
& quot; sea chicken & quot; grouper fry how much is the price now? How to raise seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grouper can be divided into marine grouper and freshwater grouper. the meat is fat and tender and nutritious. Live fish are sold in the Hong Kong and Macao market and are regarded as one of the top edible fish and one of the four famous fish in China. Grouper is expensive, economic value, nutritional value and

Grouper has sea grouper and freshwater grouper points, meat fat and tender, nutritious, live fish sold in Hong Kong and Macao market, regarded as one of the top food fish and China's four famous fish, supply exceeds demand. Grouper is expensive, economic value, nutritional value and dietetic value are very high. So, how much is a grouper fry now? How to raise seedlings?

In 2017, grouper breeding has performed well in various places, especially in Zhanjiang and Fujian markets as emerging markets, and many farmers have earned a lot of money. It is predicted that shrimp farmers in many areas intend to turn to grouper farming, but it is easy to do, grouper farming is not a breed that can be raised, the high breeding cost will make some farmers discouraged, and the cost of seedlings is difficult to accept.

Current fry price market: off-season, low hatching success rate, seedling price is still high

Now is not the peak period of seedling, due to unstable weather, low temperature, seedling is not the right time, but seedling prices are still high, what is the reason? First, influenced by the price of grouper last year, many fish farmers made money, and their enthusiasm for grouper breeding increased greatly this year. Second, some seedling farms need to go to Hainan to incubate eggs in preparation for the upcoming peak period, but the success rate of hatching from the end of last year to now is very low, and some seedling farms cannot even hatch a single seedling, resulting in shortage of seedling sources. Third, there are not many people making seedlings in Hainan Island at this stage, and the price of fertilized eggs is also sold to 8000 yuan/kg. However, due to the influence of low temperature, the hatching rate is relatively low, and large companies basically do not start to urge eggs, so as not to affect the quality.

Expert opinion: seedling prices will rise during peak periods, but not by much

After a period of time, as the temperature rises, more and more seedlings are released. How will they behave during peak hours?

Grouper breeding expert Wan Chengwen believes that the estimated peak seedling prices will have a small rise. At present, there are 4 more seedlings in Hainan with about 6 screens, and 1 yuan/cm for seedlings above 10cm. The increase in fish farmers raising grouper this year is bound to cause the rise of seedling prices, especially in Zhanjiang area. The current price of 7 to 9 cm seedlings is already 1.2 yuan/cm, and the seedling cost has more than doubled compared with last year. Although the price of grouper will be optimistic in the past two years and the price will not drop much, the increase in seedling cost will definitely greatly reduce the profit of grouper breeding. Moreover, the current seedling price is not the price when everyone puts out seedlings, and the price may rise later, and the cost will increase. Now due to the relatively low temperature, grouper seedling hatching success rate is low, hatching out of the seedling preservation rate is also relatively low, many standard seedling farms are unwilling to take risks. Only when the temperature rises and the climate is quite stable, there will be more people releasing seedlings, and some large incubation companies will carry out egg incubation.

There has been a surge in grouper farming this year, and ponds have been emptied in many areas. At the beginning of the year, Hainan fry and fish eggs were mainly sold to western Guangdong and Fujian. Now, many standard coarse farms and hatcheries have been added along the coast of western Guangdong. Some of them have been tried, but their performance is not ideal. Some farms have failed to pull back several batches in succession. According to the current incubation level of Daliu, the probability of large-scale emergence is relatively small, and most of them are mainly standard coarse. For a long time, Hainan Island has a relatively high success rate of breeding in the early stage, but last year's situation was not ideal. The survival rate of standard seedlings below 9 screens was relatively low. This situation did not improve until June. It is estimated that Hainan will be affected by last year. There are fewer seedlings in the early stage, and the density of seedlings will also decrease year-on-year, which will have a certain effect on buffering the demand of six places. Therefore, it is estimated that there will be a certain increase in price, but the range should not be large.

The selection standard of fish farmers in western Guangdong should be based on large seedlings, reduce risks, and adopt the principle of buying seedlings nearby.

All the fertilized eggs hatched are transported from Hainan. The current price is about 8000 yuan/kg. The fry farm in western Guangdong mainly hatches in three ways, with standard thickness.

The first kind: Buy fertilized egg directly from Hainan to come to the big pond of seedling field to incubate, this kind of way is more common;

The second kind: from Hainan hatchery pick beautiful seedlings bought in the standard thick pool standard thick;

The third kind: Professional pick Hainan hatchery poor seedlings to mark thick, this kind of seedlings are basically eliminated, the general situation is that most of them carry rainbow virus, very cheap treatment, some seedlings have a gambling psychology, if the treatment has experience, the standard seedling rate exceeds 2 achievements. According to a field manager in Donghai, once this seedling can be preserved, the probability of future disease is very small.

No matter which way the seedlings are preserved, the effect of cultivation can only be judged by the process of cultivation. Anyway, the seedlings with strong activity ability are good seedlings. The seedling size should be 10 cm, especially for the first time. If the seedlings do not understand management, the survival rate is low, in case of infection with rainbow virus, the risk is greater. Also pay special attention to is that the first to adopt the principle of proximity, to avoid long-distance transportation of acclimatization, resulting in reduced seedling protection rate.

At present, the price of freshwater grouper fry is about 0.3~0.8 yuan per fish, but the price varies greatly due to different specifications, varieties, quality, market and purchase quantity of fish fry. Freshwater grouper larvae are 0.58~ 0.6cm in length. The yolk sac disappears on the sixth day after hatching at 26~28℃. After one month of incubation, the larvae can be cultured to 10cm in length. In summer in Taiwan, the larvae with a length of about 10cm can be cultured to 500g after 6~8 months of cultivation, and the maximum weight can reach 1200g.