
What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of "evergreen climbing shrub" triangular plum? When is the best month for cutting?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Triangular plum, alias: kudzu, clover, towel, rhododendron, triangular flower, leaf flower, leaf plum, paper flower, South American purple jasmine and so on. Evergreen climbing shrubs. Often used in hedges, garden flowers and trees, etc. Then the culture methods and matters needing attention of triangular plum

Triangle plum, alias: bougainvillea, trifoliate plum, Mao Baojin, azalea, triangle flower, bougainvillea, bougainvillea, paper flower, South American jasmine, etc. It is an evergreen climbing shrub. Often used in hedges, garden flowers and trees. So what are the breeding methods and precautions for triangular plum? Which month is best for cutting?

How to cultivate triangular plum (basic knowledge):

1, the best propagation time: the general cutting season should be March to June, Hangzhou in late May to early June, the best cutting before plum.

2, the best growth soil: triangular plum on the soil requirements are not strict, barren drought resistance, avoid water. With rich humus, loose, fertile, permeable sandy soil is good, avoid clay.

3. Growth humidity requirements: When cultivating triangular plum, it is necessary to keep the pot soil in a moist state.

4. The optimum growth temperature: The suitable temperature for the growth of Bougainvillea chinensis is 15~30℃. In summer, appropriate shade or water spraying, ventilation and other measures should be taken. In winter, the ambient temperature should be maintained at not less than 5℃.

5, the best growth light: all seasons except the new pot of seedlings should be placed in the semi-shade. In winter, it should be placed in front of the south window, and the lighting time should not be less than 8 hours.

Cultivation of Bougainvillea chinensis in potted plants

Cautions for breeding triangular plum:

1. Selection of basin soil

The culture soil is accumulated and decomposed by loam, cow dung, rotten leaf soil, sand, etc., and proper amount of bone powder is added when using. When cultivating, we should plant the triangular plum, fill the culture soil and irrigate it thoroughly. During cultivation, the core should be picked frequently to form a clustered and low plant type. It can also be placed on a shelf to make it climb.

Households can use the following soil formulations: garden soil: moldy soil: sand =5:3:2; peat soil: moldy soil: sand: perlite =5:2:2.

2, watering method

Triangle flowers like wet soil, afraid of water damage. With the acceleration of growth potential in spring, watering is required every day, and watering is often applied to its leaves and surroundings to increase air humidity. The air humidity is insufficient and it is easy to fall leaves. Triangle flowers and leaves more, summer water consumption is large, it is best to irrigate once a day in the morning and evening, so that the soil is in a wet state, increase the number of watering to its leaves and surrounding. After the autumn temperature is cool, keep the pot soil moist. In late autumn, winter and early spring, when the temperature is low (about 10℃), water less, so that the pot soil is dry. However, if the indoor temperature is maintained above 15℃, watering should be more, so that the pot soil is moist.

3. Fertilization management

Bougainvillea likes fertilizer. After the weather warms in spring, nitrogen fertilizer is applied once every 15 days, cake fertilizer water is applied once a week during the growth period, and phosphorus fertilizer is applied several times during the flowering period. In summer, some liquid fertilizer should be applied thinly. When conditions permit, 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be used as foliar topdressing, once every half month. At the early stage of flowering, urea should be applied once to facilitate the growth of flowering. Reduce fertilizer application after cool autumn and stop fertilizer application in winter.

During the growth and flowering season, 1000 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on leaves 2-3 times, or microbial inoculant can be added once a month. No fertilization in late autumn, winter and early spring when the temperature is low. However, if the temperature is above 15 ° C, the mixed liquid fertilizer can be applied once every other month. Bougainvillea is very sensitive to urea, such as improper fertilization, it may produce luxuriant foliage and less flowers phenomenon, so urea should be particularly cautious.

