feed and the development of grass and animal husbandry, standardized livestock and poultry breeding, implementation of medium-and long-term planning for animal epidemic prevention, and focus on the industrial policy situation concerned by the society. Focus on major issues such as "Shanxi on-the-spot meeting in the northern agro-pastoral ecotone" and do a good job in policy interpretation and publicity and guidance. Each city and county shall be reported not less than once a year, and shall be included in the annual assessment.