
How long will it take for Ji coral to blossom? How to maintain and grow well? What is there to pay attention to?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Any of various cacti of Mexico and the southwestern United States, having shrubby stems and usually rounded stems. Let's take a look at how long it takes for Ji coral to blossom. How to maintain and grow well? What is there to pay attention to? First, how long will it take for Ji coral to blossom?

Any of various cacti of Mexico and the southwestern United States, having shrubby stems and usually rounded stems. Let's take a look at how long it takes for Ji coral to blossom. How to maintain and grow well? What is there to pay attention to?

First, how long will it take for Ji coral to blossom?

Generally speaking, if it is a cutting Ji coral, it will take at least three years to blossom, and it will take even longer if the seeds are propagated, and it will take five years to blossom, and only those who are particularly good can blossom ahead of time. So even those who have raised Ji Coral with their own hands have failed to see it blossom.

Second, how to maintain and grow well?

1. Light

Ji coral likes the sun, so it is necessary to give enough light during the growing period, especially when the flowers bloom, because they need to consume a lot of nutrients, so they must be kept in a place with light during the flowering period.

two。 Fertilizer and water

Ji coral must not apply chemical fertilizer, you can apply rotten baking liquid twice every half a month in spring and late summer and early autumn. If you use chemical fertilizer, it is easy to make the root of Ji coral rot. In addition, Ji coral likes to dry but not wet, which is very similar to the cactus, so don't water too much every time. If the soil is too wet for a long time, it is easy to have rotten roots.

Third, what do you need to pay attention to?

First of all, prepare a larger basin (thick mud basin is suitable), match the soil, and keep a little humidity. Select some sturdy stem segments (a section can be) implanted into the basin, and then spray water to make the surface of the basin soil bonded, and then directly into the sun exposure. Cannot be watered often, and the basin soil remains dry, which is the way to force palmate stems to grow. After a period of time, some stems will begin to grow golden thorns, and then the new stems will begin to flatten and widen slightly, showing a palmlike tendency. If it is always high-quality and moist from the beginning, then the new stem will not have an applause-like tendency, but grow as the original plant.

When the stem is about 2cm wide (this time is about the end of summer), pick out the flattened plants, use a pot with a diameter of about 12cm, plant one pot for every three trees, and then enter the normal management stage (still exposed to the sun). After entering the late summer and early autumn, when the growth is booming, we should pay attention to sufficient light, you can apply a lighter fertilizer and water, and then apply it again half a month later. During this period, the stem will generally maintain its original width, but will continue to grow until the end of the growing period.