
How much do you earn a year by raising 20 pigs? How to calculate the profit? If you don't know, take a look!

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Whether you are a veteran farmer or a novice farmer, you must learn to calculate profits before doing one thing. How much do you earn if you raise 20 pigs a year? How to calculate the profit? Only by knowing what the profit is, can the work be carried out better. That's why.

Whether you are a veteran farmer or a novice farmer, you must learn to calculate profits before doing one thing. How much do you earn if you raise 20 pigs a year? How to calculate the profit? Only by knowing what the profit is, can we carry out this work better, which is why companies have finance, accounting, funds to be transparent, to know how to earn.

Some people will say, how much to spend and how much to charge is not a profit. If it is only that simple, then there is no need for accountants or finance. Find someone who can read and have a calculator.

So why do we have to calculate, that is, to know how much investment we need to spend, how much money we can earn, and under what risks we do not make money? all these should be clear, not just blindly rely on luck, to clarify the tricks, then a lot of things will become simple, will be easily solved.

So let's see how this is calculated.


1. Pig fry: 900 yuan / head [60 jin / head]

2. Pre-mating period: 6 months x 120 jin / month = 720 jin

Feed cost 720 jin x 1.0 yuan / jin = 720 yuan

3. Mating period {pregnancy} 4 months x 90 jin / month = 360 jin

Feed cost 360x1.2=432 yuan

4. Lactation 2 months X102 jin / month = 240 jin

Feed cost 240x1.2=288 yuan

5. 2 litters per year: 2x10 / litter = 20

Feed cost per litter: 10x80 yuan = 800 yuan x2x1600 yuan

6. Medicine fee: 20 X20 yuan / piece = 400 yuan

1 sow x50 yuan = 50 yuan

Total cost: 720, 432, 288, 450, 1600, 3490 yuan

Income: 20 heads x 40 jin / head = 800jin x 8 yuan / jin = 6400 yuan

Profit: 6400, 3278, 2910 yuan

7. Loss: if the market price is calculated at 4 yuan per jin, there will be a loss, that is, 20 heads x 40 jin / head = 800 jin x 4 yuan / jin = 3200 yuan, less than 4 yuan / jin, profit 3200-3490 yuan / jin 290 yuan [loss]

With such a simple and straightforward calculation, you know how much money you earn a year by raising 20 pigs? Under what circumstances do you make money and under what circumstances you lose money? Let's do the math.