4. Temperature and Light

The suitable temperature for growth of Bougainvillea chinensis is 20~30℃, and it is easy to be frozen and deciduous when the temperature is lower than 5℃ in winter. Bougainvillea likes light, and insufficient light in growing season will lead to weak growth of plants and affect flowering. Winter should be placed in a bright place, and the daily light should not be less than 8 hours, otherwise a large number of leaves will easily appear.

5. Shaping and pruning

Bougainvillea in flowering deciduous, more flowers, flowers need to be shaped pruning. Potted often cut into round-headed crown or binding modeling, requiring more branches, flowering dense, constitute a gorgeous crown. The earth must be planted with supports, so that it can climb on the shelves. New branches should be picked frequently. After changing pots, prune some over-dense branches, excessive branches, dead branches and diseased branches to promote more new branches. 7-8 month to pick the heart, control growth, promote the formation of flower buds, flowering exuberant. 5 - 6 year old plants need to be truncated or re-pruned once.

6. Precautions for planting triangular plum

Bougainvillea is a light-loving plant, whether potted or planted in the ground, all need sufficient sunshine, after strong sunshine treatment of the plant, branch internode short, full growth, flower quantity, deep color, long flowering. Insufficient light causes weak growth of new branches, dim leaf color, and few or no flowering.

Bougainvillea potted landscape more than rectangular or oval purple sand pottery basin or glazed pottery basin, color should not be too dark, to set off the beautiful color of bougainvillea bract. Basin soil should be equipped with rich humus, loose and well-drained nutrient soil, spring temperature is more stable period on the basin.

Triangle flower is not cold-resistant, winter temperatures below 7℃ or so will be deciduous. But winter defoliation, spring temperature will rise after the re-growth of leaves, but growth is not good. Therefore, it is best to keep the room temperature around 10℃ in winter. In winter, triangular flowers should be placed on the windowsill with sufficient light, and different water and fertilizer management should be carried out according to different temperatures. It should be sprayed around several times a day to increase air humidity.

What if the triangle plum doesn't bloom?

1. The light is not suitable.

For Bougainvillea, branches with sufficient sunlight bloom more, while those with less sunlight do not bloom or bloom sparsely. The main reason for failure to flower is to keep it in the shade of balcony or room with insufficient light for a long time.

Solution: Bougainvillea must be placed in a well-lit, well-ventilated location, allowing it to shine 8 to 12 hours a day.

2, fat water inappropriate

Bougainvillea should have sufficient fertilizer and water during the growth period to make the plant grow healthy. If there is little fertilizer and water, it will lead to poor plant growth, and it is easy to cause fewer flowers or small flowers, and poor flower quality.

Solution: can be based on the size of potted plants, generally once a month, in the golden period of growth of triangular plum should be applied once every half a month liquid fertilizer, environmental temperature can be applied more. Applying more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is beneficial to flower bud differentiation and ensures flower bud health.

3. Improper watering

There is a saying: "frequent water does not bloom, less flowers continue", water control can make the flower bud differentiation of Bougainvillea is largely affected by the amount of water

Solution: Summer growth season appropriate increase watering, promote the growth of branches and leaves. In the middle of August or so, timely control water 3~4 times, promote vegetative growth into reproductive growth, accelerate flower bud differentiation; when buds appear in the axils of branches and leaves, increase the amount of watering, otherwise affect the growth and flowering; after October, the temperature drops, the water demand is small, water according to the soil; in winter, the triangular plum is moved to indoor maintenance, the watering principle is not dry, no watering, watering is thorough.

4. Improper pruning

Too many and too dense branches of Bougainvillea triangularis will cause nutrient dispersion and fail to promote flower buds.

Solution: after flowering should be moderate pruning, cut off pedicels, retract flowers 1/3 of the branches, thinning weak branches, short branches, bore branches. In winter, pruning should be combined with soil replacement, pruning should master: short, heavy, sparse. Short, for short, retain 1/3 of the branches; heavy, heavy cut long flowers; sparse, for thinning weak branches, make it re-strong branches, also known as renewal pruning, cut branches optional reserved for seedling cuttings.