
How to treat chicken diarrhea? What kind of medicine do you take in chicken water?

Published: 2025-03-26 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/03/26, Chick means that when the chicken grows for 0-50 days, the chick's body has not yet developed properly. If the chicken has diarrhea, it is necessary to judge the disease of the chicken according to the shape of the stool, and take corresponding treatment measures in time.

Chick means that when the chicken grows for 0-50 days, the chick's body has not yet developed properly. If the chicken diarrhea, in time to control the following contents of this article, according to the shape of the chicken stool, to judge the disease of the chicken, and take corresponding treatment measures in time.

1. Distinguish from the species of diarrhea

⑴ white sparse feces

It is mostly caused by the increase of intestinal fluid and urate secreted by intestinal mucosa. Nutritional factors or infectious diseases that cause kidney damage can cause uric acid excretion disorders, resulting in an increase in urate and white sparse feces in chicken chops.

⑵ green dilute dung

At the end of the serious illness, due to the loss of appetite, there is no content in the intestine, intestinal mucosa inflammation, intestinal peristalsis, increased mucous secretion, green for bile or intestinal fluid mixture.

⑶ watery stool

The salt content in the feed is too high, such as adding fish meal, or increasing the salt content in the feed when using a certain anti-coccidial drug, while changing to another anti-coccidial powder can reduce the salt content in time. In these cases, chickens will only produce watery faeces due to the intake of too much water. Some acute infectious diseases can also cause watery stools.

⑷ brown or dark brown sparse feces

Mainly seen in intestinal hemorrhagic diseases. Bleeding in the posterior segment of the intestine shows reddish brown and loose stool, which is mainly seen in cecal coccidia. The stool of anterior intestinal bleeding is dark brown, which is common in young chickens with small intestinal coccidiosis or some acute infectious diseases and chronic poisoning.

⑸ foamy sparse feces

Feces are mucus-like, mixed with small blisters, due to the chicken house is too wet, caused by cold or riboflavin deficiency, the intestinal contents are fermented to produce gas mixed into the feces.

Soft feces with water in ⑹

There are many and clear feces, surrounded by water, which is common in indigestion. Mostly due to improper feed rationing or difficult to digest and other reasons.

two。 Common diarrhea disease and its prevention and treatment

⑴ chicken white dysentery

The peak of the disease was 7-14 days old, and the sick chicks were depressed, cold, trembling, hair pine, pterygoid, appetite and thirst decreased. The most typical symptom is white paste such as thick lime milky feces (white dysentery), which solidifies into limestone as soon as it is discharged, blocking the anus, and chickens often die of systemic septicemia. Dissection showed incomplete absorption of yolk, white necrotic spots on the surface of the liver, gray-yellow nodules and gray liver degeneration in the lungs of the larger chicks.

Prevention and treatment: individual serious chickens were given oral norfloxacin or gentamicin, and large groups were mixed with bacteria pioneer (300 jin water) + Zhili powder (200 jin / bag) for 5 days.

⑵ infectious bursal disease

3-6-week-old chickens are the most susceptible, with cold fear, shrinking head, white stickiness and watery stool. Autopsy lesions: leg and chest muscle bleeding, bursa edema and bleeding, there are striped bleeding spots at the junction of glandular stomach and myogastric, liver is generally not enlarged, showing khaki, red and yellow stripes are formed due to rib indentation after death, and there are infarcts around.

Prevention and treatment: Fuzheng jiedu Powder (300 jin water / bottle) + Fuhuan (300 jin water / bottle) + kidney medicine for 3-5 days.

⑶ fowl cholera

Generally occurs in adult chickens, sick chickens often have severe diarrhea, gray-white loose stool. Autopsy: epicardium and coronal fat were covered with bleeding spots, pericardium had a small amount of effusion, many gray necrotic spots were scattered on the surface of the liver, and intestinal bleeding was significant.

Prevention and treatment: Fuhuan (300 jin water / bottle) + Zhi Li San (150 jin material / bag)

Colibacillosis in ⑷ chickens

A few days after the shell can be a large number of acute death, chronic patients showed severe diarrhea, feces are grayish white, there are convulsions and circle movement before death. Autopsy showed that the yolk was enlarged, and the older chicks showed white cellulose exudates on the liver and heart.

Prevention and treatment: Fuhuan (300 jin water / bottle) + Lvyuanhong (300 jin water / bottle) and Zhi Li San (150 jin material / bag) mix at the same time

⑸ urate deposition

The amount of drinking water of the chicken increased, and the autopsy showed that there were white uric acid deposits on the visceral surface.

Prevention and treatment: reduce the protein content in feed; Shenzhining + baking soda drinking water for 7-10 days.

