
Which of the "Top Ten famous Flowers in China" are the most valuable orchids? How do you raise it? How often is it watered?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Orchids, the fourth of the top ten famous flowers in China, are generally regarded as valuable flowers and plants. In China, many people regard orchids as a symbol of nobility and elegance. How many varieties of orchids are there? Which varieties are the most expensive? How do you raise it? According to incomplete statistics, there are 700 orchids in the world at present.

Orchids, the fourth of the "Top Ten famous Flowers in China", are generally regarded as valuable flowers and plants. In China, many people regard orchids as a symbol of nobility and elegance. How many varieties of orchids are there? Which varieties are the most expensive? How do you raise it?

According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 700 genera and 20,000 species of orchids in the world, and many new species are discovered and cultivated every year. Chinese orchids are mainly divided into five categories: spring orchid, cymbidium, Jianlan, cold orchid and ink orchid.

How many varieties of orchids are there?

First, spring flowering

1. Chunlan, also known as grass orchid or mountain orchid, is produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Leaves 4-6, leaf edge has small serrated, leaf color has yellow-green and thick green area, leaf quality is thin and thick, with luster. The color changes of bracts are white green, green, purple red with green and so on. The flower bud was unearthed from late July to mid-August, with more flowers on the shady slope and less on the sunny side of the mountain. The roots are fleshy, thin and round. Each pedicel blossoms 1, occasionally two, light yellowish green. The florescence is about the first ten days of March. The flowers have a sweet smell.

2. Spring arrows are produced in the mountainous areas of western Sichuan. Leaves 4-5, sheath leaves 2, leaf margin serrulate, leaf color dark green, slightly glossy. The bracts are rose-red and dark green. Each pedicel blossoms 2-3, the flower shape is larger than Chunlan, the color is rich, there are white green, pink, purple and so on. The florescence is around the middle of March. Flowers have a delicate fragrance.

3. Orchids, also known as orchids, are produced in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong and other places. 4 leaves, 2 sheath leaves, wide and long, oblique or semi-drooping, light yellowish green, glossy leaves. Bracts are purplish red, rarely light green or rose. Each pedicel blossoms 8-20, showing a twisted inflorescence. The florescence is about the middle of March. The fragrance of the flowers is light.

Second, summer flowering

1. Xia Lan, also known as Huilan, is commonly known as Jiujie Orchid, produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Leaves 5-13, the edge of the leaves are obviously serrated, the leaves are tough and thick, with luster. Bracts can be divided into two types in shape: one is short bract type, the membranous sheath of the bract is short and pointed at the apex, and most of them are contained layer by layer; the other is the common long bract type, and the membranous sheath of the bud is narrow and long. Each pedicel blossoms 6-13, showing a twisted inflorescence. The flowering period is about 10 days in mid-and late-May. The flowers are clear and fragrant.

2. Xiahua Xialan. Leaves and buds are like spring orchids. The leaves are narrow and short. It is rare in Charan, and its florescence is the same as that of Xia Lan.

3. Tailan, produced in Hunan, Jiangxi and other places. The leaf shape is short and broad, the leaf color is dark green, slightly glossy. The flowers are purplish red, neatly shaped and twisted. The flowers have no scent.

Third, autumn flowering

Qiulan, commonly known as Jianlan, is produced in Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan, Zhejiang and other places. The leaves are divided into broad and narrow leaves, and the leaves are yellowish green or dark green. Some varieties have glossy leaves. The bracts are grass-green. The florescence mostly has two times: the first time is from late July to early August, there are more flowers, each pedicel blossoms about 8-9, the flower fragrance is strong. The second time was in early October, with few flowers and only 2-3 flowers per pedicel. The flower shows a twisted inflorescence with a light fragrance.

Fourth, winter flowering

Han Lan, produced in Hunan, Jiangxi and other places. Leaves 4-7, narrow and long, apex serrated, smooth. Bracts are purplish red. Each pedicel blossoms 5-12, showing a twisted inflorescence. The colors are yellow-green, green with pink or purplish red. Flowering period from mid-November to mid-December. Flowers are full of fragrance. Famous orchids include the famous Phalaenopsis, Wandai Orchid of Singapore, Cymbidium and Cymbidium of Taiwan, Dahua Cymbidium of Japan, and so on.

