
How much is the price of dried silverfish per jin? How do you choose a good one? How long will it last?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Silverfish, also known as cannon fish, noodle fish, noodle fish, found in salt water and fresh water in East Asia, is regarded as delicious in China, and many foods are eaten in both dry and wet ways, so how much is the price of dried silverfish per jin? How do you choose a good one? How long will it last? 1. Dried silverfish

Silverfish, also known as cannon fish, noodle fish, noodle fish, found in salt water and fresh water in East Asia, is regarded as delicious in China, and many foods are eaten in both dry and wet ways, so how much is the price of dried silverfish per jin? How do you choose a good one? How long will it last?

How much is the price of dried silverfish per jin? How long will it last?

According to Ms. Yuan of Yueyang Aquatic Market in Hunan Province, the price of fresh silverfish is about 10 yuan per jin, while the price of dried silverfish is about 50 yuan per jin.

Second, how to choose the dried silverfish?

There are three kinds of dried silverfish on the market: one is dried silverfish exposed in the net, the fish is intact, the color is white and bright, and its tender meat and fresh flavor are basically unchanged, and there is no difference between eating and silverfish. The second is in the production process, because it is not easy to process immediately on cloudy and rainy days, adding a little salt, this kind of silverfish is slightly yellowish in dry color and still delicious. The third is in the production process, the addition of alum, the fish is white and opaque, taste bad, have a sense of bitterness, and press the scale.

Dried silverfish can not be distinguished by color alone. Some dried silverfish that are too white may be mixed with fluorescent agent, bleach and formaldehyde. Now there are fake silverfish that are crushed after soaking in water, which are made of plastic, silicone and so on. When buying, you must carefully identify and choose a guaranteed business.

Third, how long will the dried silverfish last?

Dried silverfish can be kept for 1-3 months. Dried silverfish is easy to preserve and maximize the nutritional value of silverfish. It is very suitable for making soup, and the cooking is also very delicious. It can be preserved in a cool and ventilated place, or it can be frozen.

Fourth, how to cook good food?

▽ small silverfish with scrambled eggs

Materials: 100g dried silverfish, 4 eggs, one small carrot, one sharp pepper

1. Soak the dried silverfish in water for 5 minutes, drain and set aside.

two。 Cut the carrots into thin shreds, as thin as possible, so that they can be cooked easily.

3. Dice the sharp peppers.

4. 4 eggs, put a little salt, cooking wine, break up, soak the small silver fish jerky and diced pepper into the egg.

5. Stir-fry: put the oil, stir-fry the shredded carrots after the oil is hot, add a little salt and chicken essence. After about half a minute, add the silverfish egg liquid. Stir-fry the eggs until they change color.