
What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Ping an Tree (Orchid Island Cinnamon)? What if the leaves turn yellow and droop?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ping an tree, formerly known as Lanyu cinnamon, alias: Hongtouyu cinnamon, Hongtoushan cinnamon, Fanglan mountain cinnamon, big leaf cinnamon, Taiwan cinnamon, etc., has the meaning of peace, auspiciousness, family happiness and good luck. Therefore, people often use it to express their blessings. Next, here.

Ping an tree, formerly known as Lanyu cinnamon, alias: Hongtouyu cinnamon, Hongtoushan cinnamon, Fanglan mountain cinnamon, big leaf cinnamon, Taiwan cinnamon, etc., has the meaning of peace, auspiciousness, family happiness and good luck. Therefore, people often use it to express their blessings. The following is to introduce the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Ping an tree:

A complete Collection of Culture methods and points for attention of Ping an Tree

1. Soil selection of Ping an Tree Culture

Potted Ping an trees should use acid soil that is loose, fertile, well drained and rich in organic matter. Soil consolidation viscosity or acidity is not enough, poor drainage, basin soil consolidation and so on may lead to fibrous root rot, plant leaf yellowing and poor growth. It can be cultivated with rotten leaf soil. The pots of small trees are changed once a year, and those of large trees are changed once every 2 to 3 years on average.

two。 Watering method of Ping an Tree Culture

Ping an trees like to be wet, usually wait for the basin soil surface to be watered when half of the soil is dry, and often spray water or spray on the leaves when the weather is dry. Wait for about half of the basin soil to dry before watering in winter.

Ping an tree likes the environment with high air humidity and general relative humidity. Only when it is more than 80% can it grow vigorously. In summer or dry autumn, or even put indoors in winter, you should often spray water on the leaves to create a more humid space environment. If there is stagnant water in the basin, it is easy to cause root rot.

3. Fertilization method of Ping an Tree Culture

Ping an tree likes fertilizer and can apply compound available fertilizer once a month in the growing season and P and K fertilizer twice after autumn, so as to increase the cold resistance of Ping an tree. Excessive application of fertilizers, including raw fertilizer, thick fertilizer and large fertilizer, will cause burns and necrosis of the fine whisker roots, resulting in yellowing and shedding of leaves. The safe tree plant can be removed from the flowerpot and its root system can be carefully checked for rotten roots.

If the whisker root turns brown and black and is accompanied by a peculiar smell, to prove that the root system has rotted, the rotten fine root can be cut off until the fresh fine root is cut. At the same time, cut off part of the branches and leaves, change to clean and fresh loose sandy loam soil planting, change watering to spray water, keep the basin soil moist, wait for the birth of better roots, and then change to fertile culture soil for planting.

Apply a small amount of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium = 2:1:1 compound fertilizer particles once a month from spring to autumn, and stop fertilization when the temperature is low in winter.

4. Temperature requirements of Ping an Tree Culture

The suitable temperature for the growth of Ping an tree is 20-30 ℃, the cold resistance is weak, and it is not tolerant to the low temperature below 0 ℃, otherwise it will easily lead to bark cracking, branches and leaves withering, and young trees will freeze to death even to their roots. Family potted plants should be kept at about 10 ℃ room temperature for the winter, so that Ping an trees can always remain green.

5. Light requirements of Ping an Tree Culture

The light requirement of Ping an tree varies with age. It is shade tolerant when young, and the 3-year-old and 5-year-old plants grow faster in shade, while the 6-and 10-year-old plants require plenty of sunlight. Potted plants into the summer, can not be given full light, can be placed in the shade of trees or under the shade, give about 50% of the scattered light, sooner or later let it fully see the light, then the growth is better. If the light is too strong, it is easy to cause leaf yellowing and affect the ornamental effect.

6. Four Seasons Management of Ping an Tree Culture

(1) Spring management

Potted safe trees should go out before and after Ching Ming Festival in spring, but after coming out of the room, we should still pay attention to prevent the cold damage caused by late frost or late spring cold. In late spring and early summer, it is best to shade about 30% of the soil, keep the basin soil moist and without stagnant water, and the air relative humidity had better be kept above 80%.

