
The General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the Comprehensive Implementation Plan for Deepening Rural Reform

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Xinhua Agency, Beijing, November 2 (Xinhua) Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the Comprehensive Implementation Plan for Deepening Rural Reform, and issued a circular requiring all regions and departments to earnestly implement it in light of actual conditions. Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of Rural Areas

Beijing, 2 Nov (Xinhua) recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Comprehensive implementation Plan for deepening Rural Reform," and issued a circular requiring all localities and departments to conscientiously implement it in the light of reality.

The main contents of the Comprehensive implementation Plan for deepening Rural Reform are as follows.

Rural reform is an important part of comprehensively deepening reform. According to the policy decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, various reforms in rural areas are being carried out in a down-to-earth manner, and the pilot work on some important reform items is being carried out in an orderly manner. At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, with the continuous progress of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, and profound changes in rural economy and society. the interests involved in rural reform are more complex, the objectives are more diverse, the influencing factors are more diverse, and the task is more arduous. Rural reform is highly comprehensive, and it is difficult to be effective by individual soldiers. We must set up systematic thinking, do a good job in overall planning and top-level design, find out the bull's nose and major contradictions that affect the whole body, and further improve the scientific nature of rural reform decision-making. It is necessary to grasp the direction of rural reform as a whole, put forward the general objectives, major principles, basic tasks, and important paths for deepening rural reform, better guide and coordinate various reforms in rural areas from the overall situation, and strengthen the convergence and matching of various reforms. maximize the comprehensive effects of the reform.

In accordance with the unified plan of the central government and in order to improve the systematicness, integrity, and cooperation of rural reform, we have specially formulated a comprehensive implementation plan for deepening rural reform.

I. overall requirements

(1) guiding ideology. Fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the second, third and fourth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the scientific concept of development, conscientiously implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and actively adapt to the new normal of economic development. Closely centering on the strategic layout of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, comprehensively deepening reform, comprehensively governing the country according to law, and comprehensively administering the party strictly, we will constantly consolidate and improve the basic economic system of socialist rural areas with Chinese characteristics, and speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. we will improve the system and mechanism for ensuring national food security, promoting sustainable agricultural development and increasing farmers' income, and strive to break down the institutional obstacles to the dual structure of urban and rural areas. To provide institutional guarantee for accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas with Chinese characteristics, and to lay a solid foundation for the realization of the "two centenary" goals and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(2) objectives and tasks. By 2020, the protection system of various forms of ownership in rural areas, especially the ownership of rural collective assets, farmers' land contractual management rights and farmers' property rights, will be more perfect. The new agricultural economic management system, agricultural support and protection system, agricultural socialized service system, agricultural science and technology innovation system, rural financial system suitable for agricultural and rural characteristics will be more sound, and the integrated system and mechanism of urban and rural economic and social development will be basically established. The rural social governance system and the rural grass-roots organization system have been further improved, farmers' democratic rights have been better protected, agricultural and rural laws and regulations have been further improved and strengthened, and the level of the rule of law at the grass-roots level in rural areas has been further improved. agricultural modernization and farmers' living standards have been further improved, and rural economic and social development has become more dynamic.

(3) basic principles

1. Adhere to the common development of the economy of various forms of ownership in rural areas. On the basis of adhering to the nature of public ownership of land, we should strengthen the protection of the legitimate property rights and interests of rural economic organizations of various forms of ownership and peasant families, and give rural economic organizations of all forms of ownership equal market dominant status, to ensure that they fairly participate in market competition in accordance with the law and are equally protected by law. We will promote the common development of the rural collective economy, peasant household economy, peasant cooperative economy, various private and joint-stock economies, supply and marketing cooperative economy, and state-owned farms and forest farms.

2. Adhere to and improve the basic management system in rural areas. We should grasp the relationship between collective land ownership and household contract management, keep the existing rural land contract relationship stable and unchanged for a long time, implement collective ownership, stabilize farmers' right to contract, activate the right of land management, and implement the "separation of three rights". Adhere to the basic position of family management in agriculture, innovate the organization mode of agricultural operation, and promote the common development of family management, collective management, cooperative management, enterprise management and so on.

3. Adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform. We should adjust the relations of production that do not meet the requirements of the development of rural social productive forces, improve the rural economic system that meets the requirements of the socialist market economy, give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, and strengthen state support and protection for agriculture. we will promote agriculture to attach equal importance to quantity and quality benefits, pay attention to improving competitiveness, pay attention to agricultural technological innovation, and pay attention to sustainable and intensive development as soon as possible.

