
"Lanzhong Queen" Phalaenopsis culture methods and matters needing attention! The correct method of watering, which color is the most expensive?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Phalaenopsis belongs to the genus Phalaenopsis of Orchidaceae, alias: Phalaenopsis, Phalaenopsis from Taiwan, very suitable for potted indoors, its flower shape is graceful, elegant and varied, and the flower is named after the butterfly, which is known as the queen of orchid. So, how to grow potted Phalaenopsis? Now the butterfly

Phalaenopsis belongs to the genus Phalaenopsis of Orchidaceae, alias: Phalaenopsis, Phalaenopsis from Taiwan, very suitable for potted indoors, its flower shape is graceful, elegant and varied, and the flower is named after the butterfly, which has the reputation of "Queen of Orchid". So, how to grow potted Phalaenopsis? The breeding methods and matters needing attention of Phalaenopsis are introduced as follows.

Culture methods of potted Phalaenopsis

1. Temperature: the temperature of Phalaenopsis should be guaranteed first. Phalaenopsis likes the environment of high temperature and humidity, the lowest temperature during the growth period should be above 15 ℃, and the suitable temperature for Phalaenopsis growth is 16 ℃ to 30 ℃. Attention should be paid to warming at the turn of autumn, winter and spring, as well as when the winter temperature is low.

2, humidity: air humidity: higher air humidity is better, but in family cultivation, the air humidity is difficult to adjust, so that the flowers can slowly adapt to it. At the beginning, foliar spray can be done every day, and the amount should not be too large, just soak the leaves. In the future, the number of spraying will be gradually reduced, and the spraying will be stopped from September to October, and there will be no more spray treatment.

3. Lighting: proper light can promote Phalaenopsis to bloom and make the flowers gorgeous and long-lasting. Generally, they should be placed indoors where there is scattered light, so as not to let the sun shine directly. After the flowering period of the butterfly orchid, the flower stem can be left 3-5 cm and the rest cut off. It can be placed in a place where the sun can not shine directly from Nanyang platform from May 1 to National Day, and near the south windowsill during the period from May 1 to May 1 to receive sufficient sunlight.

4. Ventilation: the normal growth of Phalaenopsis needs flowing fresh air, so the ventilation of domestic Phalaenopsis must be good, especially in the high humidity period in summer, it must be well ventilated to prevent heat, and at the same time, it can avoid the infection of diseases and insect pests.

5. Watering: water the flowers with tap water or Rain Water. Water thoroughly. You can often put your finger into the plant material in the pot from the bottom hole of the flowerpot. If it is wet, you do not need to water it. If the plant material at the bottom is slightly damp, water it thoroughly.

6. disease prevention: the common diseases and insect pests of Phalaenopsis are mainly soft rot, brown spot, anthrax, bituminous coal disease, virus disease, shell insects, red spiders and so on. We should mainly adopt the principle of prevention, strengthen cultivation and management measures, improve ventilation conditions, and reasonably control the placement density. keep the environment clean. Spray insecticides and fungicides regularly. If diseased plants are found, the source of infection should be cleared in time, the diseased leaves and remains should be removed, and the seriously diseased plants should be isolated or destroyed to prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests. In addition, suitable agents can be selected for control, 60% carbendazim or 80% methyl topiramate can be used during the onset of the disease, while shell insects and red spiders can be controlled by 40% omethoate or 80% dichlorvos 1000-1500 times.

Matters needing attention in potted Phalaenopsis Culture

1. The natural flowering period of Phalaenopsis is from March to May, and the viewing period is generally more than 2 months. Many flower friends think that it is difficult to cultivate Phalaenopsis at home. In fact, if you pay attention to conservation, it can blossom completely.

2. Temperature is one of the key factors for Phalaenopsis conservation. The suitable temperature for the growth of Phalaenopsis is 18-28 ℃, but in summer, the indoor temperature is often above 30 ℃. Phalaenopsis can be kept in a ventilated semi-shaded place during maintenance, which is beneficial for it to spend the cool summer. Phalaenopsis needs low temperature to promote flower bud differentiation, generally less than 20 ℃ can achieve the purpose of promoting flowers, but the indoor temperature in winter is sometimes lower than 10 ℃, which is not conducive to the growth of Phalaenopsis. Phalaenopsis can be placed in sunny windowsill or near heating equipment to increase the temperature.

