
How to peel the famous special aquatic product bullfrog? Are there any parasites? What are the practices?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bullfrog, also known as vegetable frog, is one of the most important special aquatic products in aquaculture in China. So how does it peel? Are there any parasites? What are the practices? According to animal encyclopedia data, there are usually parasites in the wild, but now there are beef cattle on the market.

Bullfrog, also known as vegetable frog, is one of the most important special aquatic products in aquaculture in China. So how does it peel? Are there any parasites? What are the practices? According to animal encyclopedia data, there are generally parasites in the wild, but now the meat-eating bullfrogs on the market are basically farmed. Buy qualified frozen bullfrogs and cook them thoroughly at high temperature to ensure that you don't have to worry about parasites while eating frog meat. It is important to note that when eating, we must make sure that the excavated meat is cooked, so that we can avoid the harm of parasites.

How to skin a bullfrog?

1. First remove the head of the bullfrog.

2. Use a kitchen knife to cut from the back of the bullfrog to the buttocks (just cut the skin).

3. Pull out the skin from the cut back, grab the bullfrog's back with the right hand, and pull the skin down with the left hand.

4. When Pilar reaches the forefoot and hind foot of the bullfrog, pick up the toe of the bullfrog, and then remove the internal organs and wash it.

What are the practices of bullfrogs?

1. Sautéed Bullfrog with Pickled Peppers

Ingredients: bullfrog 500 g, green onion 150 g, salad oil 200 g, cooking wine 10 g, pickled ginger 10 g, refined salt 1 g, green onion 150 g, monosodium glutamate 2 g, pickled red pepper 150 g, pepper 1 g, dried bean powder 20 g. Production method:

1. The bullfrog is slaughtered, peeled, visceral and washed, chopped into pieces and seasoned with salt, pepper, dried bean powder and cooking wine. Soak the red pepper, remove the pedicel, remove the seeds and cut into nodes, wash the green onions and cut into sections, soak the ginger and cut into ginger rice.

2. Heat the oil in the wok until it is 70% hot. Remove the bullfrog from the pan. Heat a little oil in the wok, soak ginger rice and pickled pepper to stir-fry the fragrance, add bullfrog, cook into cooking wine, put monosodium glutamate and green onions into the pan.

Garlic-fragrant bullfrog


Bullfrog 500 grams of chives, 1 ginger, 1 small piece of garlic, 10 cloves of edible oil, 30 grams of olive oil, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon wine, 1 tablespoon pepper powder, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon monosodium glutamate 0.5 tablespoons


1. Wash the bullfrogs, cut each into 8 pieces, put them in a bowl, add sugar, olive oil, soy sauce, salt and cooking wine, mix well and marinate for 30 minutes.

two。 Peel garlic, deep-fry in hot oil until light yellow, bring out; wash ginger, slice; rinse and cut onions

3. Pour oil into the pan, heat, add ginger slices, stir-fry, add bullfrog, add garlic, pepper, water and monosodium glutamate, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 25 minutes, sprinkle with spring onions.

Braised bullfrog in brown sauce


Bullfrog 2 jin, long pickled pepper 5, pickled ginger 1, garlic clove 8, red oil bean clove, green pepper, cooking wine, always smoke a little, bean powder, green onion section, monosodium glutamate


1. Deal with the bullfrog when you buy it, take it home and wash it, drain the water, taste it with cooking wine and bean powder for 10 minutes, then use boiled water over the water, remove and drain. Make the bean powder solidified on the bullfrog and tender, so as not to paste the pot when cooking. )

2. Cut the pickled ginger into fine particles, cut into sections of pickled peppers and green onions.

3. Put more oil in the hot oil pan, stir-fry the beans, pepper, pickled ginger, pickled pepper, garlic cloves and cooking wine together, then stir-fry the bullfrog together for a while, just cover the bullfrog with water.

4. Simmer for a few minutes and add onions, monosodium glutamate or balsamic vinegar until the soup is small.

Steamed bullfrog with taro


Bullfrog 350 grams, peeled taro (taro) 200 grams. 30 grams of seasoning red rice pepper, 40 grams of Shanli fragrance Douchi, 15 grams of ginger rice, 15 grams of garlic rice, 35 grams of dry starch, 20 grams of spicy sauce, 50 grams of red oil, 5 grams of chicken powder, pepper powder, Hua Diao wine, coriander leaves, monosodium glutamate, 8 grams of refined salt, 10 grams of pepper oil, 3 grams of sugar.


1. Peel and wash the bullfrog, cut it into pieces weighing about 3 grams, mix in Huadiao wine, ginger rice, garlic rice, spicy sauce, pepper powder, sugar, chicken powder, 3 grams of refined salt flavor, marinate for 15 minutes; pat the pickled bullfrog with dry starch and mix with Douchi perfume, 20 grams of red oil and pepper oil.

2. Wash the taro, season with 5 grams of salt, cook for 5 minutes in a boiling water pan, remove and dry, then mix in monosodium glutamate and set aside.

3. Put the pickled bullfrog on a plate, put the boiled taro around, sprinkle with red rice pepper, mix in 30 grams of red oil, steam over high heat for 6 minutes, remove and add parsley leaves.