4. Persist in protecting the rights and interests of farmers. We should take the realization, maintenance, and development of the fundamental interests of the broad masses of farmers as the starting point and foothold of deepening rural reform, earnestly protect farmers' legitimate economic interests, and respect their democratic rights.

5. Adhere to overall planning. Overall consideration should be given to agriculture and rural development, urban and rural reform and development, and fairness and efficiency.

6. Adhere to gradual and orderly progress and pilot projects first. We should give full play to the pioneering spirit of the grassroots and the masses, and on the premise of grasping the direction and adhering to the bottom line, encourage active exploration and bold innovation, and allow different and transitional systems and policy arrangements. We should conscientiously organize the pilot work of rural reform and sum up the experience that can be copied and popularized in a timely manner. For major reforms that break through existing laws and regulations, it is necessary to apply for approval in accordance with the procedures, obtain authorization, and carry out trial sites within a certain scope.

7. Adhere to the Party's leadership over the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. We must always take strengthening the party's leadership over the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" as the political guarantee for promoting rural reform and development, and improve the ability and level of doing well the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in accordance with the law. Under the unified leadership of the central government, we will actively and steadily deepen various reforms in rural areas.

II. Key areas and major initiatives

Comprehensively deepening rural reform involves the fields of economy, politics, culture, society, ecological civilization and grass-roots party building, as well as economic entities of various forms of ownership in rural areas. With regard to the core issues of reform in these five major areas, it is necessary to clarify the major directions, main contents, and major principles and countermeasures, and further clarify the thinking of reform.

(1) deepening the reform of the rural collective property right system

Rural collective ownership based on collective ownership of land is an important form of socialist public ownership and an institutional guarantee for realizing the common prosperity of farmers. The rural collective economic organization system established on the basis of collective ownership of land, intertwined with the villagers' autonomous organization system, constitutes the basic framework of China's rural governance and provides the basic institutional support for the modernization of agriculture and rural areas with Chinese characteristics. To establish and improve the rural collective property rights system that meets the requirements of the socialist market economic system and the reality of the primary stage of socialism, we must take the protection of the rights of members of farmers' collective economic organizations as the core, focus on clarifying the ownership of rural collective property rights and giving farmers more property rights, and explore the effective organization form and management mode of rural collective ownership economy under the condition of socialist market economy. To ensure that the achievements of collective economic development benefit all members of the collective, give further play to the advantages of the collective economy, and further mobilize the enthusiasm of the members of the collective economic organization.

1. Deepen the reform of the rural land system. Adhere to the "three bottom lines" of not changing the public nature of land, not breaking the red line of cultivated land, and not harming the interests of farmers, so as to prevent subversive mistakes. The basic direction of deepening the reform of rural land system is to implement collective ownership, stabilize farmers' right to contract, and enliven the right of land management. The implementation of collective ownership is to implement the legal provisions that "the immovable and movable property owned by farmers collectively belong to the collective members of the collective", clearly define the collective membership rights of farmers, clarify the ownership of collective land property rights, and realize the clarity of the subject of collective property rights. To stabilize farmers' right to contract is to fairly implement the right of contracted management of collective land to every peasant household in this collective group. To activate the right of land management is to allow contracted farmers to voluntarily allocate the right of land management to subjects who have the will and ability to operate in accordance with the law, and to develop various forms of appropriate scale operation.

First, we will carry out pilot projects of rural land expropriation, the entry of collective construction land into the market, and the reform of the homestead system. We will sum up experience in a timely manner and constantly improve it so as to form replicable and popularized reform achievements. The basic idea of the reform of rural land expropriation system is to narrow the scope of land expropriation, standardize the procedure of land expropriation, and improve the reasonable, standardized and pluralistic security mechanism for land expropriated farmers. establish a land value-added income distribution system that takes into account the state, collectives and individuals, and reasonably improve personal income. The basic idea of the reform of the collective construction land system is to allow the stock of rural collective construction land identified by the overall land use planning and urban and rural planning for industrial and mining warehousing, commercial services and other commercial uses to enjoy the same rights as the state-owned construction land. under the premise of being in line with planning, use control and acquisition in accordance with the law, it can be sold, leased and bought into shares. We will improve the trading rules for entering the market, the service supervision system and the rational distribution mechanism of land value-added income. The basic idea of the reform of homestead system is: on the basis of ensuring the usufruct of homestead obtained by farmers in accordance with the law, reform and improve the rural homestead system, explore the new mechanism of farmers' housing security, and clearly define farmers' housing property rights. explore the system of paid use of homestead and voluntary paid exit mechanism, and explore effective ways to mortgage, guarantee and transfer farmers' housing property rights.

