
Is catfish a garbage fish? Can I eat it? How do you cook it?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Because the catfish itself is carnivorous fish, eating small fish or other aquatic animals, the meat itself is edible. If the water quality is better, it should be safer, but pay attention to clean up the internal organs, fish and eggs should not be eaten, in order to avoid

Because the catfish itself is carnivorous fish, eating small fish or other aquatic animals, the meat itself is edible. If the water quality is better, it should be safer, but pay attention to clean up the internal organs, fish and eggs should not be eaten, in order to avoid parasites and other things. Is that catfish a garbage fish? Can I eat it? How do you cook it?

Is catfish a garbage fish?

Catfish has strong adaptability, low requirements for water quality, likes to live in sewage, and belongs to omnivorous fish. the meat it eats, including some rotten meat in the water, often lives in the middle and lower layers of the water, and the cold weather will enter the sludge hibernation. When people eat, they should choose the ones that are transparent and free of skin damage. Catfish live in an environment that is not clean and contain more bacteria, so it is garbage fish.

Can I eat it?

Catfish can be eaten, because the catfish is raw, and the best eating season is between mid-spring and mid-summer, and the catfish is tender, delicious, rich, less spiny, appetizing and easy to digest. Except that the roe of catfish has miscellaneous flavor and is not suitable for consumption, the whole body is treasure. Catfish is a valuable nutritional product, which has been recorded as early as in history books, which can be comparable with shark fin and wild soft-shelled turtle, and its dietotherapy and medicinal value are not possessed by other fish. its unique strong bone and longevity effect is its unique bright spot.

However, in addition to the small fish and shrimp, the taste of the pond fish is very heavy. Have a special fondness for blood, viscera, rot, feces, etc., and grow rapidly. Even in the dunghill, the figure of the pond can sometimes be found. It is very simple to tell whether the fish you are buying is a pond fish. Just count the beards. 8 beards are called ponds, and even farmed ones are advised to eat less.

How to make it delicious

Steamed Perch

Ingredients: 1 sea bass, 2 slices of ginger, 1 section of green onions, 2 millet peppers, right amount of corn oil, right amount of steamed fish soy sauce, right amount of salt, right amount of cooking wine

To steam the bass:

1. First clean up the bass and cut a few slant strokes on the fish's back with a knife.

2. Shred ginger and spring onions and dice millet pepper.

3. Put some shredded ginger and shredded green onion fish, pour in some cooking wine, sprinkle some salt, wipe well, and marinate for 30 minutes.

4. Put the fish in the steamer when the water is boiled, steam for 8 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 3 minutes.

5. Steamed.

6. Pour out the soup and pick up shredded ginger and shredded onions. It must be poured out. This soup is very fishy.)

7. Pour the steamed fish soy sauce on top of the fish, then put the remaining shredded ginger and shredded onions and millet pepper on top of the fish, heat the oil in a hot pan and pour the oil on the fish.

8. Steamed sea bass is ready.


When salting fish, put less salt, because steamed fish soy sauce is salty, when eating fish is dipped in steamed fish soy sauce to eat, the taste is particularly delicious!