
Implementation opinions of Jilin Province on speeding up the Development of Modern Animal Husbandry and increasing Farmers' income

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, All municipal (state) people's governments, Changbai Mountain Management Committee, Changchun New District Management Committee, county (city) people's governments, provincial government departments and directly subordinate organizations: in order to speed up the supply-side structural reform of agriculture, promote the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry industry, increase the effective supply of high-quality animal products, and promote jade

The people's governments of all cities (prefectures), Changbai Mountain Management Committee, Changchun New District Management Committee, people's governments of all counties (cities), provincial government departments and directly subordinate organizations:

In order to speed up the supply-side structural reform of agriculture, promote the transformation and upgrading of the animal husbandry industry, increase the effective supply of high-quality animal products, and accelerate the transformation of endowment resources such as corn, straw and forage to economic advantages, give full play to the role of animal husbandry in the axis industry of planting industry and downward driving processing industry, and expand the channels for increasing farmers' income. With the consent of the provincial government, the following suggestions are put forward.

First, ideas and objectives

With the goal of improving the quality of animal husbandry and increasing the efficiency of farmers, we should innovate the development model and mechanism of animal husbandry, and highlight the implementation of income-increasing measures such as large-scale project construction, standardized scale breeding, conversion of forage feed, and scientific and technological services. we will improve and improve the industrial chain, economic chain and value chain of animal husbandry, and turn animal husbandry into a strategic pillar industry for sustainable increase of farmers' income. By 2020, the following goals will be achieved:

(1) to build 1000 standardized-scale breeding farms, driving more than 5000 farmers.

(2) 4.4 million tons of corn was converted into feed, the pilot area of changing grain into feed was 1.3 million mu, and 6.2 million tons of straw was used for feed.

(3) the investment in large-scale animal husbandry projects has increased by more than 17 billion yuan, resulting in the creation of more than 10, 000 new jobs for farmers.

(4) the per capita income of animal husbandry reached 1100 yuan, an increase of 1.2 times over 2015.

According to the above targets, in 2017, 300 standardized-scale breeding farms will be built in the province, with a pilot area of 1 million mu for grain conversion, 4.65 million tons of straw for feed utilization, and an additional investment of 4.5 billion yuan for large-scale projects.

II. Main tasks

(1) highlight the construction of the whole industry chain of animal husbandry to increase farmers' income.

1. Speed up the construction of large-scale projects under construction to increase income. We will focus on major animal husbandry projects worth more than 3 billion yuan, such as 4 million live pigs in Taonan, 1 million beef cattle in Changchun, 1 million meat sheep in Dongfeng and 100 million broilers in Yushu, with an additional investment of more than 4 billion yuan a year. Through the construction of project infrastructure, procurement and transportation of raw materials, installation and commissioning of equipment, 3000 new jobs for farmers have been created every year.

two。 Speed up the development of intensive processing to increase income. Increase investment in technology and product research and development, build intensive and deep processing projects, expand intensive processing capacity, rely on advantageous industries such as pigs, beef cattle, mutton sheep, broilers and laying hens, cultivate 3 enterprises with sales income of more than 10 billion yuan, and cultivate 8 enterprises with profits and taxes of more than 10 million yuan.

3. Speed up brand marketing to increase income. In the form of agricultural fairs, exhibitions, and negotiation fairs, strengthen the packaging, publicity and promotion of "Ji Brand" animal products, focus on public brands in epidemic-free areas, expand and strengthen enterprise brands, and optimize and refine local characteristic brands. we will speed up the pilot project of non-meat-resistant iconic brands, so that more than 60% of the province's animal products enter the field of market consumption through brand marketing.

4. Speed up the formation of industrial alliances to increase income. To organize and guide large livestock and poultry production and operation enterprises such as live pigs, beef cattle, meat sheep, broiler, dairy cows and sika deer, establish animal husbandry industry alliances, take standardized-scale farms as important members of the alliance, and implement order-to-order production, unify technical services, feeding standards, seed supply and market sales, and broaden the channels for increasing farmers' income.

5. Speed up the construction of cold chain logistics system to increase income. Special funds for the development of provincial animal husbandry and discount funds for agricultural industrialization will be used to support the construction of cold chain logistics system projects, with emphasis on discounting interest on fixed assets loans for cold chain logistics projects of provincial leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization. Cultivate and build 60 modern cold chain logistics enterprises.

6. To attract investment and increase income. Seize the strategic opportunity of accelerating the transfer of the domestic animal husbandry industry from south to north and from non-grain producing areas to major grain producing areas, rely on the advantage of resource base, adopt the combination of going out and inviting in, and carry out in-depth investment attraction activities. focus on the introduction of bio-pharmaceutical, leather processing, research and development of animal bone blood and other large-scale intensive processing projects, the introduction of capital of more than 8 billion yuan.

(2) to promote standardized scale household farming to increase farmers' income.

