
What environment is suitable for the growth of Xiao bamboo taro? How to cultivate in aquaculture? What do you need to pay attention to?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Amorphophallus, Amorph What kind of environment is suitable for the growth of Shaw bamboo taro? How to water

Amorphophallus, Amorph What kind of environment is suitable for the growth of Shaw bamboo taro? How to cultivate in aquaculture?

First, what kind of environment is suitable for the growth of Xiao bamboo taro?

Xiao Zhu taro prefers semi-overcast and high-temperature and humid conditions. The growth period is from April to September, the suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃ to 30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃ to 15 ℃. In the hot summer, it is advisable to have sufficient and soft light, fresh and moist air, and not to be too shady. The cultivation substrate with loose, fertile and good permeability is required.

Second, how does Xiao bamboo taro grow in aquaculture?

1. Cultivation method: root washing method was used. Before water culture, the roots were disinfected with potassium permanganate solution with the concentration of 5G/L, and kept in clean water for 1-2 days, and then cultured with nutrient solution after waiting for water to be clean. Put the root of 1ax 3-1 hand 2 out of the water to solve the problem of plant anoxia.

2. Nutrient solution: choose foliage plant nutrient solution, the concentration can be diluted to the original 1/2.PH5.8-6.5.3-4 weeks to change the nutrient solution once.

3. Sunshine: Xiao bamboo taro should be placed in a place with bright light and no direct light. Avoid scorching sun exposure, otherwise because the light is too strong to make the leaves curl, turn yellow, and even produce scorched spots on the leaf surface, seriously affecting the growth and ornamental.

4. Temperature: the growth temperature is 20-25 degrees. Keep the temperature above 10 degrees in winter. If the temperature is lower than 5 degrees, you will suffer frost damage.

5, maintenance: there are certain requirements for air humidity, should often spray water to the plant and the surrounding ground, especially when it is hot and dry in summer, in order to make the leaves fresh and moist. In order to keep the liquid surface beautiful, scrub the leaves regularly with a clean soft cloth, preferably with cold boiled water, and add a few drops of edible vinegar.

Third, what does Xiao bamboo taro maintenance need to pay attention to?

Xiao bamboo taro is very sensitive to direct light and air humidity, even if exposed to strong light for a short time, it may cause sunburn, make the leaf curl, the leaf surface becomes yellow and scorched dry. If the air humidity is too low, the leaves will also be coiled and dehydrated, making it lose its ornamental value. Therefore, indoor and outdoor maintenance should be in the place of scattered or refracted light, where there is no strong wind.