
How to choose the site of the farm? It is said that if you choose wrong, you will be demolished, and if you are serious, you will be caught!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Now, whether they want to raise pigs or the bosses who plan to expand the scale of breeding, they are often plagued by the problem of land. In the past, the aquaculture industry did not form a scale, pig raising is to solve the daily living expenses, and the illegal behavior of small households has not been paid attention to. But with some small-scale breeding

Now, whether they want to raise pigs or the bosses who plan to expand the scale of breeding, they are often plagued by the problem of land. In the past, the aquaculture industry did not form a scale, pig raising is to solve the daily living expenses, and the illegal behavior of small households has not been paid attention to. However, with the mass closure of some small farms and the emergence and growth of large-scale aquaculture, aquaculture has gradually entered the track of corporatization and legalization, and the contradiction between aquaculture and land regulations and policies has become increasingly prominent. So how to choose the site of the farm?

It is forbidden to build farms in no-farming areas such as tourist areas, nature reserves, water source reserves and areas with serious environmental pollution, the nature and planning of land are equally important, and it is necessary to focus on understanding before site selection, otherwise it will bring catastrophic losses to pig farms.

When choosing a site, we must first understand the nature of the land, which is very important and easy to be overlooked. When we choose the land for pig farms, we must be careful not to choose basic farmland. Because the state implements the protection policy to the basic farmland, the change of use is not allowed. Once it is built, someone will come forward to clean it up, and it will be too late to repent.

When selecting the site, we should also have some understanding of the short-term and long-term planning of the site and the surrounding land, so as to avoid conflicts between the selected site and other major government development projects in the future. Now, because of the rapid economic development in many places, the near suburbs and even the outer suburbs of the former city are full of high-rise buildings in a few years, turning into development zones, residential areas, commercial areas, industrial areas, and so on. Pig farms have to be moved to more remote places, and even farming cannot continue because they cannot choose a suitable site.

To understand these situations, one is to go to the government land department where the land is located to check the cadastral of the land, and the other is to go to the government planning department to see the land planning.

Basic farmland is untouchable.

Even if the land is no longer planted, it is still a red line to occupy basic farmland to raise pigs. The state's protection of basic farmland is very strict, which is not only included in the performance assessment of leading cadres, but also requires the approval of the State Council to occupy basic farmland. Whoever illegally occupies more than five mu of basic farmland or more than ten mu of arable land other than basic farmland shall be investigated for criminal responsibility.

The basic farmland in the mountains or barren beaches is also a kind of realistic awkwardness that needs to be faced at present. At the beginning, the State Council asked the town level to designate basic farmland, and many grass-roots governments designated many corners and corners as basic farmland for various reasons. In recent years, with the advance of urbanization, many farmers have abandoned the fields around the mountain corners and pig farms, resulting in trees growing in this part of the basic farmland, which can not be used.

It is strictly forbidden to build any farming community in the basic farmland. However, in some places, under the condition that no idle beach, wasteland and general cultivated land can be used, it is common to plan large-scale farming areas in basic farmland, especially in some areas where the land is relatively flat, which brings great difficulties to land management. Such things, the farm dare not report, the land department is unwilling to take care of, the actual situation contradicts the policy at that time. But if you want to report the construction of a pig farm on basic farmland, the land department will certainly not approve it.

The land use of pig-raising ancillary facilities is prohibited by more than 7%.

The status quo classification of land use defines the ancillary facility land as the facility land that directly assists the production of agricultural products in the agricultural project area. It includes: 1. Land for management and living housing, that is, necessary facilities such as inspection and quarantine monitoring, prevention and control of animal and plant diseases and insect pests, office and living facilities in facility agricultural production; 2. Warehouse land, that is, the necessary land for the storage of agricultural products, agricultural materials, feed, agricultural machinery, agricultural tools and sorting and packaging of agricultural products; 3. Hardened drying grounds, biomass fertilizer production sites, roads in line with the provisions of "rural roads" and other land.

