
Why do sows lose weight after delivery? It is necessary to take these four preventive measures well.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For sows, sows have the important mission of breeding and feeding piglets, which is the driving force for pig farms to make sustainable profits. if sows lose fat seriously during pregnancy and lactation, it will affect the reproductive performance of sows, thus reducing the economic benefits of pig farms. that

For sows, sows have the important mission of breeding and feeding piglets, which is the driving force for pig farms to make sustainable profits. if sows lose fat seriously during pregnancy and lactation, it will affect the reproductive performance of sows, thus reducing the economic benefits of pig farms. So why do sows lose weight after delivery? What precautions are there?

Causes of postpartum fat loss in sows

1. Feed intake of sows is related to weight loss.

2. There is a positive correlation between milk yield and weightlessness in sows.

3. Weaning litter weight of piglets is positively correlated with weightlessness.

4. Feed intake during pregnancy is negatively correlated with that during lactation.

Four measures to prevent postpartum fat loss in sows

The main results are as follows: 1. Pregnant sows can be fed with normal feed wolves in the early stage, but should not be increased because of the increase in feed intake of sows in the middle and later stages. If the sows grow fat at this time, the fat accumulated in the body will not only affect the normal growth and development of piglets in the belly, but also make the feed intake of sows decrease sharply after delivery, resulting in serious fattening of sows and affecting lactation. Therefore, the feeding standard of pregnant sows was 2.0-2.5kg/ day in the middle stage and 3.0-3.5kg/ day in the later stage.

0.2% eubiotic peptide or 0.5% animal life peptide was added to the feed of sows 40 days after delivery, and the proper addition of green feed can not only enhance the gastrointestinal function of sows, but also prevent constipation and lack of reserves caused by not eating food. affect postpartum food intake.

2. With regard to prenatal diet, because it is impossible to determine the delivery time of sows, it is only necessary to reduce the meal before parturition. If the diet is cut too early, the sows will be unable to produce at the time of delivery. Prolonged delivery of sows will increase the survival rate of piglets and the number of weak piglets.

3. Sows need to be induced to eat on the day of delivery, and sows can be mixed with brown sugar, warm water and 0.2% overflowing milk peptides, which is not only beneficial to the discharge of postpartum lochia in sows, but also can effectively prevent yellow and white dysentery in piglets caused by postpartum inflammation, increase feed intake and lactation, avoid energy deficiency in sows before lactation, and prevent serious fat loss in sows from affecting milk yield and natural estrus seven days after weaning.

4. In the hot and hot summer season, fishmeal and oil can be fed to increase the nutrient concentration of the feed.

In addition, it is worth noting that the most serious stage of fat loss in sows is not in the peak period of lactation, but in the early stage of lactation, which is due to the lack of food intake in the early stage of lactation. Therefore, if we want to solve this problem completely, we should start from the feeding of pregnant sows, purify the toxins in sows, regulate the physiological functions of sows, increase feed intake and reduce fat loss.