
Implementation plan of anti-counterfeiting of agricultural materials for aquaculture in Guiyang County in 2017

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In order to fully implement the spirit of the teleconference on the special action against counterfeiting of agricultural materials at the national and provincial levels, actively cooperate with the joint actions of provinces, cities and counties to combat counterfeiting of agricultural materials in spring in provinces and cities, ensure the quality and safety of aquaculture production and livestock and poultry and aquatic products, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights of the people.

In order to fully implement the spirit of the teleconference of the national and provincial agricultural material anti-counterfeiting special action, actively cooperate with the provincial and municipal spring agricultural material anti-counterfeiting province, city and county joint action to ensure the production of the aquaculture industry and the quality and safety of livestock and poultry aquatic products, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights of the people, combined with the reality of our county, specially formulate this plan.

I. work objectives

In accordance with the overall requirements for ensuring the quality and safety of aquaculture production and livestock and poultry and aquatic products, adhere to the principles of both symptoms and root causes, gravity, prevention and territorial management, severely crack down on the illegal production and sale of fake and inferior products and illegal production and operation of prohibited aquaculture inputs, strictly implement the regulatory responsibility system, further promote the construction of the credit system of aquaculture inputs, stabilize the market for aquaculture inputs, and strive to build a long-term mechanism for supervision. Efforts should be made to ensure that incidents of quality and safety of livestock, poultry and aquatic products caused by fake and shoddy breeding inputs do not occur.

II. Key points of work

(1) key varieties

Veterinary drugs: strengthen supervision over the operation and use of veterinary drugs, strictly prohibit human use of veterinary drugs for animals, strictly implement the classified management of prescription and over-the-counter veterinary drugs, implement the GSP system of veterinary drugs, investigate and deal with violations such as the expansion of indications and scope of use of veterinary drugs according to law, and further standardize the use of antibiotics. Severely crack down on the production and sale of fake and shoddy veterinary drugs, the indiscriminate addition of antibiotics and the use of prohibited drugs and other toxic and harmful compounds, and step up efforts to regulate the veterinary drug market and investigate and deal with illegal cases

Feed and feed additives: severely crack down on illegal activities such as the production and operation of fake and shoddy feed and feed additives, strictly investigate the addition of illegal drugs and illegal additives such as clenbuterol hydrochloride, ractopamine, salbutamol and melamine in feed, feed additives and breeding links. We will focus on monitoring illegal drugs and illegal additives in feed and step up efforts to crack down on excessive additions such as high copper and zinc.

Aquatic seedlings: strengthen the supervision of aquaculture, strictly investigate and deal with the illegal use of illegal drugs such as nitrofurans, chloramphenicol and malachite green and toxic and harmful chemical substances, improve the quality of aquatic seedlings and ensure the safety of fishery production.

(2) key units

Large-scale farms, feed, veterinary drug stores.

III. Work steps

(I) Mobilization and deployment, propaganda phase (28 February-10 March). Formulate a work plan, clarify work priorities, requirements and measures, and ensure that "three places" are in place, that is, responsibilities, measures, publicity and mobilization are in place.

(2) the stage of centralized rectification and investigation and punishment according to law (from March 13 to the end of April). Organize strength, highlight the key points, concentrate on the breeding input market and breeding links, and strictly prevent the sale and entry of "problem aquaculture inputs". From March to April, we will organize and carry out a special campaign to combat counterfeiting of aquaculture inputs, and from May to June, we will organize and carry out special rectification and inspection of aquaculture inputs.

(3) the stage of finding problems, implementing rectification and reform and summing up (July-December). Consolidate and expand the achievements of the rectification, in view of the existing problems and weak links, further strengthen and improve regulatory measures, establish a long-term regulatory mechanism, and summarize the rectification work.

IV. Work tasks

(1) to clean up and rectify the main operators of feed and veterinary drugs. Organize forces to check the main business bodies of feed and veterinary drugs in the area under their jurisdiction, improve the archives, seriously investigate and deal with the relevant departments that operate without license or license, and resolutely ban them.

(2) to strengthen the supervision and spot check on the quality of inputs in the aquaculture industry. To formulate a targeted sampling plan to focus on monitoring the areas and products that reflect strongly and have prominent problems. Timely issue warning messages for major problems found in monitoring; deal with substandard products found in supervision and spot checks in accordance with the law, and conduct a thorough investigation of illegal acts involving the manufacture and sale of fake and shoddy products in accordance with relevant regulations, and seriously deal with them.

(3) strengthen classified supervision. Actively promote the construction of a credit system for aquaculture inputs, supervise and urge the establishment of purchase, sale and use of accounts and integrity files; give policy support to units with good reputation and give priority to project funds, units with bad credit and bad records should be warned or rectified within a time limit, and serious credit-breaking units should be listed as key monitoring objects.

(4) to intensify the investigation and handling of cases. The society is encouraged to actively report the production and sale of fake and shoddy feed and veterinary drugs, so that "every report must be received, the case must be investigated, and the investigation must be carried out to the end." Constantly improve the connection mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice in the aquaculture industry, increase the exposure of typical cases, and deter criminals.

(5) strengthen service guidance. By means of holding training courses, issuing publicity materials and on-the-spot guidance, we should improve the quality and safety awareness of breeding and management units (households) and the ability to identify fake and shoddy feed and veterinary drugs, establish the concept of legal system, operate according to law, and breed legally.

V. Job requirements

(1) strengthen leadership. Set up a leading group with the director as the group leader, the leader in charge as the deputy leader, and the person in charge of the veterinary drug administration station, the fishery administration station, the animal husbandry unit and the animal surveillance station as members, and the veterinary drug administration station is responsible for the specific work of the rectification operation.

(2) strengthen responsibility. Attach great importance to the anti-counterfeiting work of aquaculture inputs, implement the work funds, and ensure that the anti-counterfeiting work is carried out. The accountability system will be implemented, and law enforcement officers who are dereliction of duty, ineffective investigation and punishment, and required by Sonaka will be held accountable.

(3) linkage and cooperation. Strengthen cooperation with relevant departments, improve the departmental coordination mechanism, achieve ideological integration, resource integration, work union, give full play to the overall linkage advantages, form a joint force in anti-counterfeiting work, and improve the rectification effect.

(4) extensive publicity. It is necessary to give full play to the role of supervision by public opinion and propaganda guidance, vigorously carry out anti-counterfeiting publicity on agricultural materials, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about and support the anti-counterfeiting work of aquaculture inputs. Impart the knowledge of identifying false inputs and scientific use of aquaculture inputs, and guide farmers to buy aquaculture inputs scientifically and rationally.