In order to prohibit some super-large breeding enterprises from carrying out real estate development in the name of raising pigs, the notice stipulates that the scale of land for ancillary facilities for large-scale livestock and poultry farming is in principle controlled within 7% of the scale of the project (of which, the proportion of land for ancillary facilities for large-scale cattle and sheep farming is controlled within 10%), with a maximum of 15 mu. If the scale of the land for ancillary facilities exceeds the above proportion, it is necessary to go through the formalities for the change of the nature of the land and the examination and approval of the construction land, and pay a high land transfer fee.

Illegal occupation of five mu of woodland will lead to prison.

Farms are usually located in ravines, surrounded by mountains or trees. With the gradual development of aquaculture, the surrounding woodland has also become the first choice for pig farm expansion. However, Article 67 of the provisions of the Ministry of Public Security of the Supreme people's Procuratorate on the filing and prosecution standards of criminal cases under the jurisdiction of public security organs makes it clear that illegally occupying five mu of forest land will face criminal punishment.

How can woodland be used legally? According to the provisions of Article 18 of the Forest Law, the exploration, mining of mineral resources and various construction projects shall not occupy or occupy less forest land; if forest land must be occupied or requisitioned, after examination and approval by the competent forestry department of the people's government at or above the county level, go through the formalities for examination and approval of construction land in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations on land management, and the land use units shall pay forest vegetation restoration fees in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council.

What should be done about the urgent land use of pig farms?

The word "no breeding" is like a knife hanging over the breeding account. With the stricter environmental protection policy on the breeding industry, the closure and relocation of livestock and poultry farms in the prohibited area has entered the final countdown. Both violent demolition and democratic decision-making have brought a huge blow to farmers.

Some farmers wonder whether they can reclaim wasteland to continue to complete their own breeding cause. But who does the wasteland reclaimed by oneself belong to? People are full of questions such as whether to pay land rent, how many years the legal wasteland can be used, and whether the wasteland is subsidized or not.

Originally, the ownership of the land reclaimed in rural areas is still owned by rural collective organizations, and its ownership does not belong to individuals, so it cannot enjoy the same rights as the contracted land. First of all, we have to determine whether the reclamation of wasteland is legal or illegal, the state-owned wasteland will contract to the outside according to the market situation, and the wasteland of the village collective will also be contracted out in the form of normal contracting under certain conditions. as long as the farmers pay money and labor when reclaiming the wasteland, the village collective will give priority to you and collect appropriate contract fees.

In addition, according to Article 17 of the detailed rules for the implementation of the National Land Administration Law, those engaged in planting, forestry, animal husbandry or fishery production in the development of state-owned barren mountains, unreclaimed lands and barren beaches with undetermined land use rights may be determined for long-term use by development units or individuals with the approval of the people's government at or above the county level, and the longest term of use shall not exceed 50 years. Normal and legal reclamation of wasteland can be used for 50 years!

At the same time, according to the provisions of the "National Land Classification" and the "request for instructions on how to deal with the land occupied by aquaculture" formulated by the Ministry of Land and Resources: aquaculture land belongs to agricultural land, and the construction of aquaculture houses on it does not belong to the act of changing land use. the occupation of cultivated land other than basic farmland for aquaculture will no longer be examined and approved in accordance with construction land or temporary land use. The decision-making power of the land contractor in production and operation shall be fully respected. As long as the tillage layer of the cultivated land is not destroyed and the cultivation conditions are not destroyed, the land contractor may independently decide to use the cultivated land for aquaculture.

So where should the pig farm be built and what problems should be paid attention to?


1. Pig farms should try their best to make use of unused land such as barren hills and beaches and inefficient idle land.

two。 Pig farms should not occupy or occupy less cultivated land, and it is strictly forbidden to occupy basic farmland.

3. If it is really necessary to occupy cultivated land, it should also occupy inferior cultivated land as far as possible to avoid excessive occupation of high-quality cultivated land.

4. Through engineering, technical and other measures to minimize the damage to the tillage layer

5. The new construction, reconstruction and expansion of large-scale livestock and poultry farms should strictly implement the environmental impact assessment and the "three simultaneous" system. The simultaneous system refers to all construction projects that have an impact on the environment, and the environmental protection facilities must be designed, constructed and put into production at the same time as the main project.