
What kind of meat should I eat in autumn? What kind of meat is suitable for health preservation in autumn?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The hot summer has just passed, after the Beginning of Autumn, the weather is getting cooler and cooler, but autumn is easy to dry, so we usually eat more moist and mild food. So what kind of meat should I eat in autumn? What kind of meat is suitable for health preservation in autumn? Autumn

The hot summer has just passed, after the beginning of autumn, the weather is getting cooler and cooler, but autumn is easy to dry, so we generally eat more moist and mild food in our diet. What meat should I eat in autumn? What kind of meat is suitable for autumn health? Autumn tonic body, meat should be appropriate. There are many meat foods to choose from in autumn, such as mutton, pork, chicken and so on.

Why eat meat in autumn?

The beginning of autumn, folk known as "stick autumn fat" custom. During the summer days, people had poor appetites, and many people would lose weight. Thin, of course, to make up, the way is to eat thick taste of food in the beginning of autumn, the preferred meat.

This custom is especially prevalent in the north. For example, in the courtyard houses of old Beijing, there are many stewed meat, grilled fish, stewed chicken and duck at the beginning of autumn. The meat is cooked into braised pork, white cut meat or homemade pork with sauce. There are also meat or crab meat stuffing or melon dumplings on this day.

In fact, eating stewed meat at the beginning of autumn, in addition to ancient customs, is also very good for health care. Because summer is too hot, people will unconsciously partial eclipse, which is very harmful to the ecological balance of the human body, and often affects the endocrine and biological functions of the human body.

At the beginning of autumn, people solved this problem by eating stew meat, which not only supplemented the necessary nutrients such as fat, protein and various trace elements in the body, but also enhanced the body's resistance. At the same time, the neutralization of various Chinese herbal medicines in the material bag has the curative effects of eliminating plague, dehumidifying, tonifying and reducing diarrhea on human body.

But experts warn people not to rush to "stick autumn fat." Because at this time people's gastrointestinal function is weak, has not been conditioned over, if eat too much meat and other high protein foods, will increase the burden on the stomach, affecting gastrointestinal function. Therefore, meat should be appropriate, it is best to wait until the weather really cools down, and then increase meat.

Now,"autumn fat" should be raised to a new level, that is, pay attention to nutritional balance, reasonable supplement of protein, vitamins and other nutrients required by the human body, control of fat, salt, sugar intake, in order to enhance the body's resistance.

Therefore,"autumn supplement", in addition to appropriate supplement some chicken, beef, mutton food, dairy products, beans and fresh vegetables, fruits should also eat more, but also comprehensively supplement the various vitamins and minerals required by the human body, maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

What meat is suitable for autumn?

duck meat

Duck is rich in nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine said it can nourish the yin of the five zang-organs, clear the heat of fatigue, enrich the blood and water, nourish the stomach and produce body fluid. Duck meat in autumn is tender and rich in nutrients, which can timely supplement essential protein, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, duck meat cold sex, especially suitable for hot people to eat, so it is a big tonic autumn diet.

Recommended Recipe: Yam Old Duck Pot

Efficacy: Duck meat is cool in nature, nourishing yin and lung, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Eating yam in autumn is beneficial to lung cough, spleen and stomach. Yam and duck eat together, but also lower cholesterol, autumn tonic is the best combination.

rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is rich in lecithin and also contains lysine and tryptophan, which are most easily lacking in human body. It is good for protecting brain and enhancing blood vessel elasticity. Moreover, rabbit meat is easy to digest. In traditional Chinese medicine, it can nourish yin and eliminate fire. It is more suitable for autumn consumption.

Recommended Recipe: Stewed Rabbit Meat Soup with Huai Qi

Efficacy: strengthening spleen and stomach, nourishing liver and kidney, tranquilizing blood, tonifying qi.


Because pork fiber tissue is relatively soft, but also contains a lot of muscle fat, so better than beef digestion and absorption. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eating more lean meat in pork has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, and has certain therapeutic effect on diseases such as fever, cough, constipation, etc., especially suitable for autumn dryness.

Recommended recipe: braised pork

Under normal circumstances, in autumn, many people will tonic, which is commonly known as sticking autumn fat. Autumn tonic will eat meat, different meat will have different nutrition, so what meat to eat in autumn is better? Let's take a look at what meat is suitable for autumn.


Chicken has a strong nourishing effect, in a sub-healthy state of the crowd suitable for eating more, chicken especially for malnutrition, stomach cold, irregular menstruation, qi and blood deficiency of the crowd, there is a good therapeutic effect.

