
"tequila family" rich bamboo how to raise, leaves yellow how to do? Introduction of culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The rich bamboo is graceful and graceful, and it is evergreen in winter and summer, so it is more suitable to be placed in the living room and study. What if the rich bamboo is raised and the leaves turn yellow? The following editor to introduce some of the rich bamboo culture methods and matters needing attention! Rich bamboo, also known as longevity bamboo, Wanshou from flowers

The rich bamboo is graceful and graceful, and it is evergreen in winter and summer, so it is more suitable to be placed in the living room and study. What if the rich bamboo is raised and the leaves turn yellow? The following editor to introduce some rich bamboo culture methods and matters needing attention!

Fugui bamboo, also known as longevity bamboo, longevity bamboo, Kaiyun bamboo, Fugui Pagoda and so on, belongs to tequila family and dragon blood tree for perennial small evergreen tree foliage plants. The plant is slender, erect and branched distally. The rhizome is transverse and nodular; the stem is stout, erect and exquisite. Leaves alternate or subopposite, leaves long lanceolate, with obvious main veins, leaves dark green. Umbels have 3-10 flowers in leaf axils or opposite flowers to upper leaves, Corolla campanulate, purple. Berries subglobose, black.

Rich bamboo is graceful and elegant, its stems and leaves are quite like green bamboo, evergreen in winter and summer, rising step by step, so that people have the feeling of rising clouds. If the upper part of the stem is broken, the bud eye on the stem node continues to grow upward, which encourages people to forge ahead bravely. Put in the hotel, living room, study, bedroom, rich and elegant, exquisite and chic, bringing people a sense of wealth and auspiciousness. The pagoda made of rich bamboo is given as a gift, representing auspiciousness, wealth, wealth and congratulations.

How to raise rich bamboo to grow beautiful

Rich bamboo how to be beautiful, green leaves, full color, upright branches, such a pot of rich bamboo basically meet the aesthetic requirements of people around. However, if the rich bamboo is not properly maintained, it will lead to a series of phenomena, such as leaf fading, no gloss, root rot and so on.

Improper maintenance, proper maintenance, the difference between a word, rich bamboo is indeed two states. There are no shortcuts to raising rich bamboo. You need a little care every day.

How to raise rich bamboo more vigorously?

Temperature requirement

No matter which kind of rich bamboo, the temperature requirements are certain. Phyllostachys pubescens has strong vitality, the most suitable growth temperature is 20 ℃, and it can grow safely when it is no less than 0 ℃ in winter. In the hot summer, the temperature is more than 35 ℃, the growth is slow, remember to spray water in time to cool down.

Light condition

Many flower lovers will have a question when they buy rich bamboo. Do rich bamboo need to bask in the sun? In fact, rich bamboo is a shade-loving plant and needs sunlight, but the semi-shade is the most ideal environment for its growth.

Friends who have rich bamboo at home pay attention, put rich bamboo indoors, occasionally can shine a little sunshine is enough, do not need to move to the sunny place to bask in the sun, shady environment can promote the growth of rich bamboo.

Fertilization method

Rich bamboo likes fertilizer, but is not resistant to manure, so mature organic fertilizer or nutrient solution should be chosen. But Fugui bamboo is not a vegetable, even without fertilization, it can grow well. The interval of fertilization can be long or short, once in 2 ~ 3 months. During this period, fertilization can be increased appropriately according to the growth of Fugui bamboo.

Water quality requirements

Most of the rich bamboos are bottled, and the main source of nutrients is clear water, so water quality is very important. Tap water should be kept for 24 hours before use, lest the chlorine in the water affect the root growth of rich bamboo.

In addition, change the water frequently, once a week in summer, and clean the bottle wall, once every half a month in other seasons, water is reduced and water is added in time.

Soil raises wealth and honorable bamboo

All the rich bamboos I have seen are in the water, but they can also be raised in soil. Choose a flowerpot with a diameter of 12cm to 24cm, and the best material is pottery or porcelain pot. The soil is generally garden soil + rotten leaf soil, according to the proportion of 5:5.

The biggest difference between soil culture and water culture is that the medium is different, and the requirements of light, temperature and water are basically the same.

