
Teach you 10 ways to keep warm in the pig house, not afraid of weak pigs, sick pigs freeze to death!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The temperature in most parts of the country has dropped sharply in the past few days, which has caught many pig farmers by surprise. Here, it is necessary to remind the vast number of large-scale pig farms that although the pig fat is thick, the cold protection and warmth of the pig house must not be relaxed. If the feeding and management is not good

The temperature in most parts of the country has dropped sharply in the past few days, which has caught many pig farmers by surprise. Here, it is necessary to remind the vast number of large-scale pig farms that although the pig fat is thick, the cold protection and warmth of the pig house must not be relaxed. If the feeding and management is not good, weak pigs and sick pigs will be frozen to death, which will seriously affect the efficiency of breeding. The following will teach you 10 tips for keeping warm in the pig house, and the vast number of pig farmers have to look carefully!

1. Keep the pigsty dry.

The dampness of the pig house will lead to a series of adverse effects: first, the humidity of the pig house is high, and the pigs will feel cold, resulting in crushing and crushing injuries; second, it is conducive to the growth and reproduction of bacteria, which is easy to cause epidemic diseases. common skin diseases, respiratory diseases, infectious diseases and parasitic diseases. In order to prevent the wetness of the pig house, we should achieve the "four essentials": first, to prevent rain leakage; second, to change the hay frequently; third, to train pigs to defecate and urinate at a fixed point; and fourth, to regularly remove pig manure and pig urine to eliminate the source of moisture in the pig house.

2. Remove harmful gases.

If the concentration of harmful gas in the pigsty is too high, the disease resistance and cold protection ability of pigs will be significantly reduced. Therefore, every day, the use of noon high temperature period, open doors and windows ventilation, remove harmful gases, change into fresh air, in order to facilitate the growth and development of pigs.

3. Cushion sawdust.

Laying sawdust with a thickness of about 10 cm in the pigsty can significantly increase the temperature of the pigsty.

4. Bedding grass.

The thickness of soft hay and soft straw on the pig bed is about 20 cm, which can absorb moisture, remove moisture and keep warm, but the bedding grass should be changed frequently to prevent dampness and mildew from producing ammonia, causing health hazards to pigs.

5. Add energy feed.

In the preparation of pig diet, we should appropriately increase the proportion of energy feed such as corn and wheat bran and drink warm water. Adequate feed supply, increase the number of feeding times, pig food should be dry, can enhance cold and disease resistance, and promote rapid weight growth.

6. Chinese herbs for dispelling wind and dispelling cold were added to the feed.

The traditional Chinese medicine of expelling wind and dispelling cold, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, invigorating spleen dryness and dampness can not only promote the rapid fattening of pigs, but also resist cold and prevent disease. For example: Hawthorn, Shenqu, Chuanxiong, Poria, Fangfeng, Fructus Aurantii, Notopterygium, Bupleurum, Atractylodes, betel nut, licorice each 20 grams, mixed in the feed, fed twice a week.

7. Add heat source to the pigsty.

By manual method, the heat source is added in the pig house to increase the temperature in the pig house, and the hot air stove, heater, coal stove and other equipment can be used to provide the heat source. For piglets, heating equipment such as piglet electric hot plate and infrared light bulb provide additional heat source for piglet incubator. When using coal-fueled heating equipment, we should pay attention to the unobstructed flue to avoid carbon monoxide retention in the house and lead to carbon monoxide poisoning in pigs.

8. Increase the feeding density appropriately.

Raising scattered pigs in groups and properly increasing the feeding density can naturally increase the temperature of the house, and at the same time, pigs sleep next to each other, which can not only keep each other warm, but also increase the temperature of the whole pig house.

9. Bask in the sun more.

Choose sunny and warm weather from 1 to 3 p.m., drive the pigs out to bask in the sun, and appropriately strengthen outdoor sports to improve the resistance of pigs to cold weather.

10. Guard against the wind.

The cold wind invades the pig house in early spring, and attacking the pig body will cause pig colds, pneumonia and other diseases. Use boards, grass curtains or plastic films to block the places where the pig house leaks out, so as to prevent the cold wind from invading.

In addition, the pig weight before 60 kg 16 ℃; 60 kg 14 ℃; 90 kg more than 12 kg 16 ℃, the general relative humidity in the house should be 50% 75%.

Remember to keep the pigsty dry, change the grass and clean up the pig droppings in time.