3. Phalaenopsis likes to be wet. during the growing period, the substrate should be kept moist, a little dry is beneficial to root growth, and long-term excessive humidity will lead to root rot. Indoor relative air humidity should reach more than 60%. If the weather is dry, it is necessary to spray water to moisturize the plants to form a microclimate conducive to the growth of Phalaenopsis. Conditional humidifiers are available to increase air humidity.

4. the seedling stage does not require high light and can be maintained in a semi-shady environment. Adults like sufficient scattered light. Full light can be seen in the morning and evening in spring, summer and autumn, shade at noon and all day in winter. Too strong light will burn the leaves, too weak leaves grow too long, affect the ornamental, and poor flowering.

5. After the butterfly orchid flowers, the pedicels should be cut off and the pots should be changed in time. After removing the basin, the original matrix is removed, and the rotten and withered roots are cut off, and the maintenance can be continued after being replaced with a new substrate.

How much is a pot of Phalaenopsis?

1. Imported Phalaenopsis planting Purple Yellow four Seasons bonsai Phalaenopsis Orchid Market Wholesale Price: 25 yuan

2. Shenzhen base produces direct sales butterfly orchid seedlings potted orchid potted flowers and plants with bud price: 40 yuan

3. Fresh Flower Wholesale Kunming Flower Base cut Flower quality fresh Phalaenopsis Price: 55 yuan

4. 2 yellow boutique Phalaenopsis high-grade orchids Lunar New year Flowers gift potted plant price: 68 yuan

5. Love Youshang top purple Phalaenopsis potted plant opening, move to high-end bonsai, high-grade orchid Lunar New year Flower Price: 295 yuan

6. White Phalaenopsis potted High-grade Spring Festival Flowers Price: 278 yuan

From the above prices of Phalaenopsis, it can be seen that the prevailing price of Phalaenopsis on the market is between 30 and 50 yuan, while some high-grade and well-decorated Phalaenopsis are more expensive, with a price of 200 to 300 yuan.

What is the most expensive color of Phalaenopsis?

There are nearly a hundred varieties of Phalaenopsis, including red, white, green and yellow, among which the yellow flower is more precious and the blue flower is more rare.

Flowering maintenance of Phalaenopsis

When Phalaenopsis blossoms, the plant is generally dormant or semi-dormant, must not water, must strictly control the water, otherwise the root may rot and shorten the flowering period of Phalaenopsis, the plant can spray a little water when it is especially dry, and do not apply fertilizer during the flowering period. after cutting off the pedicel after flowering (some flower friends advocate not cutting the pedicel), the temperature above 15 degrees had better be above 18 degrees, which can be maintained normally, and the roots of Phalaenopsis do not like stagnant water. I like the humidity in the air.

How to deal with Phalaenopsis after flowering

How to raise Phalaenopsis after flowering mainly has two aspects, one is not to cut the flowers and arrows, the other is how to maintain after flowering, this paper mainly analyzes how to raise Phalaenopsis after flowering.

First, should Phalaenopsis cut flowers and arrows after flowering

After Phalaenopsis blossoms, the flower stem can be cut, but it is best not to cut it all (according to the state of the whole plant, if the roots and leaves are very healthy and strong, it is recommended to keep a few flower stems, usually more than 2 months later can send out new flower buds). Cut from the first flower or the first branch, the remaining flower stalk still has buds and can be reproduced after a certain period of time. For Orchidaceae, do not let it bear fruit, because even if it can bear fruit, it is difficult to reproduce with seeds, and the fruiting process consumes nutrients. Whether it can be fertilized or not can be determined by observing the plant growth after flowering.

Second, how to maintain Phalaenopsis after flowering

Butterflies can be given a little slow-release fertilizer after flowering, should be placed in astigmatism, usually dry and then watered, often spray, be careful not to wet the new buds, otherwise it is easy to rot. Put it in a cool, ventilated place in summer, and it's best not to be less than 15 degrees in winter.