The second is to deepen the reform of the rural land contract management system. On the basis of basically completing the registration and issuance of the ownership of rural collective land, and in accordance with the principle of unified registration of real estate, speed up the registration and issuance of the right to the use of homestead and collective construction land. Pilot guidance on mortgage and guarantee of rural contracted land management rights will be issued. We will carry out the pilot project of withdrawing the contracted management rights of farmers' land for a fee in places where conditions permit. We will formulate and issue documents to improve the grassland contract management system, standardize grassland contracting behavior and management methods, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses of herdsmen to protect and build grasslands. To guide the orderly circulation of the right to the use of barren mountains, ditches, hills and beaches owned by collectives in rural areas.

Third, improve the system of protection and compensation of cultivated land. We will strictly implement the overall plan for land use, strengthen the protection of cultivated land, comprehensively carry out the demarcation of permanent basic farmland, and carry out special protection. We will improve the system of land reclamation, invigorate the stock of land, establish an incentive and restraint mechanism for land reclamation, and implement the responsibility for reclamation of cultivated land damaged by production and construction. We will intensify the transformation of medium-and low-yield fields, improve the measures for the regulation of rural land with the aim of increasing basic farmland with high and stable yields, improving agricultural production conditions and ecological environment. We will strengthen the standardized management of the occupation-compensation balance of cultivated land in accordance with the law, strengthen the legal responsibility for the occupation-compensation balance of cultivated land, improve the quality evaluation system of supplementary cultivated land, and ensure that the quantity and quality of supplementary cultivated land are in place. We will improve the compensation mechanism for the protection of cultivated land and basic farmland. We will take more effective measures to strengthen the supervision of the balance between the occupation and compensation of cultivated land, resolutely prevent the phenomenon of occupying more and making up for less, occupying the advantages and disadvantages, occupying paddy fields and replenishing dry fields, and put an end to the illegal occupation of forest land and wetlands to replenish cultivated land. We will further implement the audit system for the departure of leading government cadres for the protection of cultivated land. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, we will improve and expand pilot projects such as linking the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land and "land tickets", and promote the policy of linking the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land to support poverty alleviation and relocation.

2. Classify and promote the ownership of rural collective assets and the reform of the joint-stock cooperative system. On the basis of confirming the membership of rural collective economic organizations and comprehensively verifying rural collective assets, it is important to pay close attention to the registration and certification of land contractual management rights and non-operating assets on the basis of confirming the membership of rural collective economic organizations and comprehensively verifying rural collective collective assets. The focus is to explore an effective mechanism for collective unified operation and management that is conducive to improving the ability of public service. For operating assets, the focus is to quantify the conversion of assets to the members of the collective economic organization, give farmers more power over collective assets, and develop various forms of joint-stock cooperation. Improve the rural collective "three capital" management and supervision and income distribution system. Clarify the dominant position of collective economic organizations in the market. We will establish a rural property rights transfer transaction market that meets the actual needs, and ensure that rural property rights are traded voluntarily, openly, fairly and orderly in accordance with the law. At the present stage, the reform of the rural collective property rights system is strictly limited within the collective economic organizations, to effectively prevent a small number of people within the collective economic organizations from encroaching on and dominating the collective assets, and to prevent external capital from misappropriating and controlling the collective assets.

3. Deepen forestry and water conservancy reform. Implement the strictest control system for the use of woodland. Focus on activating the right of management, implementing the right of disposal, and ensuring the right of income, deepen supporting reforms and improve the system of collective forest rights. We will implement classified forest management, improve forest harvesting rights, properly manage public welfare forests, release commercial forests, and mobilize the enthusiasm of forest farmers and social forces to develop forestry. We will steadily promote the reform of state-owned forest farms and state-owned forest areas. The study puts forward the guidance of strengthening the protection of natural forest resources and stopping the commercial cutting of natural forest in an orderly manner. Carry out the reform of the management system of small-scale water conservancy projects, clarify the ownership and right of use of the project, implement the main body of management and protection, and promote the sound operation of water conservancy projects.