Watering method of Fugui Bamboo

Rich bamboo is a very popular family plant, green all the year round, the plant size will not be too large, raised in a vase beautiful and atmospheric. And water culture, soil culture can be, suitable for all kinds of needs of people to grow. In addition, rich bamboo also means wealth, auspiciousness and good luck, so it has become the darling of family planting in recent years. But one of the problems we have to face in breeding rich bamboo is: how to water it scientifically?

How to water rich bamboo by water

The rich bamboo growing in water should be divided into pre-rooting and post-rooting.

Before taking root, change the water every 3 to 4 days, not too slowly, otherwise the leaves of rich bamboo will turn yellow or even die due to poor water quality.

After taking root, change the water once a week or so.

In winter, the indoor temperature is low, the growth of rich bamboo is slow, and the absorption of water is relatively slow, so the frequency of changing water can be reduced to once every 10 days, but if there are impurities and rotten substances in the water, the water should be changed in time.

Rich bamboo when changing water, water quality should be paid attention to, try to use no impurities in boiled water or pure water, especially not mixed with oil, otherwise the root will rot.

How to water soil-cultured plants

Fugui bamboo likes a humid environment, so when cultivating with soil, it is necessary to often water, and the humidity of the air should be kept at a relatively humid level.

Spring: the frequency of watering can be determined according to the soil. Touch the soil with your hands. If the skin does not feel the moisture that can be absorbed, it should be watered immediately.

Summer: the temperature is high in summer, in addition to watering, but also spray water on the leaves to improve the wetness of the air.

Winter: the temperature in winter is relatively low, too much water will lead to frostbite on the roots of rich bamboo, so the frequency of watering should be reduced.

Matters needing attention in Fugui Bamboo Culture

Avoid blowing

Family maintenance of rich bamboo should not be placed directly next to the TV set or air conditioner or electric fan, cold wind blowing directly, electrical radiation, will cause the leaves of rich bamboo to appear dry tip.

How to trim

Rich bamboo grows in water for a long time, and some bacteria invade the bamboo pole, which is easy to rot and needs to be pruned in time. You need a pair of sharp scissors, cut off the 0.5cm at the root, dry it in a ventilated place and replant it. In addition, in the growth process of rich bamboo, the crooked branches were cut off in time to ensure the beautiful plant shape.

The reason for the yellowing of rich bamboo leaves

Influence of water quality

Water raises rich bamboo and mainly depends on water source for nutrition, so the quality of water source is very important. bad water quality will have bacteria and other impurities eroding the roots of rich bamboo, causing the roots of rich bamboo to rot and deteriorate, thus affecting the absorption of nutrients. as a result, the leaves of rich bamboo turn yellow, so the quality of water must be paid attention to first.

Light influence

Rich bamboo is relatively special, the requirements for the absorption of sunlight can not be too strong, nor too weak, too strong light and dim light will make the leaves of rich bamboo yellow, so we must choose a moderate position in the choice of light position, which is conducive to the growth of rich bamboo.

Effect of fertilization

Excessive fertilization will cause excessive nutrition, lead to bamboo leaves yellowing, fertilization too little, will also make rich bamboo lack of nutrition, so that branches and leaves withered yellow, so in the fertilization process, to measure moderately, avoid more or less, affecting the normal absorption of rich bamboo.

Environmental shaping

Rich bamboo should not be placed with televisions, air conditioners and other electrical appliances, which will affect the growth of rich bamboo and cause the leaves to turn yellow. it is necessary to give more reshaping to rich bamboo every day, pruning old branches and leaves to avoid loss of nutrition and yellowing of new leaves.

What if the rich bamboo leaves turn yellow?

1. The leaves of Fugui bamboo are yellow. first of all, check whether the roots of Fugui bamboo are rotten or not. if they are rotten, it means that the nutrition can not keep up with, and the water quality is polluted, so the leaves are yellow. at this time, cut the roots of Fugui bamboo into flat, cut off the rotten roots first.

2. After cutting the roots, then change the water. If you feel that the water quality is not good enough, you can also use cold boiled water to add water, and then add an appropriate amount of fertilizer to ensure the supply of nutrition.

3. come down and put the rich bamboo in a suitable position, not bright sunlight, not weak light, dim light, all bad, choose a place with moderate light and away from electrical appliances, and pay attention to pruning the withered and yellow old leaves, so that the rich bamboo will gradually grow green and luxuriant.