
Is cuttlefish the same as squid, squid and octopus? What's the difference in function? Which one tastes good?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, You must have eaten some delicacies such as fried cuttlefish, squid and octopus balls. Think about it! you're drooling! However, after eating seafood for so many years, can you tell them apart? Cuttlefish and squid, squid, octopus

Stir-fried cuttlefish, grilled squid, octopus meatballs…You must have eaten these delicacies more or less, right? Just thinking about it makes me drool! However, after eating seafood for so many years, can you tell them apart? Is cuttlefish the same as squid, squid or octopus? What is the difference in function? Do you know all this? If you don't know it yet, check out this article.

First of all, we need to know: octopus = octopus, squid = cuttlefish, squid = squid. So we're going to have to compare cuttlefish, squid and octopus.

Let's sort them first and see where they start to separate. Octopus, squid and cuttlefish, nicknamed the "soft three brothers." They are mollusks that live in the ocean, and they are molluscs-cephalopods. That is to say, if divided from this class, octopus, squid and squid are still a family, all of which belong to the class Cephalopoda (i.e. Dibranchia). From this level, octopus is classified as Octopsida, squid and squid as Decapsida, and squid as Sepiida. At the family level, the three species were completely separated. Octopus belonged to the octopus family, squid belonged to the squid family, and squid belonged to the squid family.

In what ways do they differ?

1. Different body structures

Octopus has eight arms, squid and cuttlefish have ten arms.

Octopus has soft bodies, squid has cartilage, cuttlefish has hard bones.

Octopus body was short oval, sac-shaped, finless; head and body boundaries are not obvious, octopus head carcass about 7-9.5 cm, head has large compound eyes and 8 contractile arms.

Second, the appearance of different shapes

See octopus we can associate octopus balls-its body was sac-shaped, looks like balls;

Squid body is narrow, like a tube, cross-section is circular;

Cuttlefish have a flat, wide body.

III. Different living habits

Octopuses generally crawl along the sea floor with suckers in their wrists, and their movements are very slow; most octopuses crawl along the sea floor with suckers, but when they are frightened, they will eject water from their body tubes, and the jet's hydraulic power is strong, so they quickly move in the opposite direction.

Squid and cuttlefish swim fast in the sea.

Octopuses are nocturnal animals, very sensitive to light, like to stay in the dark environment, fishermen often throw special pottery pots into the sea, and then calculate the time, invite you into the urn_waiting for the octopus to get into the pot and fall into the net.

Squid and cuttlefish like light, so fishermen take advantage of their habit to hang fish collection lamps on fishing boats and wait for them to swarm, and then catch them all.

IV. Different ways of eating

Octopus can be eaten raw or cooked, and raw food is especially good; people with urticaria, allergy history and cancer patients do not eat octopus.

Squid and cuttlefish must be cooked before consumption because they contain a polypeptide component in their bodies. If they are not cooked thoroughly, they will often cause gastrointestinal disorders and abdominal discomfort. In addition, the nature of aquatic products such as squid cold, spleen and stomach deficiency cold people should also eat less.

Squid is seafood products, is a high protein, low fat food, containing purine and glycoside two components; beer contains vitamin B1, it is purine and glycoside catabolism catalyst. Drinking beer while eating seafood causes purine, glycoside acid and vitamin B1 to mix together, causing chemical action, which will lead to an increase in uric acid content in human blood and destroy the original balance; uric acid cannot be excreted in time and precipitates in the form of sodium salt, which is easy to form stones or cause gout. Severe, covered with red pimples, itching, unable to walk.

As for which one tastes better, cuttlefish, squid or octopus, it's a question of turnips and vegetables. Because of their different types, cooking methods are also different, so how to do in the end to show their respective flavors vividly?

White boiled, braised, fried... meat quality is different, each shows its ability

Octopus live with more, relatively simple approach, white boiled, braised or fried snow vegetables. Cuttlefish, on the other hand, are basically frozen on the market, so they are used for braising, or roasting with snow vegetable juice. And squid moisture, tender meat, sunburn taste very good, and very fragrant, can also be made into iron squid, in Dalian is also more popular. Cuttlefish not only taste fresh crisp, high protein content, high nutritional value, but also rich in medicinal value. Cuttlefish dried and mung bean simmer soup consumption, play a role in improving eyesight and reducing fire and other health care;"cuttlefish plate" scientific name called "cuttlefish bone", but also commonly used herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. Squid is rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron, which is beneficial to bone development and hematopoiesis and can effectively treat anemia; it also contains a large amount of taurine, which can inhibit cholesterol content in blood, relieve fatigue, restore vision and improve liver function; its polypeptide and selenium have antiviral and anti-ray effects.