(2) speeding up the construction of a new agricultural management system

The development of various forms of moderate scale operation of agriculture is the only way of agricultural modernization, and the improvement of land output rate, resource utilization rate and labor productivity must be taken as the core. We should speed up the cultivation of new agricultural operators, such as family farms, professional large households, farmers' cooperatives and leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization. To build a three-dimensional and compound modern agricultural management system based on peasant household management, linked by cooperation and association, and supported by social service in line with national conditions and development stage, we will improve the level of intensive, large-scale, organized, socialized and industrialized agricultural management.

4. Promote the standardized and orderly circulation of land management rights. On the basis of the separation of ownership, contracting rights and management rights of rural cultivated land, and in accordance with the principle of voluntary compensation in accordance with the law, we should guide farmers to transfer the management rights of contracted land in various ways, and to develop various forms of appropriate scale operation through land management rights such as shareholding and trusteeship. We should grasp the degree of the transfer, centralization and scale operation of land management rights, do not unilaterally pursue super-large-scale economic operation, do not engage in the Great Leap forward, do not engage in coercive orders, and do not engage in administrative blind command, so that the appropriate scale operation is in line with the transfer of rural labor force, the progress of agricultural science and technology, and the level of agricultural socialized service. We will improve the management ability and water level of peasant households, and focus on developing moderate-scale peasant household farms with family members as the main labor force, agriculture as the main source of income and engaged in specialized and intensive agricultural production, so as to make it an effective force for the development of modern agriculture. Timely put forward the relevant legislative suggestions to promote the development of family farms.

5. Strengthen the standardized construction of farmers' cooperatives. We will strengthen the standardized construction of farmers' specialized cooperatives and land joint-stock cooperatives and further promote the construction of demonstration cooperatives. We will encourage farmers' cooperatives to develop agricultural products processing business, innovate the organizational form and interest connection mechanism of the agricultural industrial chain, and build a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation model among farmers, cooperatives and enterprises, so that farmers can share more of the value-added benefits of the industrial chain. We will further innovate the mechanism of financial support for the development of farmers' cooperatives and allow government projects to be directly invested in qualified cooperatives. We will improve the policy for farmers to take shares in contracted land management rights to develop agricultural industrialization.

6. Innovate the socialized service mechanism of agriculture. Household management is still the basic force of agricultural production for a considerable period of time, and peasant household management should be introduced into the track of modern agricultural development through considerate and convenient social services. We should give full play to the role of agricultural public welfare service organizations, vigorously cultivate various forms of agricultural business service organizations, and improve a comprehensive, convenient and efficient social service system covering the whole process. We will carry out a pilot project for the government to innovate the mechanism for weaving and purchasing public welfare services from agricultural business service groups.

7. Cultivate a team of professional farmers. Formulate special plans and practical policies to attract young people to work in agriculture, cultivate a new type of professional farmers, and create a new team of high-quality agricultural producers and operators. We will support migrant workers with skills and business ability to return home to set up family farms, lead farmers' cooperatives, and establish agricultural products processing and marketing enterprises and agricultural socialized service organizations.

8. Improve the supervision and risk prevention mechanism of industrial and commercial capital leasing agricultural land. We should make clear provisions on industrial and commercial capital leasing farmers' contracted land, establish a strict mechanism for qualification examination, project supervision and regular inspection, and prohibit enclosing land in the name of agriculture to engage in non-agricultural construction, so as to prevent the spread of "non-grain" phenomenon. We will encourage and support industrial and commercial enterprises to develop modern farming, processing and circulation of agricultural products and socialized agricultural services suitable for enterprise operation, and import modern factors of production and business models into agriculture. We will explore the establishment of a risk guarantee fund system for industrial and commercial capital farmland leasing.

9. Promote the reform and development of land reclamation and comprehensively deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives. We will study and introduce policies and measures to promote the reform and development of land reclamation, deepen the reform of collectivization of reclamation areas and the reform of farm enterprises, innovate the guidance and management system of industries, the market-oriented operation system of enterprises, and the management system of farm operation, and clarify the relationship between the ownership of state-owned assets of land reclamation, establish a supervision system of state-owned assets in line with the characteristics of land reclamation, and further promote the reform of the social functions of the Land Reclamation Office. In accordance with the purpose of serving agriculture and the direction of separating government from government and social enterprises, we should promote system reform and mechanism innovation according to local conditions, build supply and marketing cooperatives into a cooperative economic organization system with closer ties with farmers' interests, more complete functions for serving agriculture, and more efficient market-oriented operation, so as to become a new force and comprehensive platform for serving farmers' production and life.