
How to raise the succulent plant Jihaoyue in order to burst the pot? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? The difference between the obscure moon and the misty moon!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ji Bo Yue succulent is a hybrid variety of obscure moon, is a perennial herb, plant shape and small stone lotus is very similar. Jihao moon skin is really easy to raise, suitable for bonsai, bonsai, but also easy to grow in groups. Then how to raise Ji Meiyue to burst the pot? Breeding methods and matters needing attention are

Ji Bo Yue succulent is a hybrid variety of obscure moon, is a perennial herb, plant shape and small stone lotus is very similar. Jihao moon skin is really easy to raise, suitable for bonsai, bonsai, but also easy to grow in groups. Then how to raise Jihaoyue to burst the pot? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention?

Ji Meiyue's introduction

Alias: pink lotus, gemstone flower, first frost

It is a succulent plant of the genus Sedum, a hybrid variety of the obscure moon, similar to the genus Elaeagnus, and has star-shaped flowers. The leaves are compact rosette-shaped, with a little white powder and bearded leaf tips, usually scarlet and brown, with small yellow flowers. Waxy leaves with special colors show a charming crimson color under sunny conditions. If there is not enough light, the color will become dim and the stem will elongate.

Jihaoyue culture method

1. Selection of basin soil

The cultivated soil can be cultivated in half of loam and coarse sand, and the growing period should be cultured in the sun.

2. Watering and lighting

Don't water too much so as not to rot. The winter temperature should be kept above 0 ℃ so that it can survive the winter safely. Gem flowers and leaves like jade, gathering branches at the top, arranged into a rosette. It's a beautiful foliage plant. In cultivation, the air humidity can be slightly higher, but the soil should not accumulate water, otherwise there will be rotten roots.

Summer high temperature can be placed in a well-ventilated place to maintain, avoid hot sun exposure, control watering, fertilization, this time basically no watering, can spray water to the plant to cool down properly.

Sufficient light is needed in spring and autumn, otherwise the plant will grow too long, the plant type will be loose, the leaf will become thinner, the leaf color will be dim, and the foliar powder will be reduced.

Watering should master the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly" to avoid stagnant water in the basin soil. when the air is dry, you can sprinkle water around the plant, but the leaf surface, especially in the center of the leaf clump, should not accumulate water, otherwise it will cause bad heart, especially to avoid long-term rain.

3. Fertilizer

Apply mature thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer with low nitrogen and high phosphorus and potassium every 20 days or so during the growing season. Do not splash fertilizer and water on the leaves when applying fertilizer.

Fertilization is usually carried out in the morning or evening when the weather is clear, and the water is watered once in the evening or the next morning to dilute the residual fertilizer in the soil.

4. Winter maintenance

Put it in a sunny place indoors in winter, if the lowest temperature at night is about 10 ℃, and there is a certain temperature difference between day and night, it can be properly watered and fertilized as appropriate to make the plant continue to grow.

When the temperature is not so high, it is necessary to control watering, keep the basin soil dry, stop fertilization, make the plant dormant, and can withstand the low temperature of 5 ℃, and some varieties can even withstand the low temperature of 0 ℃.

Introduction to reproduction

Its reproduction speed is super fast, especially leaf insertion, and the success rate is almost 100%. It is the first choice for new leaf insertion (click: leaf insertion).

It can also be cut, but the old plant for many years also has a different sentiment. After the Lignification of the branches, the bottom leaves can be pulled out for leaf cutting, and the rest of the old plants can be used for individual plasticity.

Cuttings are mainly cuttings, but also tillers, mainly with leaves.

The leaves were harvested, slightly dehydrated and semi-wilted, and then spread on the slightly tidal sand for shade. One month later, when the leaves sprouted and rooting at the base of the petiole, the seedlings could be removed for cultivation. The tillers with roots on the side of the plant can also be cut off for separate planting.

How to raise Ji Meiyue to burst the pot

The way to burst the basin:

The pot can be exploded by beheading reproduction or leaf insertion reproduction, and the success rate of these two methods can reach almost 100%, the method is also very simple, and the reproduction speed of leaf insertion is very fast. If you are a novice meat farmer, you can breed it boldly and even use it to practice.

Matters needing attention when breeding and exploding pots:

First of all, to avoid summer, summer itself is most of the succulent boiling period, some time to try to breed is not a wise choice; and spring and autumn is the growing period of the obscure moon, so try to choose between these two seasons.

When breeding, the soil had better choose 1 coarse sand + 1 loam, if there is no stagnant water, it will increase its growth rate. It is very afraid of stagnant water, and the stagnant water will rot its roots. Friends must pay attention to this.

Sunlight is also one of the indispensable conditions for its reproduction and growth, and it needs to be cultured in the sun for a long time, so that it can not only make its color fuller, but also effectively prevent its overgrowth and make plastic surgery more compact; but the excessive sun at noon should be properly shaded.

When the leaves accumulate ash, they should be cleaned in time, which can avoid stagnant water in the leaves, beautify the plants and speed up their growth.

When choosing a flowerpot, you can choose a flowerpot that is about 2 inches larger than the diameter of the plant.

The difference between Ji obscure moon and obscure moon

The simple thing is the thickness and shape of the leaves. The edges of the leaves are thin and scattered, while the leaves are gathered together and the leaves are thick.

Obscure moon

Of course, both of them are the best succulent plants to raise. The success rate of leaf insertion and reproduction is almost 100%. It is easy to grow and easy to explode.