Recommended Recipe: Carrot Roast Chicken


The best food for autumn fat is mutton, mutton is sweet but not greasy, warm but not dry, eating mutton, on the one hand can promote blood circulation, increase body heat, but also increase digestive enzymes, help stomach digestion; on the other hand, due to its rich nutrition, it is very beneficial for treating some deficiency cold diseases.

Recommended recipe: lamb chop stewed radish

fish and shrimp

Fish and shrimp are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, trace elements and other substances, are essential for the human body. Autumn can eat more fish food, carp can tonify spleen and stomach, diuresis and swelling, while grass carp can warm stomach, calm liver and subside yang, eyesight, especially suitable for weak people.

Recommended recipe: Crucian carp tofu soup

Cautions for eating meat in autumn

Beef is easy to eat

Beef is an "old friend" on the table. It is rich in high-quality protein and iron, which helps to improve the disease resistance of the body. It is very suitable for people who grow and recuperate after surgery and illness to supplement blood loss and repair tissues.

But autumn dry, beef is hot food, eat too much will lead to get angry, so beef although good, eat also to moderate. At the same time, beef on the upper end of the table can also be equipped with yam, lotus root, chestnut, white lentil, water chestnut, carrot, shepherd's purse and other dishes, which have different degrees of salivation and nourishing yin, spleen and stomach effects.

In addition, beef has a high content of saturated fatty acids, so patients with hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease should not eat more.

Bean curd with mutton nutrition and reduce fire

"Mutton protein content is high, fat content is relatively small, eating more mutton helps to improve the body's immunity. Moreover, it has the effects of tonifying kidney and strengthening yang, warming middle and dispelling cold, warming qi and blood, stimulating appetite and invigorating spleen. Therefore, it has always been regarded as one of the important foods for winter cold and tonic." Sun Yat-sen University Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital clinical nutrition department Chen Chaogang deputy chief physician said, Eat mutton really benefits a lot, Its protein belongs to high-quality protein, At the same time contains more iron, To prevent iron deficiency anemia, Constitution weakness and so on have certain help.

He said, such as mutton hot pot, mutton radish soup, wolfberry stewed mutton, mutton porridge, etc., are very good folk eating methods, taste good and can preserve health. " In fact, different methods should also be combined with different constitutions of individuals. When braising mutton, adding horseshoe and dried bean curd can reduce the degree of dryness and tonic; adding Dangshen, wolfberry and mutton sheep together is good for Yang deficiency." Experts said.

What vegetables should go with mutton chafing dish? Experts point out that at this time it is best to match tofu, it can not only supplement a variety of trace elements, among which gypsum can also play the role of clearing away heat and purging fire, eliminating annoyance and quenching thirst; and mutton and radish stew together is also based on evidence, so that radish can give full play to its cool nature, can eliminate stagnation, phlegm heat role.

"But not all people are suitable for mutton. For example, those who often have erosive tongue, red eyes, bitter mouth, irritability, dry throat, sore gums, diarrhea or dry stool, or those who take Chinese medicine prescription with Pinellia ternata and Acorus tatarinowii all avoid eating mutton." Experts warned. In addition, hepatitis patients are also best to eat less mutton, so as not to increase the burden of liver protein into the body, leading to disease.

Don't drink tea immediately after eating dog meat

Although there is no small dispute about eating dog meat, it does not prevent people who love food from foraging around. According to Lingnan Vocational and Technical College medical nutrition major Zhou Zhihui nutritionist introduced, Dog meat belongs to warm food, From the good aspect, Eating dog meat can enhance people's physique, Improve digestion ability, Promote blood circulation, Especially to improve the elderly weakness, Such as limbs cold, Mental depression and so on have help.

But dog meat must be cooked thoroughly. Because although dogs are mostly domesticated, they are prone to trichinosis because they often eat contaminated omnivores and small animals. If you eat undercooked dog meat with spirulina larvae, you are prone to infection with trichinosis, which can multiply in the human body and parasitize in muscles, causing severe symptoms such as muscle pain and atrophy.

In addition, you cannot drink tea immediately after eating dog meat. " This is because the tannic acid in the tea leaves combines with the protein in the dog meat to produce a substance called tannic acid protein. This substance has a certain astringent effect, which can weaken intestinal motility and reduce the water content in the stool, resulting in constipation." Experts explained.

On the other hand, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients should not eat more dog meat, and those who have recovered from serious illness should not eat it. Cough, cold, fever, diarrhea and other patients are also best less stained dog meat.