
What kind of fish is Basha fish? Is there a thorn? How do you cook it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What kind of fish is the catfish? It is an important freshwater aquaculture species in Southeast Asian countries. it is a kind of freshwater fish and a unique high-quality economic fish in the Mekong River Basin. it has the advantages of fast growth, large individual, high yield, easy to raise, white and tender meat and delicious taste.

What kind of fish is the catfish? It is an important freshwater aquaculture species in Southeast Asian countries. it is a kind of freshwater fish and a unique high-quality economic fish in the Mekong River basin. it has the advantages of fast growth, large individual, high yield, easy to raise, white and tender meat, delicious taste, rich nutrition and so on. So, does the Basha fish have spines? How do you cook it?

Does the Basha fish have spines?

Basha fish has main spines, but there is no meat on the back, so it is a kind of fish that people often buy and cook for the elderly and children.

Second, how to cook the Basha fish?

(1) Fried Basha Fish

1. Frozen Basha fish thaw naturally at room temperature.

two。 Pour out the thawed ice water from the plate and dry the surface of the fish with a paper towel.

3. Change the dried fish into evenly sized fish pieces and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of salt evenly on the surface of the fish.

4. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon black pepper evenly on the surface of the fish.

5. Put the fish aside and marinate for 5 minutes.

6. Heat the bottom of the pan over high heat, turn to medium heat and pour in a small amount of olive oil.

7. Put the pickled fish into a frying pan and fry them over medium and small heat.

8. Pan-fry until one side is golden, turn over and fry the other side.

9. Until the fish is golden on both sides, take out the fish.

(2) steamed Basha

1. Sliced fish.

two。 Add wine, salt, ginger, spring onions and marinate for about ten minutes.

3. Put three or four slices of ginger on the plate, put the fish on top, and put ginger and spring onions on the fish, not too much. Then steam it in a pot.

4. Remove the yellowed onions and ginger from the fish. Pour some steamed fish soy sauce, or ordinary light soy sauce.

5. Put oil in the pan, pour in minced garlic and stir-fry until golden. Look at the fire, because it will be golden soon, and it will scorch off if you are not careful.

6. Put some chopped onions on the fish, then pour hot oil and golden minced garlic on the fish.

III. The efficacy and function of Basha fish

Basha fish has delicate meat, delicious taste, rich nutrition, rich in protein, vitamin A, minerals (mainly calcium) and other nutrient elements. Basha fish has the effect of tonifying qi and relieving cough, and has a certain effect on weak cough and asthma. Basha fish also has refreshing and anti-aging and other dietotherapy functions, regular diet for the treatment of anemia, premature senility, malnutrition, postpartum weakness and neurasthenia and other diseases will have a certain auxiliary effect.