
What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Liliaceae asparagus? What if the leaves turn yellow? Is it blooming?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Asparagus, also known as Yunpian pine, prickly winter, cloud bamboo, is a common green bonsai in home life, which is loved by everyone because of its unique shape. So what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of asparagus? What if the leaves turn yellow? Asparagus root

Asparagus, also known as Yunpian pine, prickly winter, cloud bamboo, is a common green bonsai in home life, which is loved by everyone because of its unique shape. So what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of asparagus? What if the leaves turn yellow?

The root of asparagus is slightly fleshy, the stem is soft and tufted, slender. The stem has many branches, nearly smooth. Leaflike branches, setose, slightly trigonous; scalelike leaf base slightly spiny spur or inconspicuous. The flowers are white, with short pedicels, and the florescence is from September to October. The berries appear purple-black when ripe, with 1-3 seeds. The fruit period is from winter to spring.

Native to South Africa, it is distributed in central China, northwest China, the Yangtze River Basin and the south. Its nature likes the warm, humid and semi-overcast ventilated environment, does not tolerate severe cold in winter, does not bear drought, and avoids direct sunlight in summer.

Culture methods of asparagus

The key to asparagus management is watering. Watering too often, branches and leaves are easy to yellowing, poor growth, easy to cause rotten roots. The amount of water should be adjusted according to plant growth and season. In winter, spring and autumn, watering should be properly controlled. Generally, the surface of the basin soil is dry and then irrigated. If you feel that it is difficult to grasp the amount of water, you can also take the alternation of large and small water. That is, after 3 or 5 times of small water, pour water once, so that the basin soil remains moist and does not contain much water. It should be watered in the morning and evening in summer, and it doesn't matter if the amount of water is a little larger.

The pot soil should be watered only when it is dry. In the growth period to fully irrigate, but not too much watering, otherwise easy to rot roots, should grasp the degree that water quickly seeps into the soil and the soil surface does not accumulate water. Watering should be reduced after the end of autumn. During the growth period, organic fertilizer can be applied every 20 days, such as rotten cake fertilizer and water. It should be kept in a warmer place indoors in winter.

Although asparagus does not like fertilizer very much, it should be supplemented with more nutrients when potted, especially the plants that are going to keep seeds. The fertilization of asparagus should be thin and diligent, and thick fertilizer should not be used. The rotten organic liquid fertilizer is generally applied every 15 to 20 days in the growing season. Asparagus likes slightly acidic soil. Therefore, it can be combined with fertilization, appropriate application of some alum fertilizer and water to improve soil acidity and alkalinity.

Asparagus should spend the winter indoors, and the room temperature should be kept at about 10C in winter, and enough light should be given, so that it can be moved to outdoor maintenance after April next year.

Asparagus planted in the ground, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and rapid growth of new vines, must be set up in time to facilitate ventilation and light. Proper pruning of dead branches and old vines to promote the germination of new vines. Apply bone powder or superphosphate once before flowering to improve the seed setting rate.

Matters needing attention in culturing asparagus

Asparagus is suitable for a warm environment: keep it at about 20 degrees, and it is best to keep the temperature above 10 degrees in winter. If the temperature is too low, frost damage may occur. When it is too cold in winter, some anti-freezing measures should be given. When the air humidity is as high as possible, in hot weather, you can often spray water to the ground, branches and leaves around the plant to increase the air humidity.

Should not be exposed to the sun: asparagus is suitable for semi-overcast environment, it is best to put it indoors with astigmatism, except in winter, other seasons should not be placed in the sun, especially in summer, because the sun is more poisonous, it will burn branches and leaves, generally speaking, if you want to put in the sun in spring, summer and autumn, you should give 60% shelter.

Loose and fertile soil: asparagus requires high drainage, it is best to choose humus-rich soil, peat soil and other loose and good drainage soil, a little base fertilizer can be added to the soil, which is beneficial to the growth of plants.

Watering to "see dry thoroughly" principle: each watering should be thoroughly watered, not half of the water, lest the rhizome can not absorb water and die. The amount of water should not be too much or too little, it should be reasonably grasped, and when the basin soil is slightly dry, it should be watered in time. In winter due to weather reasons, due to reducing the amount of water, so as not to freeze the roots, you can spray water on the leaves.

Fertilize every 15 days or so: during the growing period, you can apply fertilizer every 15 to 20 days, and you can apply liquid fertilizer together with watering, but during the dormant period of high temperature in summer and low temperature in winter, fertilization should be stopped. The amount of fertilizer application should also be reduced after the plant is stereotyped, so as not to affect the beauty of the plant shape.

Does asparagus blossom?

In general, asparagus can blossom after 4-5 years, but after it is raised, it slowly becomes a vine. Asparagus can not only blossom, but also bear seeds. An important method of propagation of asparagus is to sow and reproduce. Asparagus may have white flowers from September to October. The florets have five petals, which are slender and have no fragrance.

Causes and Solutions of yellowing of Bamboo leaves

There are many reasons for the yellowing of asparagus leaves, mainly due to excessive light, improper watering and fertilization (excessive or too few times) and smoke pollution. In order to prevent leaves from yellowing, asparagus culture should pay attention to reducing direct sunlight; regular quantitative watering and fertilization, because asparagus likes to be wet, but is also afraid of waterlogging, and if raw fertilizer or fertilization is too thick, it will make the leaves yellow and fall off. at this time, we should timely rinse the basin soil with water to dilute; strengthen winter management, reduce smoke and dust pollution, and spray water to the leaves to wash the dust above.

Asparagus is a kind of plant that is difficult to cultivate, so there are generally few families who choose to grow it, and even fewer can take good care of it, so its value is relatively high. So, do you know the moral of asparagus?
