
What are the main contents and site selection points of standardized pig breeding in China? What is the preferential policy of state support?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In recent years, the pig industry has accelerated the transformation and upgrading, and the mode of production has undergone tremendous changes, which is changing from traditional pig industry to modern pig industry. What are the main contents and site selection points of standardized pig farming? What is the preferential policy of state support? Live pig

In recent years, the pig industry has accelerated the transformation and upgrading, and the mode of production has undergone tremendous changes, which is changing from traditional pig industry to modern pig industry. What are the main contents and site selection points of standardized pig farming? What is the preferential policy of state support? Standardized pig breeding technology is the only way to realize the safe, ecological, high-yield, high-quality and sustainable development of pig industry. At present, departmental farmers lack a correct understanding of their concepts and location requirements, which are introduced as follows:

I. standardized aquaculture techniques mainly include the following five major contents:

1. Excellent variety: mainly refers to the selection of high-yield, high-quality and high-efficiency pig breeds, with clear breed sources, good performance and qualified quarantine. Our county mainly promotes DLY breeds, that is, Yorkshire pig, Landrace pig and Duroc pig.

two。 Aquaculture facilities: mainly refers to scientific and reasonable site selection and layout of breeding farms, livestock and poultry enclosures, breeding and environmental control and other production facilities and equipment to meet the needs of standardized production.

3. Standardization of production: mainly refers to the formulation and implementation of scientific and standardized feeding and management regulations, the provision of animal husbandry and veterinary technicians commensurate with the scale of breeding, and strict compliance with the relevant regulations on the use of feed, feed additives and veterinary drugs, the production process shall be managed dynamically with information technology.

4. Institutionalization of epidemic prevention: it mainly refers to the improvement of epidemic prevention facilities, the sound epidemic prevention system, and the scientific adoption of comprehensive prevention and control measures for livestock and poultry diseases.

5. Harmless faeces: refers to the proper treatment methods, complete facilities and normal operation, to achieve the use of harmless resources or to meet the relevant discharge standards.

II. Site selection requirements

In order to build a pig farm, we must first consider the problem of location. Whether the site selection is appropriate or not is not only related to the health and epidemic prevention of pig farms, the growth of pigs and the work efficiency of breeders, but also related to the effectiveness of pig breeding, benefits and the protection of the surrounding environment. Site selection should consider comprehensive factors, such as area, topography, orientation, traffic, water source, power supply, epidemic prevention conditions, natural disasters and economic environment, etc., and generally follow the following principles:

1. The location of the pig farm shall be within the livestock land designated by the local government.

two。 Convenient transportation and rich feed resources.

3. Stay away from villages, schools, factories (mining areas), scenic spots and drinking water sources.

4. Can not choose in the basic farmland protection area.

5. It is more than 1000 meters away from living and drinking water sources, residential areas and traffic roads, other livestock and poultry farms and slaughtering and processing trading places.

6. Through the environmental assessment to meet the requirements of environmental protection and the animal husbandry administrative department at the county level to obtain the "Animal epidemic Prevention license".

What is the preferential policy of state support?

1. The land for aquaculture is treated as the land for planting. The water and electricity consumption of the aquaculture industry shall be calculated and charged according to the planting industry. The financial department should liberalize the micro-loans for aquaculture, increase the intensity of credit, and implement joint household guarantee. There are different projects to support leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization at all levels, livestock and poultry production enterprises, superior livestock products producing areas, dairy farming areas and various scale farms, but they need to be declared.

2. In order to stabilize the pork supply and improve the pork reserve system, the state will subsidize pig breeding, especially sow breeding. The state will subsidize 50 yuan for each sow. Of which 60% is borne by the state and 40% by the local government. In addition, the state will also reward large counties for the transfer of pigs.

3. Establish a subsidy system for breeding sows. In order to protect the production capacity of fertile sows, the state gives subsidies to farmers (farms) who raise fertile sows according to the subsidy standard of 50 yuan per head. All localities should promptly formulate specific plans and distribute the subsidy funds allocated by the central government and local governments to the breeders who can breed sows as soon as possible. Where conditions permit, the standard of subsidies can be appropriately raised.

4. Actively promote the insurance work of fertile sows. In order to effectively reduce the risk of breeding sows and encourage the production of fertile sows, the state has established an insurance system for breeding sows, with 80% of the premium borne by the government and 20% by farmers (farms). The central government provides differential subsidies to the central and western regions. All localities should actively support insurance institutions to carry out the insurance business of breeding sows and encourage farmers (farms) to take out insurance to prevent risks such as epidemic diseases.

5. Support the standardized scale feeding of live pigs. The implementation of standardized scale feeding is the development direction of pig production. Local people's governments at all levels should take measures to encourage the construction of large-scale standardized pig farms, guide farmers to establish breeding areas, reduce breeding costs, improve epidemic prevention conditions, and increase pig production capacity. The state gives appropriate support to the infrastructure construction such as manure treatment and biogas digesters in standardized pig farms (residential areas).