
When is the best time to eat the "eight treasures of the world" sea cucumbers? What kind of people are suitable for eating? How much should I eat at a time?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As famous as ginseng, bird's nest and shark's fin, sea cucumber is one of the eight treasures in the world. Sea cucumber is not only a precious food, but also a valuable medicine. Sea cucumbers can tonify the kidney and nourish essence, remove dampness and strengthen yang, nourish blood and moisten dryness, and facilitate urine. When is the best time to eat sea cucumbers?

As famous as ginseng, bird's nest and shark's fin, sea cucumber is one of the eight treasures in the world. Sea cucumber is not only a precious food, but also a valuable medicine. Sea cucumbers can tonify the kidney and nourish essence, remove dampness and strengthen yang, nourish blood and moisten dryness, and facilitate urine. When is the best time to eat sea cucumbers? What kind of people are suitable for eating? How much should I eat at a time?

When is the best time to eat sea cucumbers?

We all know that the plan of the day lies in the morning, so the morning is very important.

Nutrition experts suggest that we generally eat sea cucumbers on an empty stomach in the morning, because eating sea cucumbers on an empty stomach can not only be digested and absorbed by the stomach but also directly absorbed by the small intestine, so eating sea cucumbers on an empty stomach not only absorbs quickly, but also does not lose nutrition basically. For breakfast, sea cucumbers can be chopped and boiled porridge, or they can be put in stewed eggs. Cold salad is also available, according to personal taste dipped in soy sauce or honey, if tired of eating can also change patterns, sea cucumbers can be used in vegetables can be used in soup, it is necessary to pay attention to eating sea cucumbers with vinegar and other acidic food. Heating should not be too long, the dish or soup is ready before putting in the sea cucumber.

In fact, sea cucumbers are warm and suitable to eat all the year round. Chinese traditional health theory holds that "nourishing yang in spring and yin in autumn and winter", especially for sub-healthy people with yang deficiency constitution, spring is the best time to replenish yang. Autumn is the season of "autumn fat", in order to resist the cold of the coming winter, in order to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body. At this time, if you eat more food that can strengthen the body, such as sea cucumbers, it is very good for the body. The immunity and resistance of the human body are weak in winter, when eating sea cucumbers has obvious replenishment effect; in summer, the functional level of the human body is relatively high, although it can not obviously feel the replenishment effect, it achieves the purpose of energy reserve and lays a solid foundation for health.

What kind of people are sea cucumbers suitable for eating?

1. People with diabetes, especially those with severe diabetes

2. People who are weak, especially the middle-aged and elderly with chronic diseases

3. People with kidney deficiency who need to nourish yin and tonify yang

4. the elderly have poor gastrointestinal tract, poor nutrition intake and poor organ function, so they need sea cucumbers to recuperate their bodies most, especially in spring and autumn, which is of great significance for the elderly to survive the winter and overfall.

5. Sub-healthy people, especially those with successful careers around the age of 40, are generally in poor health, have low immunity and need to be recuperated.

6. rapid recovery before and after operation, before and after delivery, and after serious illness.

7. Tumor patients, especially those who undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy

8. People who give birth to blood and tonify blood, especially women who are pale, pale and sallow; patients with cardio-cerebrovascular diseases

9. Sea cucumbers are also rich in arginine, which is the main component of male sperm cells and plays a certain role in regulating male reproductive function.

How many sea cucumbers should be eaten at a time

1. The elderly

No matter what things are not good, eating sea cucumbers is the same. The digestive system of the elderly is not as good as that of young people. You can eat one or two at a time. Coastal residents generally choose to eat in winter, starting to eat in Nine and terminating in Nine. On the 9981 day, one sea cucumber every day (large sea cucumbers can be cut into 2-3 sections), which can be eaten continuously to remove disease and strengthen physique. "81 sea cucumbers, give you a healthy body" is derived from this, which is also an important reason for the island's longevity.

2. Pregnant women

One per week in the first trimester, two in the second trimester, and one in the second trimester. Don't eat too much, big tonic, enough demand on the line, otherwise it is also easy to get angry, harmful to mother and son.

3. Children

The nutritional value of sea cucumbers is very high, containing a variety of proteins and trace elements, children eat properly is good for the growth and development of the body and enhance immunity. Children can eat one in 3-5 days, mainly to increase some immunity.

4. Patients undergoing chemotherapy

Sea cucumber dietotherapy during chemotherapy can improve human immunity and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Sea cucumber saponins, also known as sea cucumber toxin, is a kind of antitoxic agent, which is harmless to human body, but can inhibit the growth and metastasis of tumor cells, and has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effect. Suggestion: eat one a day.

5. Three high-level people

Three high people can eat sea cucumbers, it is also recommended that one sea cucumber a day is enough, families to supplement the use of sea cucumbers to select small sea cucumbers, according to their own actual situation to choose.

The efficacy and function of sea cucumbers

There are dozens of sea cucumbers in the world and more than 20 in China, among which plum cucumbers and sea cucumbers are the most valuable varieties in the world. Sea cucumbers and light cucumbers are often used for benefits.

The nutritional value of sea cucumbers is high. Per 100 grams of water, sea cucumbers contain 14, 9 grams of protein, 0, 9 grams of fat, 0, 4 grams of carbohydrates, 357 milligrams of calcium, 12 milligrams of phosphorus, 2 and 4 milligrams of iron, as well as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin and so on. Sea cucumber contains very low cholesterol, which is a typical food with high protein, low fat and low cholesterol. In addition, its meat is tender and easy to digest, so it is very suitable for the elderly, children and frail people to eat.

1, brain health, intelligence, longevity-sea cucumbers contain 18 kinds of amino acids, taurine, collagen, mucopolysaccharide, chondroitin sulfate, saponins, peptides and a variety of vitamins and trace elements, which are your life preservative.

2. Promote blood production, nourish blood and promote calcium absorption-sea cucumber keratin can promote red bone marrow hematopoiesis and effectively improve anemia symptoms; it contains natural active calcium, and its calcium supplement effect is incomparable to other foods.

3. Prevent cardiovascular disease-sea cucumber fucoidan-reduce blood lipids and inhibit blood clotting. Medically, it is also believed that patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, hepatitis and middle-aged and elderly people insist on eating sea cucumbers for a long time. It has a good effect on disease relief and treatment.

4. Enhance human immunity-selenium-antioxidant is an important element in anti-malignant influenza, preventing human aging and preventing tumor. Sea cucumber saponins inhibit tumor, improve cellular immunity, inhibit the growth and metastasis of some tumors, and are not easy to catch cold and get sick after long-term consumption. It has been widely used in the dietotherapy and treatment of patients with benign and malignant tumors.

5. The best tonic for surgical patients, the high content of arginine in sea cucumbers, can promote the regeneration of cells and repair after injury, has a special effect on the repair after injury, and obviously shortens the recovery time.

6. Maternal health care-provides comprehensive nutritional security for pregnant women, strengthens their physique, quickly and effectively recovers their physical fitness and physical strength, and can provide rich brain gold for the development of their brain and nervous system. Effectively avoid the occurrence of congenital diseases.

7. Beauty and beauty-the content of collagen in sea cucumbers can be comparable to that of traditional Chinese medicine, such as donkey-hide glue, tortoise plate glue and antler glue, which can not only promote blood and delay the aging of the body, but also make the skin fill and reduce wrinkles. reduce and eliminate facial color spots to make the skin look delicate and glossy, and do not gain weight, suitable for both men and women.