
What are the characteristics of fragrant pigs that do not eat feed and eat leaves? How do hybrid leaves ferment? How to feed?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Everyone must be surprised at what the pig is, and the pigs raised in rural areas do not feed the leaves to eat forage, but the forage is generally self-grown sweet potato leaves, and so on. Let's take a look at the characteristics of the pig. How do hybrid leaves ferment? How

Everyone must be surprised at what the pig is, and the pigs raised in rural areas do not feed the leaves to eat forage, but the forage is generally self-grown sweet potato leaves, and so on. Let's take a look at the characteristics of the pig. How do hybrid leaves ferment? How to feed?

First, what are the characteristics of fragrant pigs?

Gouxiang pig gets its name from eating hybrid leaves, with delicate meat, light red and transparent feeling, less water content of fragrant pork, so it is accompanied by strong fragrance, lean meat is not firewood, fat meat is not greasy, meat is mellow, smooth and elastic teeth, sweet waxy oil. The nutrition of Gouxiang pig is more abundant than that of ordinary pork on the market. The test results of the testing center of the Ministry of Agriculture showed that the cholesterol content of Gouxiang pig was lower than that of ordinary pork, the content of calcium was 40% higher than that of ordinary pork, the content of amino acid was 66% higher than that of ordinary pork, the content of glutamic acid was as high as 3.88%, the content of vitamins was 75% higher than that of ordinary pigs, the content of selenium increased by 153%, the content of crude fat was 6 times lower than that of ordinary pigs, and the freshness was several times that of ordinary pork. And does not contain harmful metals, all indicators are up to organic food standards.

Second, how do hybrid leaves ferment?

Broussonetia papyrifera has been fed to pigs for thousands of years in China. In the past, farmers collected the leaves of Broussonetia papyrifera and cooked them, which not only destroyed the protein of Broussonetia papyrifera, but also greatly reduced the vitamin content. Now the leaves of Broussonetia papyrifera can be fermented and fed to pigs, which can greatly preserve the original nutrients of the leaves, so that the pigs grow faster and the meat is more delicious. So how do structural leaves ferment?

Broussonetia papyrifera leaves can be fermented with roughage degraders, which can improve the digestion and absorption rate of the corresponding nutrients, and at the same time increase some energy, so that the crude fiber can be converted into energy substances, but there may still be a lack of energy as a whole. It is suggested that part of the energy feed should be fermented together, or part of the energy feed should be added after fermentation.

Fermentation ingredient method: 300 kg of leaves were pulped or chopped, about 80 kg of corn meal or other energy feed powder was added, and a packet of roughage degradant was added, which was mixed with corn flour in advance. How to insist on water content? The method is to squeeze the hand hard, there is water printed out of the fingers for the degree, hard compaction and seal to carry out fermentation. The fermentation time is about 3-8 days. The fermentation time is long in cold winter and short in hot summer. Adding saccharin before fermentation can improve the astringency caused by a large amount of tannin in the leaves. For example, 6-10 grams of saccharin can be added to every 100 kg of fermentation material at a cost of less than 0.5 yuan. Saccharin is added in advance to dissolve in a small amount of water, and then added to the large material to mix well.

It should be noted that after fermentation, it can be preserved for a long time under sealed conditions, and once opened, it is recommended that it be used up as soon as possible. In addition, it should be sealed immediately after each use, and the air inside should be sealed and preserved again as far as possible.

Third, how to feed?

How to feed after fermentation? After fermentation, the feed protein content of Broussonetia papyrifera leaves is about 18%, and the energy is about 2.7 MCAL / kg. In addition, there is a lack of premix as a whole (that is, lack of trace elements, calcium and phosphorus, etc.). From the above nutritional composition analysis, it is found that the structural leaf feed is mainly lack of energy and trace elements, calcium and phosphorus is sufficient and phosphorus is slightly insufficient. Therefore, the main way to supplement nutrition is to supplement energy and trace elements. Pigs can be fed as follows: 80% of the wet material of leaf pulp, 8% of wheat bran or rice bran, 8% of corn flour or wheat flour or dried potato flour or rice flour, and 4% of premix. It is also possible to use only compound trace element additive + calcium hydrogen phosphate 1% (or bone powder 2%) instead of 4% premix, because the leaves are rich in vitamins, so there is no need to add extra. Using this method to raise pigs is estimated from nutrition, from 15 kg to 90 kg should be about 110 days, during the period pay attention to the supply of adequate drinking water and raw materials.