Chunlan: Chunlan is also known as grass orchid and mountain orchid. Cymbidium is widely distributed and rich in resources. The florescence is from February to March of a year, and the time can last about one month. The scent of the flowers is rich and pure. Valuable varieties have various colors of lotus, plum, daffodils, butterflies and other petals. In terms of petal shape, Jiangsu and Zhejiang famous products are the most typical.

Cymbidium: the root of Cymbidium is thick and long, the leaves are narrowly band-shaped, the quality is rough, hard, pale green, the leaf margin is serrated obviously, the midrib is prominent. The flowers are fragrant and persistent, and the flowers are yellow in color. White, green, light red and complex colors, mostly colorful flowers, but also vegetarian flowers and butterfly flowers.

Jianlan: also known as Sijilan, including summer flowering Xialan, Qiulan and so on. Four seasons orchid strong and straight, green flowers numerous, fragrant flowers beautiful, not afraid of summer, not afraid of cold, strong vitality, easy to cultivate. The flowering period of different varieties was different, and the flowers could be seen from May to December.

Han Lan: Han Lan is distributed in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong and Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places in the southwest. Cold orchid leaves than the four seasons orchid slender, especially the leaf base is thinner, the leaf posture is elegant and unrestrained, green and beautiful, there are large, medium, thin leaves and edge and other varieties. Flowers and colors are rich, there are yellow, green, purple, dark purple and other colors, there are generally miscellaneous veins and spots, but also clean and flawless plain flowers. Sepals and holding petals are narrow, unique style, elegant and lovely, aroma.

Ink orchid, also known as orchid, fengshi orchid, etc., originated in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, Taiwan, Hainan and so on. Orchid farmers in southern China, especially in Guangdong and Yunnan, are most fond of cultivation and ornamental.

Spring sword: spring sword is often called authentic Sichuan orchid. Although there are famous products in Yun, Gui and Sichuan, Sichuan orchid is the most expensive. There are red, yellow, white, green, purple, black and complex colors, gorgeous and dazzling, slim appearance, elegant charm, pure fragrance, often the first choice for orchid people.

Ten precious varieties of orchids

Ghost orchid

Ghost orchid international orchid lovers in the eyes of the most "expensive" kind of orchid. The flower shape is ethereal and strange, and the color is pale. It is named "Ghost Orchid" because of its posture swaying in the wind like a ghost. Ghost orchids are rare and difficult to see, so they are very valuable.

Emerald orchid

Jadeite orchid leaves green like fluorescence in general, red as dazzling as fire, flowers and leaves reflect each other, like a beautiful jadeite jewelry, beautiful and eye-catching, people yearn for. It has high gardening and ornamental value.

Spring orchid

It can be said to be the oldest orchid in the history of flower cultivation in China. The plant is small and exquisite, and the flower pattern is simple and elegant. Chunlan is endowed with the spirit of traditional Chinese culture, representing the noble, fragrant and elegant character. Chunlan is also a symbol of many beautiful things.


It is a famous product of orchids, and its pattern is liked by many people. The most important feature of Huilan is that its leaf venation is clear and transparent, can reflect the strong solar light, but also can absorb the strong light for a short time.

Jian Lan

Jian Lan has high horticultural and medicinal value. Jianlan medicine has the effects of relieving cough and pain, promoting blood circulation and moisturizing the lungs; in garden construction, Huilan is suitable for courtyard horticulture design with its robust plants and roots. When it blossoms in midsummer, the fragrance is quiet and refreshing.

Mo Lan

Mo Lan has a gorgeous appearance, slim and colorful body, elegant charm, mellow aroma, is often elected as the first choice of people who raise orchids.

Plain crown lotus tripod

The plain crown lotus tripod is a very valuable orchid. With the popularity increasing year by year, the plain crown lotus tripod once sold for tens of millions of dollars. Like his name, known as "vegetarian" and "lotus", the quality and quality of flowers are finished products, which are extremely rare on the market.


Dendrobium is originally a blindly Chinese herbal medicine and a new ornamental plant, and its development depends on the industrialized flower market operation. The medicinal value of Dendrobium is mainly reflected in heat dissipation and essence improvement.


As the name implies, Phalaenopsis is precisely because the flowers are very much like flying butterflies, and they are loved by florists because of their beautiful shape. It is also known as "Queen of Foreign Orchid".