⑹ virulent Newcastle disease

Pull fishy green feces, inverted chicken crop out of sour smelly mucus, chickens appear to turn around, circles and other neurological symptoms. Adenogastric nipple bleeding was examined, red-yellow ulcer foci and bleeding spots could be seen in the intestine, swelling and bleeding in the cecal tonsil, and brush bleeding in the cloacal cavity.

Prevention and treatment: cough powder + Fuhuan drinking water for 3-4 days. After two days, there will be a significant decrease in death and an increase in mental intake in large groups.

⑺ low virulence avian influenza

Pull white, green thin feces, respiratory symptoms are obvious. Autopsy showed redness and purplish trachea, glandular stomach nipple bleeding, intestinal diffuse bleeding, egg cistern congestion and bleeding.

Prevention and treatment: cough powder + Fuhuan drinking water for 3-4 days. The respiratory symptoms were relieved, and the group spirit and food intake increased significantly.

⑻ infectious synovitis

Chickens are gradually emaciated, stunted, swollen joints and difficult to walk. A jelly-like exudate was found in the accessory joint by autopsy.

Prevention and treatment: Fuhuan + Fuzheng jiedu powder drinking water for 3-4 days.

⑼ respiratory infectious bronchitis

The chicken coughs with blood mucus, and the chicken stretches out its neck and mouth to breathe. Hemorrhagic mucus was found in the mucosa of larynx and trachea by autopsy. Prevention and treatment: cough powder + Fuhuan drinking water for 3-4 days. The respiratory symptoms of the chickens will be significantly alleviated after two days.

Prevention and treatment: cough powder (300 jin / bottle) + Luyuan red (300 jin water / bag) drinking water, at the same time in the evening with Shenzhining drinking water, continuous use for 3-4 days, generally after two days, the spirit of the group will improve, food intake will increase, and respiratory symptoms will be alleviated.

⑽ acute typhoid fever

Pull green or white feces, the chicken does not want to move, in an upright penguin-like posture. Autopsy showed that the hepatomegaly was purple.

Prevention: Fuhuan + norfloxacin drinking water for 3 days.

⑾ salt poisoning

Diarrhea mixed with increased amount of drinking water, mouth flow of mucus, serious cases appear circle, convulsions, death quickly, piles of death.

Prevention and treatment: glucose drinking water.

⑿ renal infectious bronchitis

Chickens at the age of 20-35 days had more frequent occurrence, drainage-like or white loose stool, and the amount of drinking water increased. Autopsy showed enlarged spotted kidney with urate deposition.

Prevention and treatment: Fuzheng jiedu Powder + Luyuan red drinking water, while drinking water with Shenzhining at night for 5-7 days.

⒀ chicken paratyphoid fever

At first it is atherosclerotic, then it is watery, and there is fecal contamination in the anus. Autopsy showed that the liver and spleen were enlarged, the liver was copper-green, the cecum had dry soldering core, and the small intestine bled.

Prevention and treatment: Fuhuan mix together with Zhi Li San for four days.

⒁ cecal coccidia

It mainly occurs in the flocks of chickens raised with ground padding, which gradually lose weight and suffer from poor growth and development. Cecal swelling is examined by autopsy, and bleeding is the characteristic symptom of the disease.

Prevention and treatment: Changshun + penicillin + vitamin K3 drinking water, use double for the first time. For four days.

⒂ intestinal coccidia

The initial stage of feces is syrup-like sparse stool, that is, gradually emaciated. Autopsy showed duodenum and small intestinal wall with dot-like bleeding.

Prevention and treatment: Changshun + Shuqi special drinking water, at the same time with Zhi dysentery powder mixture. For four days.

⒃ tissue trichomoniasis

Also known as blackhead disease or cecal hepatitis. In addition to bleeding stool, autopsy showed enlargement of the liver, round or irregular necrotic foci with few depressions on the liver surface, crater-like necrotic foci, cecal hypertrophy and bleeding, cheese-like exudates, embolic, and cut into concentric circles.

Prevention and treatment: Metronitre or tinidazole mixture for 7 days

Poisoning by Aspergillus flavus ⒄

The feed intake of chickens decreased, stunted, and egg production decreased. Autopsy showed that the liver was yellow with hemorrhagic plaques and kidney swelling.

Prevention and treatment: first replace the moldy feed, and then add nystatin, glucose + vitamin c + electrolyte water to the feed. After 7-10 days, the chickens will return to normal.

⒅ arsenic poisoning

The main manifestations are loss of appetite, prolapse of wings, dishevelled feathers, neck muscle tremor, head deviation to one side, mouth flow of mucus, coronal hair group, decreased body temperature, bloody and sparse stool. Autopsy: gastrointestinal bleeding, fatty degeneration of liver and kidney.

Prevention and treatment: first find out the cause, then add glucose + vitamin C + electrolyte to drinking water, and the chickens return to normal after 7 days of continuous use.