
Does the "radiation protection plant" fairy ball blossom? When will it blossom? Can you cure stomach trouble?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cactus is commonly known as grass ball, also known as Changsheng pill, short hair pill, cactus is a very common plant, they not only have the effect of radiation protection, but also can be used in medicine, it can be said that it is worth breeding plants. Will the fairy ball blossom? When will it blossom? actually

Cactus is commonly known as grass ball, also known as Changsheng pill, short hair pill, cactus is a very common plant, they not only have the effect of radiation protection, but also can be used in medicine, it can be said that it is worth breeding plants. Will the cactus blossom? When will it blossom? In fact, every kind of cactus can blossom, and many of them can blossom soon as long as they are cultivated properly. Generally speaking, the common cactus species on the market are easy to blossom. For example, common grass balls can blossom in about three years. Some ornamental horticultural varieties, such as large bulbs, are more difficult to bloom and usually take more than ten years to blossom. Therefore, in general, the cactus we raise at home are relatively easy to blossom, as long as we pay attention to some maintenance skills.

The reasons why the cactus can not blossom can be divided into two categories. First, it is related to the type of cactus, different varieties of cactus need different time to blossom, some only need about two years, some even need 20 or 30 years to blossom. Second, it is related to the growing environment of cactus, such as sunshine, fertilizer and watering water.

When does the cactus blossom

First of all, under normal circumstances, if you want to see the flowering of the cactus, you need to cultivate at least 3-4 years, and the diameter of the ball is at least 3-4 cm. According to the variety of cactus, it is also divided into those that are easy to bloom and those that are difficult to blossom. In general, the naked calyx ball is easier to blossom, such as Hibiscus. Like the cactus, it is difficult to see it blossom. It is said that it will not blossom until 10 or 20 years later.

The flowering time of the cactus is about May, and the flowering duration varies according to different varieties. Some may only bloom for a few hours to a day, such as grass balls, some like Yuweng Huihua jade, and so on. It can open for about two or three days. Cactus blossoms usually in the early morning or evening. There are many colors such as white, red, yellow, orange, green and so on. The shape of the flower is similar to that of the long trumpet flower. It lasts from a few hours to a day.

Flowering conditions of cactus


In the process of cultivation and maintenance of cactus, as long as it is not rainy season, as far as possible put the cactus outside for maintenance, let it receive more sunlight, and outdoor ventilation is smooth, ultraviolet rays are more adequate, more suitable for the growth of cactus. If the sun does not reach, the cactus will not blossom.


There is evidence that the best living temperature for cactus is between 20 and 30 degrees and grows better in an environment with a large temperature difference. Pay attention to appropriate cooling in summer, when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, the cactus will be forced to go into dormancy, pay attention to keep warm in winter, and keep the temperature in the range of no less than 5 degrees.


Cactus like dry environment, so try to control the amount of water, so that dry rather than wet. Especially in winter and summer, the growth rate of cactus is slow, so watering should be controlled, and the over-humid environment is not conducive to cactus blossom.

Fertilizer application

Although cactus is more resistant to drought and barren, proper fertilization is good for cactus to blossom as soon as possible, after all, lack of nutrients in the soil is not conducive to the growth of cactus. Can be in the cactus growth period every half a month to apply fertilizer, pay attention not to excessive fertilization, otherwise it is easy to be counterproductive, but also not conducive to its flowering.

Maintenance in shed

Of course, if there are conditions at home, you can also use plastic film to build a closed maintenance shed for the cactus on the balcony, so that the environment in the shed is hotter, and the cactus will grow faster and blossom more easily. Pay attention to ventilation during maintenance in the shed to avoid air stagnation in the shed, which is not conducive to the growth of cactus.

What is the sign that the cactus blossoms

The moral of the cactus blooming is very good, representing the tenacity of life, representing the luck of life, but also represents auspiciousness and good wishes. The moral of cactus flowering varies from place to place. Some people say that cactus flowering means that mistakes are forgiven, probably because the chances of cactus flowering are very small and the flowering time is very short. It is precisely because the cactus blooms for a short time, people also cherish the time when the cactus blossoms more.

The efficacy and function of cactus

Health function: cactus cold, bitter taste, containing triterpenes, malic acid, succinic acid, potassium carbonate and other ingredients, with qi and blood circulation, nourishing stomach, heat-clearing and detoxification effect.

The following diseases can be treated:

1. Frostbite: take the cactus, mash it into a paste, apply it to the affected area, wrap it with gauze, and remove the dressing after 5 days of continuous dressing. This method is suitable for Ⅰ ~ Ⅱ degree chilblain (this method is not suitable for those who have broken frostbite).

2. Tenosynovitis: choose a cactus whose area is slightly larger than the lesion part of the tendon sheath, remove the burr, scrape off one side of the epidermis, apply it to the diseased site, and fix it with medical tape. Change the fresh cactus every other day, usually several times, the lump will disappear automatically.

3. Mumps: take an appropriate amount of fresh cactus tender stem, remove its surface prickles and villi, wash and mash, evenly apply to the swollen place under the ear, gauze fixed. Change the dressing twice a day.

4, scald, insect bite: scrape off the outer skin of the cactus with a knife, mash the wound, disinfect and bandage it to treat scald. Smash the whole grass and apply juice to the affected area to treat snakebite.

5. Stomach disease and acute bacillary dysentery: take 1-2 taels of cactus root and match it with tripe stew to treat stomach disease. Take 1-2 taels of fresh cactus and take it with water to treat acute bacillary dysentery.

6, acute mastitis: cactus to stab and smash, add 95% alcohol 50ml to adjust evenly, apply locally, twice a day.

7. Diabetic foot: first clean the ulcer surface with hydrogen peroxide and normal saline to remove necrotic tissue and purulent secretions. Then take 30 grams of fresh cactus, peel and smash it into a paste, apply it evenly to the affected area, and wrap it with gauze. The dressing was changed 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Edible value

Edible cactus is a succulent plant of the cactus family, which grows in the subtropics. It originated from Europe and France, flowed into Vietnam at the end of the 18th century, and then spread to the three Jing islands and Shiwandashan area along the coast of Beibu Gulf of China through Mangjie. After more than one hundred years of evolution, it has formed a green health food with unique local color-edible cactus. In Enping, Guangdong, the local people are commonly known as Le Guo.

This dish is usually available in hotels in Enping, Guangdong. Edible cactus is fresh, light and non-toxic, without any side effects. It is a new type of medicinal vegetable with unique flavor and veritable name. According to the latest data explanation, edible cactus is a kind of pollution-free green food which integrates food, medicine, health care, beauty and appreciation.

It has a certain prevention and treatment effect on human cancer, hypertension, coronary heart disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach disease, diabetes, all kinds of fever, gynecological diseases and so on. It can also effectively remove tobacco, alcohol, gas, metal toxins and pesticide toxins left in eating vegetables, and make up for this gap in the history of medicinal vegetables in the world. Therefore, it has the laudatory name of "king of dishes" and "king of medicine".