1. We will promote the "six-type" household farming model. Focus on the development of "company + peasant household, company + cooperative + peasant household, equity dividend, enterprise trusteeship, cooperative breeding, joint venture and joint construction" six types of household-led breeding model. To support cooperative economic organizations and aquaculture enterprises in the development of household aquaculture. Carry out family pasture demonstration activities to support the transformation of breeding enclosures, improvement of fecal treatment facilities and expansion of aquaculture production scale of family farms that meet the standards of standardized breeding and acceptance at the county level.

two。 Give priority to the development of green ecological aquaculture. We will carry out state-level pilot counties for the green development of animal husbandry and the combination of planting and breeding throughout the county, promote the effective docking of planting and aquaculture, develop green, ecological, sightseeing, leisure and tourism animal husbandry, and promote the circular development of industry and the increase of farmers' production and income. Four state-level demonstration counties for the green development of animal husbandry have been built, and two pilot counties have been promoted with the combination of planting and breeding.

(3) to increase the conversion and utilization rate of forage feed to increase farmers' income.

1. Speed up the development of feed industry. The policy of subsidies for the acquisition and processing of feed enterprises will be launched in stages to encourage enterprises to receive more grain and convert more into other products. Around the main animal husbandry producing areas such as Changchun, Jilin, Siping and Songyuan, we will deeply carry out the action plan for the transformation and upgrading of the feed industry, and promote the process of large-scale and collectivization of the feed industry in the form of merger, integration and reorganization. Build 30 feed enterprises with an annual production capacity of more than 50,000 tons, cultivate more than 10 regional famous and high-quality feed brands, and improve market competitiveness. The transformation capacity of corn in the province's feed industry reached 4.4 million tons, promoting the overbelly of corn and increasing the output value by 6.4 billion yuan.

two。 We will actively promote the development of the mode of changing grain to feed and the combination of planting and breeding. Make use of the national grain to feed pilot policy, support 13 pilot counties to explore the county-wide promotion model, and expand the scope of grain feeding pilot projects. Relying on large and medium-sized cattle and sheep breeding, processing and production enterprises and cooperatives, we will focus on building four grain conversion demonstration areas, including Baicheng Cow, Songyuan Beef Sheep, Jiutai Cow Beef cattle and Central Beef cattle, with a pilot area of 1.2 million mu, collecting and storing 3.9 million tons of high-quality forage, developing 420000 cattle and sheep herbivores, and achieving an output value of 6.2 billion yuan.

3. Strive to improve the level of straw feed utilization. Further implement the straw feed utilization project, subsidize the construction of storage cellar and storage processing machinery, and improve the conversion and utilization rate of straw feed. Support Changchun, Siping, Baicheng, Songyuan, Liaoyuan and other places to build 15000 silage cellars, storage capacity of 12 million cubic meters, straw feed utilization capacity of 6.2 million tons, straw conversion and utilization rate of 17%, the development of cattle and sheep herbivorous livestock 540000 (only), to achieve an output value of 8.1 billion yuan.

4. We will vigorously develop grassland animal husbandry. We will organize and implement the General Plan for the Construction of the Project of returning grazing to grassland in Jilin Province (2016-2025), and make use of the national grassland reward and subsidy policy to support the construction of projects such as forbidden grazing subsidies, artificial grassland establishment, and natural grassland improvement in the western semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas. The pilot project of grass and animal husbandry trial has been deeply implemented to promote the integrated development of recommendation, livestock raising and processing. The forage output of the province has increased by 80, 000 tons, and 22000 cattle and sheep herbivores have been developed, with an output value of 310 million yuan.

(4) strengthening scientific and technological services to increase farmers' income.

1. We will strengthen the construction of an improved breed breeding system for livestock and poultry. We will strengthen the introduction of fine breeds and support enterprises to introduce excellent breeds such as original pigs, broiler chickens, meat breeder rabbits and breeder bulls from abroad. We will strengthen the cultivation of new breeds with Jilin characteristics and support the cultivation, propagation and promotion of Jilin black cattle, meat sheep, Luhua chicken, sika deer and other breeds. Vigorously promote the construction of pig and cattle breeding network, and build 300 standardized pig artificial insemination technical service stations and 1000 cattle artificial insemination technical service stations.

two。 We will strengthen the prevention and control of major animal diseases. We will make good use of national and provincial funds for epidemic prevention and continue to implement the policy of free and compulsory immunization against major animal diseases. We will speed up the construction of an epidemic-free province, expand the types of diseases in epidemic-free areas, enhance the ability and level of prevention and control of major animal diseases, and continuously and steadily increase the scope of immunity against major animal diseases. We will innovate mechanisms and means for the prevention and control of animal diseases, reduce the mortality rate of animal diseases, and guard against the epidemic risks and quality and safety risks faced by farmers in the development of the breeding industry. The morbidity of pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry in the province dropped to less than 5%, 4%, 3% and 6% respectively, and animal morbidity, mortality and public health risks decreased significantly.

3. Strengthen technical promotion and training. Relying on the national technological system reform and construction project, organize the personnel of four industrial technical systems of modern pigs, beef cattle, mutton sheep and poultry to screen, introduce and assemble a number of advanced technological achievements of modern animal husbandry, and carry out healthy breeding technology promotion in five aspects, such as livestock and poultry breed improvement, epidemic disease prevention and control, pollution-free animal product production, development and utilization of coarse fodder, harmless treatment of waste and resource utilization. We will speed up the renewal of the knowledge structure of the talent team at the grass-roots level, and train more than 500person-time of technical extension service personnel and more than 5000 person-time of aquaculture employees in counties (cities and districts) every year.

