
How much is the price of eel per jin? What's the difference between it and Monopterus Albus?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Eel also known as white eel, Japanese eel, etc., its meat is delicious, nutritious, has a high edible value, is a long illness, weakness, anemia, tuberculosis and other patients with good nutrition, let's take a look at the price of eel is how much per jin? It has something to do with

Eel also known as white eel, Japanese eel, etc., its meat is delicious, nutritious, has a high edible value, is a long illness, weakness, anemia, tuberculosis and other patients with good nutrition, let's take a look at the price of eel is how much per jin? What's the difference between it and Monopterus Albus?

How much is the eel per jin?

The market price of imported eel is about 40-45 yuan per jin, while the price of wild eel is much more expensive, about more than 100 yuan per jin.

Second, the difference between eel and ricefield eel

(1) the difference in appearance between eel and eel

1. Eel: the young eel is about 6cm long, weighs 0.1g, the head is narrow, the body is tall, thin and transparent like a leaf, so it is called willow fish, and its body fluid is almost the same as that of sea water, so it is easy to travel long distances with ocean currents. The largest adult fish is 45cm and weighs 1600 grams.

2. Eel: the body of eel is about 20.70 cm long, scaleless or with very small scales, the dorsal and anal fins are very low and continuous around the tail end, the Gill usually has an external Gill hole only in the throat, the front segment is tubular, to the tail is flattened, the tail end is flat, the whole body is exposed without scales, the head is large, tapered, snout tip, the body is long and round, the front and back of the body is flat, the tail tip is thin, and the head is long and round.

(2) difference of origin between eel and eel

1. Eels: Chinese eels are mainly distributed in the Yangtze River, Minjiang River, Pearl River Basin, Hainan Island and rivers and lakes. Eels all over the world mainly grow in tropical and temperate waters, except European eel and American eel in the Atlantic Ocean. the rest are distributed in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

2. Eels: there are two kinds of eels, green and yellow, and the big ones are two or three feet long. they like to be quiet. They generally lie at the bottom of the water, live in mud holes and stone crevices near the water, come out in summer, and hide in caves in November and December. It is distributed in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Henan and other places.

(3) the difference of efficacy between eel and eel

1. Eel: the eel tastes sweet and flat, returning to the meridians of liver, kidney and spleen, which has the effects of nourishing and strong, removing wind and killing insects, tonifying deficiency and nourishing blood, strengthening essence and strengthening kidney. It has a therapeutic effect on the weakness caused by pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis fever, red leucorrhea, rheumatism, bone pain, body deficiency and so on.

2. Eel: eel tastes sweet, warm in nature, and returns to the meridians of liver, spleen and kidney. it has the effects of tonifying qi, nourishing blood, warming yang and tonifying spleen, and strengthening essence. It is suitable for weakness, deficiency of qi and blood, malnutrition, uterine prolapse, diabetes, cardio-cerebrovascular disease, hemorrhoid bleeding, kidney deficiency and lumbago, weakness of limbs, rheumatism paralysis and so on.

III. Nutritional value of eel

1. Eel is rich in vitamin An and vitamin E, which is 60 times and 9 times higher than that of ordinary fish, among which vitamin An is 100 times that of beef and 300 times that of pork. Rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, to prevent vision degradation, protect the liver, restore energy is of great benefit, other vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2 content is also very rich.

2. Eel meat is rich in high-quality protein and a variety of essential amino acids, in which phospholipids are indispensable nutrients for brain cells. in addition, eels also contain DHA and EPA, commonly known as "brain gold", which are higher than other seafood and meat.

3. Eel also contains a lot of calcium, skin and meat are rich in collagen.

4. The eel contains a very rare Xihe Locke protein, which has a good effect of strengthening essence and kidney, and is a health food for young couples, middle-aged and old people.

IV. Eel culture techniques

1. Renovation and disinfection of the pond: renovate the pond after the Spring Festival, dry pond exposure, disinfect the whole pond (including the edge of the pond) with 35 kilograms of quicklime and water per mu in the middle of April, enter the water 15-20 cm in the first ten days of May, and use 20 jin of tea seed cake per mu to clean the pond, clean up impurities and gain weight.

2. Fish stocking: in order to prolong the optimal growth period of eel, eel fry has been equipped with a boiler in the early stage of eel fry, and the temperature is 28 ℃ in the greenhouse. At the beginning of June, the water temperature is constant above 24 ℃ and put into the soil pond with a stocking specification of 60 ℃ / kg. The eel seedlings are disinfected with potassium permanganate and divided into ponds, with a stocking quantity of about 1800 eels per mu.

3. Water quality management: doing a good job of water quality control is the key for eel to achieve high yield and high efficiency. First, change water frequently, add water 2 to 3 times a month, 15 cm each time, especially in the later stage of culture, and increase the amount of water. The second is to increase oxygen frequently. Tangkou is equipped with a water wheel aerator to adjust the oxygen enrichment time according to the weather conditions. in the later stage of culture, especially in the high temperature season, the oxygen enrichment time is not less than 8 hours a day to increase the dissolved oxygen to improve the pond water environment. The third is the regular use of biological agents, in the later stage of culture, due to the large stock of ponds, more residual bait and feces, the water quality is easy to deteriorate, we use EM twice a month 500g / mu, in addition to the appropriate use of photosynthetic bacteria and bacillus.

4. Feed feeding: adjust the feed formula according to the different growth periods of eels, feed protein is not less than 45%, fat content is less than 8%, depending on water temperature, weather and eating conditions / day, the amount of feed accounts for 20.3% of the fish. The feeding amount was adjusted once every 7 to 10 days, and the feeding times were 2 times a day. Before feeding, the feed was stirred by a feed mixer and proper amount of soybean oil was added, and the feed was put on a fixed table to reduce the feed loss and facilitate the observation of eel eating dynamics.

[disease control]

During the breeding period, it is sterilized and insecticidal every 15 days, and biological agents and water quality improvers are used regularly at the same time. In addition, Chinese herbal medicines such as rhubarb, Huanglian and garlic are crushed and fed twice a month, which can effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of diseases. in recent years, the survival rate of the market has been more than 90%.

[capture, release and overwintering management]

Rotation is a yield-increasing technique for eel culture, mainly in accordance with the growth law of eel. Eel growth to July, 50% of the eel reached the specification eel (0.4 jin / tail), which met the export requirements, caught every other month, and stopped eating for 1 week or 2 days before rotation.

Overwintering management is the bottleneck of adult eel culture in our area. The eel survived the winter smoothly by fattening in autumn and increasing the water level. After October, as the water temperature dropped gradually, while ensuring to eat, the fat content in the feed was increased until the water temperature dropped to 10 ℃. During the overwintering period, the water level is maintained at about 2 meters. When the water meter freezes, the ice is broken in time to prevent freezing and ensure the survival rate.