
Thorn pig large-scale breeding, need to understand the basic knowledge!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Thorn pig is a kind of animal with high edible and medicinal value, with delicate meat, good taste and unique taste. Thorn pig belongs to the wild economic animal allowed to be raised and the market is open in our country, and the market is wide, so what is the nutritional value of thorn pig? The next one

Thorn pig is a kind of animal with high edible and medicinal value, with delicate meat, good taste and unique taste. Thorn pig belongs to the wild economic animal allowed to be raised and the market is open in our country, and the market is wide, so what is the nutritional value of thorn pig? Let's take a look at the nutritional value and feeding methods of thorn pigs.

First, the meat characteristics of thorn pigs.

It has both medicine and food use. Spiny pork is delicious and delicate, easy to digest and absorb, and can be processed and used as "game treasures" by the people. Thorn pig is a kind of multi-purpose herbivore, its meat is delicate and delicious, it belongs to low-fat, low-cholesterol meat, has strong game characteristics, is rich in protein, and contains a variety of amino acids and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements, and rich in melanin and anticancer elements zinc and selenium. The content of trace element iron is three times that of soft-shelled turtle, which is the best tonic for women in childbirth and after surgery (its effect is far more than that of soft-shelled turtle and black chicken). Spiny pork is an ideal nutritional and nourishing health food. Nutrition experts call spiny pig beauty meat for women, bodybuilding meat for young people, nourishing meat for children and anti-aging meat for the elderly. Spiny pork has obvious dietotherapy effect on stomach disease, hypertension and coronary heart disease. in addition, zinc, selenium and other elements have anticancer effect. Therefore, it is an ideal natural nourishing health product, which has the effects of nourishing, nourishing and strengthening yang, and has a good regulating effect on malnutrition, anemia, insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue and so on. Regular consumption can also effectively balance various nutrients needed in the body, promote normal secretion and metabolism in the body, and enhance immunity.

Second, the feeding factors of thorn pigs

1. Breeding facilities

There are a variety of ways to raise thorn pigs, which are generally adopted in accordance with local conditions: indoor and outdoor half-circle semi-stocking, pond-type captive breeding, three-dimensional scale factory breeding.

2, feeding and supply

The eating habits of thorn pigs are very miscellaneous, and adequate nutrition is needed for normal growth, development and reproduction. Thorn pigs are herbivores with high digestibility of crude fiber and should be supplied with fine and green materials properly.

① concentrate: corn meal, wheat bran, rice bran, etc., can also be fed to piglets.

② green material: fresh tender grass, such as oak grass, corn leaves, sugarcane leaves, leaves, green vegetables, peels, carrots, sweet potatoes and so on.

3. Feeding and management of thorn pigs.

Feeding and management is the key to the breeding of thorn pigs, with emphasis on preventing feed from mildew and deterioration. When pellet feed is fed directly, you should put clean water for drinking, or mix feed, eat less and eat more, about 100 grams of adult diet, twice a day, to keep the trough clean and hygienic. After feeding the concentrate, fresh green material should be put in at the same time. The green material had better be cut and fed on the same day, and each adult should eat about 50 grams of green material every day to prevent it from being contaminated by pesticides.

The feeding room should be kept quiet, the feces should be cleaned every day, and the utensils should be scrubbed clean frequently. Relative humidity 45-55%, do a good job of keeping warm in winter to create a comfortable environment for thorn pigs.

Through the above introduction, we now know the nutritional value and feeding methods of thorn pigs. Breeding thorn pigs can make effective use of local grass feed, especially planting high-yield forage to raise thorn pigs. In a very short time, each farmer can obtain greater economic benefits, and can form large-scale farming.