III. Policy and financial support

(1) to implement the policy of discount on agricultural industrialization and support the development of leading enterprises in animal husbandry industrialization; if the facility agricultural land for the development of modern animal husbandry industry is directly used or served for agricultural production, it shall be managed according to agricultural land, there is no need to go through the formalities of examination and approval for the conversion of agricultural land, and the departments of land and resources of all localities shall promptly go through the formalities for the record of land use; implement the policy of reduction and reduction of land taxes and fees, and do not levy cultivated land occupation tax if it is in line with the provisions of the relevant tax laws. (responsible unit: provincial Agricultural Commission, Provincial Department of Land and Resources, Provincial Local Taxation Bureau)

(2) to allocate incentive funds for live pigs in large counties as a whole, with emphasis on supporting the transformation of houses in pig production, introduction of improved varieties, manure treatment, epidemic prevention and insurance, as well as the construction of cold chain logistics, warehousing and processing facilities in circulation and processing links; make use of the subsidy funds for the comprehensive utilization of national straw and the development and utilization of new straw feed at the provincial level to subsidize the implementation of straw feeding, the construction of qualified storage cellars and harvesting and processing machinery. (responsible unit: provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Bureau of Animal Husbandry)

(3) the state and provincial poverty-stricken counties should integrate agriculture-related funds and, in accordance with the requirements of precise poverty alleviation, give preferential support to animal husbandry projects that are included in poverty alleviation plans and drive poor people out of poverty; animal husbandry projects that are in line with the industrial planning and industrial policies with the advantages of comprehensive agricultural development and support shall be given priority to be included in the annual project support plan, increase capital input, and focus on supporting the construction of characteristic animal husbandry projects such as sika deer. (responsible units: provincial Poverty Alleviation Office, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Agricultural Development Office)

(4) to make use of the special funds for the development of animal husbandry at the provincial level to overall support household cooperative economic organizations, breeding and processing enterprises and family farms that meet the standards, to support the cultivation and development of brands of high-quality and characteristic livestock products such as black pigs, and to support the construction of a breeding system for improved breeds of livestock and poultry; to make use of special funds for continuous improvement of the rural environment to focus on supporting the harmless treatment of livestock and poultry manure, and to encourage villages and villages to build centralized facilities for livestock and poultry manure treatment in concentrated breeding areas. (responsible unit: provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Environmental Protection Department, Provincial Animal Husbandry Bureau)

(5) expand the scope of "auspicious animal husbandry loans", coordinate the existing relevant funds at the provincial level, and support the areas where the government at the corresponding level has invested more than 10 million yuan to establish risk compensation funds according to the proportion of 1:1. The pilot project of insurance financing for Yanbian yellow cattle will be gradually expanded. by 2020, there will be 300 farmers and 30 enterprises, 70, 000 cows can be bred, financing 230 million yuan, and farmers will be actively organized to participate in policy insurance for breeding sows, fattening pigs and dairy cows. The agricultural credit guarantee company shall support the large-scale breeding of the animal husbandry industry at the minimum guarantee rate. Give full play to the platform role of Jilin Provincial Equity Fund Investment Co., Ltd., through the provincial industrial investment guidance fund to establish a special sub-fund, attract social capital to invest in animal husbandry enterprises and projects, and support the development of animal husbandry. (responsible unit: provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Bureau of Animal Husbandry, Provincial Agricultural Credit guarantee Company, relevant financial institutions)

IV. Organizational guarantee

(1) to strengthen organizational leadership. Establish a leadership and coordination mechanism for animal husbandry to increase farmers' income, and the provincial animal husbandry bureau is responsible for the coordination and scheduling of daily work, comprehensive collection and feedback of work. All localities should also establish corresponding working mechanisms, regard animal husbandry to increase farmers' income as an important task of rural economic work, major leaders should attach great importance to it, personally study and deploy it, leaders in charge should rely on front-line command, and make every effort to organize and implement it, so as to form a good atmosphere for joint efforts.

(2) to implement the work responsibility step by step. All localities should adhere to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions and highlighting key points, clearly define specific promotion measures, refine objectives and responsibilities year by year, level by level, and item by item, establish a mechanism for implementing objectives and responsibilities, and ensure a clear division of labor, responsibility to people, level by level, and implementation at all levels.

(3) strengthen supervision and inspection. Establish a supervision and feedback mechanism and carry out regular supervision and inspection to ensure that various income-increasing measures are implemented. All localities should include animal husbandry to increase farmers' income into the scope of performance assessment, and promote the implementation of all kinds of work.

(4) pay attention to typical leadership. Pay attention to cultivating and excavating the typical practices and successful experiences of promoting the sustainable increase of farmers' income through the development of modern animal husbandry, and through the holding of on-the-spot meetings, observation meetings, promotion meetings and other effective forms and means, to form a good atmosphere of joint efforts to promote animal husbandry and boost income throughout the province.