In addition to fertile soil and sufficient basal fertilizer, potted safe trees can be topdressing dilute liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer once a month from mid-spring to early autumn. It is prone to anthracnose and brown spot in spring, which can be prevented with 1% Bordeaux solution, and a small number of diseased leaves can be removed and burned in time.

(2) Summer management

With high temperature and strong light in summer, potted Ping an trees need to be shaded by 40% or 60%. If the light is too strong, it is easy to cause the leaves to yellowing and reduce its due ornamental value. Especially in the indoor display of potted plants for a long time, summer moved to the outdoor for restorative maintenance, we must be careful, gradually increase the light, must not be too hasty, otherwise it is easy to cause leaf burns. When the temperature exceeds 32 ℃, it is often necessary to spray water to the leaf surface and its surroundings to humidify and cool down, so that it can maintain exuberant growth. Apply rarefied liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer once a month. There are many leaf rollers in summer, which can be sprayed with pyrethroid.

(3) Autumn management

After entering the autumn, the temperature drops gradually, potted Ping an trees should control watering, gradually reduce the amount of water, and often spray water to the leaf surface and its surroundings, pour the basin and drain in time after rain to avoid stagnant water in the potted soil, resulting in yellowing leaves and even rotting roots and death. Before cooling in autumn, 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be applied twice in a row to increase the cold resistance of the plant, promote the Lignification of young shoots as early as possible, and ensure a safe winter.

The safe tree is often raised by sowing method, and the suitable period is from September to October in autumn. ripe purple-black fruits can be picked for sowing. After washing the peel and pulp, the empty seeds are floated and spread out in a cool place to dry. The seeds can be sowed with picking and sowing. Before sowing, the seeds can be soaked in about 40 ℃ of warm water for 30 minutes, or the seeds can be accelerated by wet sand stratification and then germinated after 20 to 30 days. When the seedlings grow 3-4 true leaves, liquid fertilizer is applied once a month, and the fertilization is stopped after autumn, and the temperature is not lower than 5 ℃ to ensure safe overwintering.

(4) Winter management

The small trees of Ping an tree are not tolerant to low temperature and need to be nurtured indoors in time. The overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. If the plants maintained or cultivated in the open field encounter frost for more than 5 days, it will easily lead to bark cracking, branches and leaves withering, or even the whole plant freezing to death. The larger plants could endure a low temperature of about 0 ℃ for a short time. In winter, watering should be controlled, the soil should be kept dry, and all forms of topdressing should be stopped to prevent fertilizer from injuring the roots, causing leaves to yellowing or scorching and shedding, so it is difficult to restore the original appearance of the plant.

7. Matters needing attention in Ping an Tree Culture

The main results are as follows: (1) small trees of Ping an tree should change their pots once a year, and large trees can change pots once every two years. It is the appropriate time to change pots after coming out of the room in spring and before budding. Every time you change the basin, you need to get rid of about 1 pound 3 of the lodging soil and replace the loose and fertile new soil and base fertilizer. Usually need to loosen the topsoil once a month, especially after the heavy rain to check the flowerpot, found that stagnant water in the pot should be poured as soon as possible, and replace the loose soil.

(2) Ping an tree is prone to brown root disease in autumn. at the initial stage of the disease, it can be sprayed with 50% methyl thiophanate sulfur suspension 800 times or 50% Gen Yuling wettable powder 800 times for control. Seriously diseased plants and plants withered due to disease should be uprooted and burned and disinfected with carbendazim 600 times solution.

A complete Collection of Culture methods and points for attention of Ping an Tree

Breeding methods of Ping an Tree Culture

Ping an trees are often propagated by cutting. Cuttage propagation is carried out more than in spring and summer, one-year-old shoots with strong growth can be selected and cut into 2-3 long branches with 15-18 cm branches per node as cuttings. The cut at the lower end of the cuttings is oblique, and the incision at the upper end is perpendicular to the trunk. There are 3-4 leaves at the top of the shoot cuttings, and each leaf is cut off 4 times 5. After cutting, the cuttings are cut into the prepared substrate and can survive in about 30 days.

Planting a peace tree at home can not only beautify the environment and purify the air, but also means to keep the family safe, so many people like to plant it at home. However, there will be some accidents in the process of planting, such as sagging leaves, yellowing and so on.
