
When is the best season to eat the beef of "proud son in meat"? What can't you eat with? Who can't eat?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Beef is the third most consumed meat product in the world, accounting for about 25% of the meat market. Beef is rich in protein and amino acids, which has the functions of tonifying qi, nourishing spleen and stomach, strengthening muscles and bones, resolving phlegm and relieving wind, relieving thirst and salivation. When is the good season for beef? Can't be with what?

Beef is the third most consumed meat product in the world, accounting for about 25% of the meat market. Beef is rich in protein and amino acids, which has the functions of tonifying qi, nourishing spleen and stomach, strengthening muscles and bones, resolving phlegm and relieving wind, relieving thirst and salivation. When is the good season for beef? What can't you eat with? Beef is a kind of warm and tonic food. It has a sweet taste and is suitable for eating in autumn and winter.

Beef can't be eaten with anything.

1. Leek

Beef is one of the main meat foods consumed by Chinese people, and its sales volume is second only to pork. Beef enjoys the laudatory name of "proud son in meat". It not only has excellent taste, but also has the effect of tonifying spleen and stomach, tonifying qi and blood, and strengthening muscles and bones. it has the function of strengthening spleen and stomach and beneficial liver function. In theory, these two kinds of food together, the effect will be better, but in fact this is not the case, beef and leek can be poisoned at the same time.

2. Field snail

Snail meat is rich in vitamin A, protein, iron and calcium, which has a therapeutic effect on diseases such as red eyes, jaundice, beriberi, hemorrhoids and so on. However, the snail is similar to beef, which is not easy to digest and can cause abdominal distension.

3. Chestnut

It is recorded in "about to have a meal" that "beef should not be eaten with chestnuts". At the same time, it has been found that eating beef with chestnuts can cause vomiting. The vitamins in chestnuts are easy to react with the trace elements in beef. If the two are eaten together, the trace elements in beef will weaken the nutritional value of chestnuts, not only the nutrition will be greatly reduced, but also should not be digested and absorbed after eating these two kinds of ingredients.

4. Honey

Beef is slightly hot, while honey moistens the intestines and stomach. If honey is eaten with beef, it will immediately cause diarrhea. So, if you eat beef, drink honey eight hours later. Or drink honey and eat beef eight hours later.

5. Olives

Eating beef with olives will not be poisoned, but it will cause abdominal distension. After an interval of about two hours, the former food is basically digested.

6. Ginger

Ginger contains volatile oil, gingerol and other ingredients, with a special spicy flavor, often used as a seasoning for cooking dishes. However, beef should not be seasoned with ginger. This is because ginger is pungent and warm, and people with internal heat due to yin deficiency should avoid eating. If ginger is served with beef with a sweet and warm taste, it will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire, making the body hot and causing a variety of heat pain symptoms. Therefore, beef should not be eaten with ginger.

7. Pork

It has been said for a long time that pork and beef do not eat together. "just about to have a meal" points out: "Pork should not be eaten together with beef". This is mainly considered from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. First, from the perspective of the properties of traditional Chinese medicine food, pork is sour and cold, slightly cold, and has the nature of nourishing yin and cold, while beef has a sweet and warm smell, which can tonify the spleen and stomach, strengthen the waist and feet, and benefit qi in peace. The two are warm and cold, one tonifying the spleen and stomach, and one cold and greasy deficiency. There is a conflict of nature and taste, so it is not suitable to eat together.

8. Catfish

There is an ingredient in beef that combines with an ingredient of catfish to produce an element that is toxic to the human body, so the two can not be eaten together, otherwise people will be poisoned.

9. Liquor

It is easy to get angry when eating white wine and beef at the same time. Because beef belongs to sweet temperature, tonifying qi and helping fire, while liquor belongs to high temperature, matching with beef is like adding fuel to the fire, which is easy to cause tooth inflammation.

Who can't eat beef?

1. Patients with infectious diseases, liver diseases and nephritis should not eat.

Beef is a high-protein food, liver disease, glomerulonephritis patients should not eat more, so as not to increase the burden on the kidney, together with aminophylline drugs, will also reduce its drug efficacy.

2. Patients with scabies, eczema, pimples and pruritus should use with caution.

Beef is a spicy and irritating food, high-fat food can produce a lot of heat, can make heat accumulation in the body and aggravate the disease.

3. Old people and children should not eat more

Beef is high in cholesterol and fat, so the elderly, children and people with weak digestion should not eat more. Eat in moderation to ensure that the intake of nutrients is not excessive.


Beef has a good nourishing effect on our body, but anyone who eats beef must pay attention to the right amount. We can choose to eat a small number of times, which can effectively improve the utilization rate of beef, preferably no more than 100 grams of cooked beef a day.