
How much does a Texas donkey cost? How many pounds can you gain in a year? How much is the cost of raising 10 heads? (with latest prices)

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Dezhou donkey (Bohai black donkey) is one of the five excellent donkey breeds in China, mainly distributed in Dezhou, Binzhou and Cangzhou. How much does a donkey cost? How many pounds can you gain in a year? How much is the cost of raising 10 heads? According to Dezhou donkey farmer Gao Shifu

Dezhou donkey (Bohai black donkey) is one of the five excellent donkey breeds in China, mainly distributed in Dezhou, Binzhou and Cangzhou. How much does a donkey cost? How many pounds can you gain in a year? How much is the cost of raising 10 heads? According to Dezhou donkey farmer Gao Shifu revealed, Dezhou donkey an average annual growth of 600-700 jin or so. The most important thing to raise donkeys is the selection of donkey breeds. Only by selecting good meat donkey breeds will the profits of breeding be large.

How much does a Texas donkey cost?

Donkey seedling price (for reference only)

Adult female donkey: age 2- 4 years old, weight (about 260 kg) Price: 3500 yuan-4500 yuan.

Young female donkey: age 0.5--1 years old weight (115--200 kg) Price: 1800 yuan--3000 yuan.

Male donkey: age 2 years old weight (270--350 kg) Price: 7000 yuan--12000 yuan.

Little male donkey: age 1 year old weight (about 200 kg) price: 3000 yuan--4000 yuan.

What is the cost and profit of raising 10 Texas donkeys?

1. People's living standards have improved, consumers have adjusted their diet structure, and consumption concepts have gradually tended to health. Meat donkeys are herbivores, green food. The market of meat donkey expands accordingly, donkey product exceeds demand, according to concerned branch investigation market gap is in 70% above. Donkey feed comes from a wide range of sources, almost everywhere in rural areas, such as crop scraps, crop stalks such as corn stalks, wheat stalks, soybean stalks, peanut seedlings, sweet potato seedlings, grain grass, straw, grass and so on can be used as fodder for raising donkeys. The cost of raising donkeys is very low, and the feed intake is only one third of that of cattle.

2. Ten meat donkeys are bred for 10-12 months. We calculate according to the longest breeding time of 12 months, and the weight reaches 600-700 jin. At present, the meat donkeys with good condition are 15-17 yuan per catty. We sell them at the lowest price, 15 yuan per catty. The price of 600 jin meat donkeys can be sold for 9000 yuan. Ten meat donkeys are 90000 yuan. The total investment minus the cost of raising donkeys is 513100 yuan, equal to 38690 yuan.

3, 10 meat donkey coarse feed costs: meat donkey can use coarse feed: corn straw, wheat straw, peanut straw, sweet potato straw, straw, weeds and so on. The purchase price of coarse grass is calculated according to 0.2 yuan per catty, and 10 catties need 2 yuan (each meat donkey needs coarse feed cost every day). 10 meat donkeys need: 10x2 =20 yuan (2) 10 meat donkeys fine feed costs: meat donkeys can use fine feed mainly: corn flour, bran, soybean meal, cotton cake, bone meal, baking soda, salt, premix and so on.