Lotus petal orchid

The lotus petal orchid is a very expensive orchid with a value of nearly 2 million per plant. The orchid blossoms have a variety of postures and bright colors, which has won the love of many flower friends in terms of vision. A dish of butterflies in love with flowers is the best praise for Phalaenopsis.

The method of raising orchids in pot at home

1. Requirements for basin soil

It is better to use neutral and acidic soil with a large amount of rot, loose and good drainage, and the PH value is generally about 5.5 to 6.5.

2. Place of placement and its location

Orchids can be raised outdoors and on the balcony in spring, summer and autumn, choosing places with good ventilation, moist air and no environmental pollution. It is best to be close to the pond and the riverside.

3. Proper shading

Orchids need proper shade, can go to the first and middle of April to open windows, more sunshine to promote its growth. In May, except for the noon sun, it can shine for 6 hours; from June, it will be shaded all-weather, and after October, it can be fully open for maintenance except for the middle sun.

4. Maintain nutrients

The stem of the withered flower should be cut off as soon as possible so as not to consume nutrients and affect the germination of axillary buds. After the pedicel is cut off, you need to dip the potassium permanganate solution with soft gauze or cotton balls, and gently wipe the leaf surface and back of the orchid to remove eggs, dust and stains.

5. Adjust the light properly

Although orchids like a cool and ventilated environment, they also need proper sunlight. Adjust the light reasonably to facilitate the healthy growth of orchids. Generally speaking, green leaves, exotic flowers and dwarf orchids need 60% of the all-day sunshine in spring and 50% in the future, while line orchids need 50% of all-day sunshine in spring and 30% in the future.

In order to adjust the light, families who grow flowers on the balcony can set up a movable plastic support on the balcony, which takes time to open and does not need to be covered, so as to ensure the illumination time of orchids.

6. Reasonable supply of fertilizer

When the orchid plant is dormant, semi-dormant and just put on the pot, the fertilizer can not be absorbed; in the season of high air humidity, too much fertilizer and water will increase the heavy burden on the root system of the orchid. In order to ensure safety, orchids generally do not apply fertilizer during the dormant period, and it is not suitable to apply fertilizer on the roots when the plants are just put on the pot.

7. Proper watering

It is better for orchids to be watered with Rain Water and spring water, and tap water or rice water should be used overnight. When watering, pour from the edge of the basin, not into the bud. The amount of water should be determined according to the air temperature, the degree of dryness and humidity of the basin soil and the growth of orchid grass. The leaves are mostly watered, but the leaves are thinly watered. From April to May, the new bud has not yet grown soil, the basin soil should be dry, too wet new bud is easy to rot; June-September is the orchid bud growth period, the amount of water should be increased, do not water in the hot sun at noon. To reduce the amount of water in autumn, foliar spray water can be used to keep the basin soil moist, and the amount of water should be controlled in winter to keep it "80% dry and 20% wet".

8. Regular sterilization and disinfestation

Around the place where orchids are cultivated and flowerpots, potassium permanganate and chlorothalonil can be sprayed once every 15 days, and imidacloprid and trichlorfon can be sprayed once every other month. It should be noted that 2 hours after the application of insecticidal drugs, the foliage of orchids should be sprayed with clear water to avoid drug damage.

9. Evening spray

Orchids originally grow in humid air, so in the dry season, in addition to shading, they must also be sprayed in the evening to increase air humidity and lower the temperature; they can also be watered on the potted orchid ground (Mesa). "one cold and one hot" can better stimulate the growth of orchids.

10. Guard against wind and rain

Cut off the withered branches and leaves. Orchids can be caught in light rain, but avoid moldy rain, heavy rain or continuous rain, otherwise they are prone to rotten hearts and rotten leaves. In Rain Water's season, you can sprinkle a small amount of plant ash appropriately.

11. Measures to prevent cold and keep warm

Orchids have different varieties, different places of origin, and different cold resistance, so the time of entering the room in winter and the location placed indoors are also different. Cold orchid, autumn orchid and orchid grow in the south, it is appropriate to enter the room (or close the window and fence) when the temperature is 5 ℃, and put it in the south sunny place as far as possible. However, spring and summer orchid have strong cold resistance and can not enter the room until 0 ℃. When there is no wind in a sunny day, open the window and draw the net for ventilation. Qiulan can not open windows on a sunny day of 1 ℃ 2 degrees Celsius. Electric heating can be used.