
Do eels have stings? What's the difference between eel and moray?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Eel, refers to belong to eel classification under the general name of species, is a fish, like snakes, but without scales, generally produced in the brackish and fresh water boundary waters. Eel has the functions of tonifying deficiency, nourishing blood, eliminating dampness and resisting tuberculosis. It is a good nutrition for patients with chronic illness, weakness, anemia and tuberculosis.

Eel refers to the general name of the species under the classification of eel order, belonging to fish, like a snake, but scaleless, generally produced in the sea area at the junction of salt and fresh water. Eel has the functions of tonifying deficiency and nourishing blood, removing dampness, anti-tuberculosis and so on. it is a good nutrition for patients with long illness, weakness, anemia, tuberculosis and so on. So, do eels have thorns? What is the difference between a river eel and a Moray eel?

Do eels have thorns?

Eel, like most other fish, has main spines, but too many small thorns, so it is not recommended for babies to eat.

Second, the difference between river eel and Moray eel

In the aquatic product market, the price of river eel is often higher than that of Moray eel. If you can't tell the difference, you are likely to buy Moray eel at a high price. Let's take a look at how to distinguish between river eel and Moray eel.

(1) characteristics of river eel

1. Shape: the body is slender, the front is cylindrical, the head is medium large, the eyes are small, the mouth is pointed and flat, the lower jaw is slightly longer than the upper jaw, the two stools and plough bones have only fine teeth.

2. Fish scales: the scales are small and buried under the skin, arranged in the shape of a mat.

3. Fin: the starting point of the dorsal fin is behind the head, the dorsal fin, anal fin and caudal fin are connected, there are pectoral fins, and the pectoral fins are small and round, without ventral fins.

4. Color: the back of the body is grayish black and the abdomen is white.

(2) characteristics of Moray eel

1. Shape: the body is long, nearly cylindrical, the back end is flat, the head is pointed and long, the mouth and eyes are large, there are sharp large canine teeth at the front of the upper and lower jaws, and the upper jaw is slightly longer than the lower jaw.

2. Fish scales: the body is scaleless and has a lateral line.

3. Fin: the starting point of the dorsal fin is above the Gill, the anal fin is connected with the caudal fin, and the pectoral fin is wide without ventral fin.

4. Color: the back of the body is dark gray and the abdomen is grayish white.

III. Nutritional value of eel

Eel has the functions of tonifying deficiency and nourishing blood, removing dampness, anti-tuberculosis and so on. it is a good nutrition for patients with long illness, weakness, anemia, tuberculosis and so on. Eel contains a very rare Xihe Locke protein, which has a good effect of strengthening essence and kidney, and is a health food for young couples, middle-aged and elderly people. Eel is a calcium-rich aquatic product, often eaten, can increase the value of blood calcium, make the body strong. The liver of eel is rich in vitamin A, which is a good food for the night blind.